Hello Beloved!
WELCOME to LainieLoveDalby.com our digital home base for for The Sacred (R)evolution®!
We’re so thrilled and deeply grateful that you're here with us in the ephemeral #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary! This is a non-judgemental, non-denominational and deeply inclusive sacred space for us to be unapologetically ourselves. We invite you to step into the fullness of your Being while here because…
Lainie Love Dalby is on a passionate mission to free Human Spirits that have been told they’re either “too much” or “not enough” to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® and step into their authentic power & sovereignty.
She’s a big-hearted Ecstatic Embodied Leadership™ mentor, bestselling author, ceremonialist, holy healer, visionary artist, fierce trailblazer in womxn’s spirituality and leadership, and an overall catalyst of personal and planetary transformation. She’s also the creatrix of the Sacred (R)evolution Multi-media Oracle Deck.
She’s a direct descendant of the Celtic Shamans, Druids & Iceni Warrior Women that has also been called a “Galactic Rainbow Shamaness”, “Fierce Rainbow He(art) Warrior” & “Midwife of the Soul & the new paradigm” by many.
With her own brand of multimedia ministry, she’s dismantling old systems, ideas and ways of being that promote separateness, dim our #SOULSPARKLE and limit our full (r)evolutionary potential. She’s also deeply passionate about ending our culture’s rampant disregard for LIFE, especially the overt & covert violence that’s perpetrated against the Sacred Feminine and our own bodies, by restoring sacred reconnection around the globe.
To that end, she gathers womxn and the LGBTQIA community in both live & virtual sacred circles to facilitate deep healing, sacred play, soul growth, and alchemical transformation with her:
The Great Yoni Awakening 5 Day Transformational Retreat to to return home to your body and yoni, reclaim your sacred pleasure power, tap into your org@smic life force energies & re-member your innate feminine power.
Sacred (R)evolution® Multimedia Oracle Deck & Oracular Astrology Readings, both one on one sessions and on Youtube
Wild ALIVENESS learning & practice community. This is a space of permission & liberation, of full freedom of expression, of re-wilding and holy homecoming.
signature LIVE immersions, courses, global gatherings & other initiatives so we can RISE & SHINE together
Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy, the home of the Four Level Sovereign Sisters Rising™Certification, Level 1 The Sacred Circle Leader & Level 2 The Alchemist, Level 3 The Initiator, Level 4 The Shamaness
Overall, we’re stewarding a Sacred (R)evolution® of love & reverence for our bodies, each other, our planet Earth and the great Web of All Life so we can co-create and dream a new world into being. By learning, practicing and rooting into the 13 Pillars of The Sacred Art of Sparkling SHAMELESSLY we BECOME the change and maintain a sustainable burn.
TOGETHER we're igniting a constellation of star beings Sparkling Shamelessly across the globe to help flood the house of humanity with light, love & healing.
Like a modern day medicine woman, her ultimate goal is to help us feel more comfortable in our own skin and re-member who we truly are & why we’re here at this most powerful time in human history by unleashing our bold creativity, innate wildness, primal power & fierce feminine courage.
She also has limited availability for 1-on-1 Private Mentorship to IGNITE your full (r)evolutionary potential!
Every sacred offering here in the #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary is paired up with a Not For Profit or marginalized community to help them Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® too & end injustice! Therefore, 5% of every dollar you spend goes directly to helping your brothers, sisters & kin across the planet. View the organizations we currently partner with here.
We invite you to watch the welcome video to learn more about her mission or read on below:
Get your #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit to begin the journey today. We're waiting for you, Beloved!
As global ritualist Barbara Biziou has said, "Like a great sculpture, Lainie Love can see what lives inside of you and frees it to live fully."
As a queer woman of spirit & faith, as well as a longtime champion of diversity, marginalized communities, and challenging the status quo, Lainie Love deeply believe that each and every one of us on this planet MATTERS and it is our collective calling to co-create our own lives as great masterpieces. We are needed now more than ever to unleash our DEEP gifts to meet the world’s DEEP needs!
She also believes that the body is a portal to our power, especially as women. We must be firmly rooted in our sacred vessels and on our Mama Earth for us to truly RISE into our full (r)evolutionary potential.
It is a deep and firm grounding in our own soul essence & Feminine magic that allows us to SOAR and deliver our deepest gifts to meet the worlds' deepest needs.
She’s helping us to see the Divine in ourselves so we can make our entire life a blessing and a prayer for a better world. The Sacred (R)evolution® is upon us: this (r)evolution of love & reverence for self, other & our world. We must each add our unique stroke to the collective cosmic masterpiece. Lainie Love’s just happens to be an unlikely combo of style, sass and the sacred. What's yours?!
Lainie Love & the #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary are being called forth at this time in service to humanity and our planet earth as Fierce He(art) Warriors, Sacred Artists, Cosmic servants & Sacred (R)evolutionaries. This has led her on a fierce quest to instigate personal and social change for the good of ALL in our global village while advancing women, girls & the LGBTQIA community in all she does. She’s here to catalyze us to become the innovators of our own lives and to remind us that we are needed for the evolution of consciousness occurring on our planet at this time. What we do matters. The gifts we deliver count. Our daily actions make a deep difference.
Just ask yourself, "What is longing to be birthed through me, that which can ONLY come from me?" We are here, now, in the greatest time in human history. We must ask why.
We also must remember that everyone suffers when our individual potential isn’t fulfilled. Let's collectively serve as alchemists, transforming the lead of our shadowed past into the brilliant gold of an envisioned future & Beloved community.
It's time to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® & raise up the world together! We invite you to begin the journey today!
Lainie Love has been affectionately referred to as “Halley’s Comet in heels”, “a true visionary, inspirational leader, and holy healer,” “a star being and powerful warrior that stands fiercely for all people,” “a shaman in a rainbow unicorn suit," “a potent source of love, wisdom & support,” and “a priceless irreplaceable wonder of the world” who “puts the SPARKLE in spirituality.” Read on below for more sparkling gems…
“Lainie Love puts the SPARKLE in spirituality.””