“Every human being is an artist, a freedom being, called to participate in transforming and reshaping the conditions, thinking and structures that shape and inform our lives.” ”
Sacred Art refers both to my spiritual teaching in the world and what I create with my artworks, or what I like to call he(art) works. I deeply believe that we are all artists and creators, in charge of the greatest masterpiece on earth: our LIVES. We’re co-creating each day, all in service to the Great Cosmic Masterpiece and this dance of life of which we’re all a part.
The life we are living in this very moment is the true work of Sacred Art. (tweet it)
Your life is your canvas -- and it's your responsibility to make it a masterpiece for the good of all. What I’m referring to when I use the word masterpiece is really reaching your peak human potential in this lifetime. It’s embodying your full artistry in every moment and continually stretching and growing into the fullness of who you're meant to be in the world. It's doing all you can to unleash your authentic soul expression so you can Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® in service to all those who need you most, and to Life itself. It’s time to deliver your deepest gifts to meet the world’s deepest needs.
Come be unapologetically YOU!
By teaching specifically The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly I am providing a way for people to come back to their truth, their essence: their honest, authentic, wild, and alive selves. This is a journey of re-membering yourself into being and recovering your spiritual essence. I’m here to help bring reverence back to daily life, to our interactions with all things, including our bodies, our sacred work in the world, our food, & all our relations. I’m here to help you see the Divine spark in you and all beings, so that you can make your entire life a blessing and a prayer for a better world.
We are walking stardust — every single living being — regardless of race, class, nationality, religion, or species. It is our true nature to shine. Shining together, there is an interconnected constellation of us just like the stars shining brilliantly in the night sky: flooding the house of humanity with light, each a cosmic and radiant node in our interconnected Web of All Life. My life’s work is to help us all do just this: SPARKLE SHAMELESSLY®. It’s allowing our spiritual magnificence to come forth, our soul essence, the reality and raw truth of who we are. It’s our unique #SOULSPARKLE and medicine that only we can bring to the world.
The overall health of our mind, body and soul also depends on how free we are to express our full selves.
This is what my sermons & sermonettes are all about, ranging from spirituality to self-esteem, relationships, health and wellness, careers and entrepreneurship, and more. They will help you focus on what matters most -- your inherent #SOULSPARKLE, your brilliant inner Divinity and overall greatness -- so you can share that with the world. They are offering a way to come back to deep meaning and purpose in all you do, a way to turn inward and dive deep into the truth of you. They model a way to show up fully, in integrity, in all that you do and are in the world. Expression in itself is transformation, and it’s what I believe will heal our world.
To live your life as Sacred Art is saying YES to a spiritual lifestyle of wild creativity, courageous authenticity, BIG love & deep reverence. This is at the core of all I do.
I also believe in the power of artmaking itself, and especially mixed media visual art & collage, as a form of prayer, deep healing, & communion with the Divine. That’s why I refer to my art as He(art). It’s accessing an endless well of colorful textured language from the mysterious realm of the soul. Each sacred offering is a clue to the truth of who we are, leading us closer to ourselves and why we’re here at this time. It’s an opportunity for us to take an individual journey into our inner landscapes, bringing forth our deepest expressions of wholeness and the embodied truth felt deep in our bones. It’s welcoming all parts of ourselves home, surrendering to the mystery, and safely entering into the darkness and the shadow. It’s merging spirit and earth through creation.
For every creation is inscribed with the creator, including each and every one of us.
I deeply believe that we matter. We each have a precious human life that deserves to be cherished, supported and upheld. That’s why my own sacred work is focused on individual & global healing, and why I infuse this intention into all I do and create, regardless if it’s an online program or a work of He(art) or facilitating a sacred circle. What lights me up most is doing ceremonies and rituals to heal our bodies and the earth, as well as creating shamanic healing art and sacred talismen & continuing the blessing 'performances’ that I have been doing since 2012. The images that speak to me are universal, tapping into the nature of the cosmos and all that is, relating to our intimate connectedness with others and all of life, and reminding us of who we are and to whom we belong. Each gesture, symbol, image and element weaves together healing and deep meaning, allowing us to access the depths of our own being (both individually and collectively) and to mine the beauty and wisdom of the soul.
Artmaking is a portal/vehicle for the secret language of the soul that helps lure us back to wholeness and who we truly are. (tweet it)
“The artists birth the spirit into form with their hands, eyes and dedication ... Visionary artists make spiritual and religious art for a community, and it is their vision that lasts through the ages or changing times. They make images that will speak to the soul and are truly universal.”
In my healing work with others, like the Sacred Art Immersion experience, I invite the Expressive Arts into the personal & spiritual development process to help participants unleash another level of their authentic soul expression and creativity. Whether it’s doing Qoya movement, or creating a mixed media collage, the Expressive Arts offer a complementary and colorful addition to the process of healing, transformation, mending and reweaving of participants back to where they came from and who they truly are, to their deepest soul truths, to their most authentic essence. And the best part is that no art experience is necessary!
I see it as an archeological process, one that isn’t so much about creating some shining finished product of He(art), but about recreating yourself through each creative gesture, stroke, impulse or symbol.
It’s utilizing creativity as a devotional act that brings you closer to the Divine and the great ALL THAT IS.
I invite you to re-enter the immensity of the great mystery, and commune deeply with the truest and most hidden parts of yourself. Come home to yourself and our human family. Step into the portal of oneness that will greet, hold and nurture you deeply so we can build a kinder, braver & more beautiful world together. Sacred Art has been an intimate vehicle for me to grow and expand, and I now deeply desire to share it with you, Beloved.
Begin the journey today with my totally free #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit! Come share your life as Sacred Art with us!