You can now purchase the Sacred (R)evolution Oracle at various locations around the US, so you can support your local shops! Please share your stories, reels and posts by tagging @LainieLoveDalby and using the hashtag #sacredrevolutionoracle
Spellbound Sky, Los Angeles, CA (@spellboundsky)
OTHERWILD, Los Angeles, CA (@otherwild)
Me Time Sanctuary, Penn Valley, CA (@metimesanctuary)
Mystic Valley, Maplewood, MO (@mysticvalleySTL)
The Golden Door, St. Louis, MO (@goldendoorstl)
Blue Sky Yoga, St. Louis, MO (@blueskyyogastl)
Rootbound, St. Charles, MO (@rootboundstl)
Elk & Vine, St. Louis, MO (@elkandvine)
Sincerely the Craft, St. Louis, MO (@sincerelythecraft)
The Make Up Altar, Nashville, TN (@themakeupaltarnashville)
Horn of the Moon Apothecary, Wolcott, VT (@hornofthemoonapothecary)
Momma Luna, Richmond, VA (@mommaluna9)