Thank you for being a speaker for the Art of Divination Celebration!!!

Here's all the promotional resources you'll need so that we get this global summit out to all those who LOVE oracles, divination and tarot as much as we do!!!

Key dates:​

The Promotional Period is from Nov. 21st till the 30th, 2020

Send your dedicated email to your full list, post the event banner on your website and share on social media with glee! 

Nov. 30th till December 2nd, 2020: Event is live! 

It will run from Nov. 30th till December 2nd, 2020 and there will be approxamately 3 interviews released each day.

Event banner images:​ 

For use in promotional emails, social media and on your website. There are various image options to choose from. 

*When you send your dedicated emails, please include one of the banners, right at the top.*​

Event Page SHORT Link

Banners for Email or Social Media

important: Every time you use these images, please ensure they are a clickable link going to: 

Art of Divination banner square.jpg

Download an epic animated GIF version with moving stars HERE.

Download an epic video version with moving stars HERE.

Art of Divination Header long.jpg

Download an epic animated GIF version with pulsing stars HERE.

Download an epic video version with pulsing stars HERE.

Here is the text for email and social media.

The text below is a suggestion; please feel free to edit as feels good to you, to reflect your own unique voice <3.


Promotional Email Copy

Important: When composing your email:

Please be sure to include one of the event specific images, above. And make the image clickable to the link:


Solo Email Copy:

Email Subject Line Ideas:

Subject A: If you love oracle decks, divination and tarot, then this is for you!

Subject B: Come Celebrate the Art of Divination & Oracle!

Subject C: Do you love oracle decks, divination and tarot?!

Subject D: Join me & several soul sisters for The Art of Divination Celebration!

Hello [First Name],

We are in such a collective cauldron of uncertainty at this time and needing to tune into our sacred center and still point within. During such deep pockets of uncertainty oracle decks, tarot and divination are some of the most powerful sacred tools we have to THRIVE and to tap into Divine guidance. 

That’s why I’m so thrilled to invite you to participate in The Art of Divination Celebration: a 3 day Global Summit to Supercharge 2021 with Oracular & Divinatory Wisdom starting on the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 30th! 

My dear siSTAR Lainie Love Dalby has teamed up with the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy to gather a potent group of incredible thought leaders & visionaries who have created their own oracle decks, who use them in their sacred work, who are channels of oracular wisdom, and who offer intuitive counsel through oracles and I’m so honored to be speaking at this gathering of kindred soul sisters! Lainie Love is a potent transformational catalyst, shamanic healing artist, & bestselling author that’s on a mission to free human spirits to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY and step into their authentic power & sovereignty, so I’m so excited to co-create with her in this way.

If you love oracle decks, divination and tarot then this is for you! And it’s totally FREE! Join us here as a healing balm for the uncertainty. [CLICKABLE  LINK TO]

This is part of a larger celebration for the launch of the crowdfunding campaign for the new Sacred (R)evolution Multi-media Oracle Deck, [CLICKABLE  LINK TO] and we so hope you’ll join us for the magic & festivities to bring some LIGHT into such a dark time!! This new deck is all about igniting a great homecoming of love & reverence for the body, the earth, each other and the web of all life. As Lainie Love as shared, “Sacred Reconnection is the the medicine most needed in the world right now to help end the lie of separation,” which is why I’m so honored to a part of this powerful event. I already reserved my copy of her new deck too and I can’t wait to get my hands on it!!!

Together we are going to dive into three days of oracular magic unfolding, and it’s totally FREE to join us!!!

Can’t wait to see you there, [First Name]! [CLICKABLE  LINK TO]


P.S. If you love oracle decks, divination and tarot, don’t miss this celebration to superpower your 2021 with oracular & divinatory wisdom! Join us here totally FREE. [CLICKABLE  LINK TO]


Newsletter Blurb Copy:

Are you feeling totally destabilized by 2020 and wondering how to move forward into 2021? Join us for the Art of Divination Celebration to superpower your 2021 with oracular and divinatory wisdom starting on the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 30th! My dear siSTAR Lainie Love Dalby has teamed up with the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy to gather a potent group of incredible thought leaders & visionaries who have created their own oracle decks, who use them in their sacred work, who are channels of oracular wisdom, and who offer intuitive counsel through oracles and I’m so honored to be speaking at this gathering of kindred soul sisters! If you love oracle decks, divination and tarot then this is for you! And it’s totally FREE! Join us here for the magic! [CLICKABLE  LINK TO

​Here is the copy for facebook and other social media.

The copy below is a suggestion; please feel free to edit as feels good to you to reflect your own unique voice.


Social Media Copy

(3 versions to choose from) ...

Important: When composing your text:

Please be sure to include one of the event specific images, above. 


Social media Copy Sample #1:

We are in such a collective cauldron of uncertainty at this time and needing to tune into our sacred center and still point within. During such deep pockets of uncertainty oracle decks, tarot and divination are some of the most powerful sacred tools we have to THRIVE and to tap into Divine guidance. 

That’s why I’m so thrilled to invite you to participate in The Art of Diviniation Celebration: a 3 day Global Summit to Supercharge 2021 with Oracular & Divinatory Wisdom starting on the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 30th! 

My dear siSTAR Lainie Love Dalby has teamed up with the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy to gather a potent group of incredible thought leaders & visionaries who have created their own oracle decks, who use them in their sacred work, who are channels of oracular wisdom, and who offer intuitive counsel through oracles and I’m so honored to be a part of this gathering of kindred soul sisters!

If you love oracle decks, divination and tarot then this is for you! And it’s totally FREE! Join us here as a healing balm for the uncertainty.

Social Media Copy Sample #2:

Are you feeling totally destabilized by 2020 and wondering how to move forward into 2021? Join us for the Art of Divination Celebration to superpower your 2021 with oracular and divinatory wisdom starting on the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 30th! My dear siSTAR Lainie Love Dalby has teamed up with the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy to gather a potent group of incredible thought leaders & visionaries who have created their own oracle decks, who use them in their sacred work, who are channels of oracular wisdom, and who offer intuitive counsel through oracles and I’m so honored to be speaking at this gathering of kindred soul sisters! If you love oracle decks, divination and tarot then this is for you! And it’s totally FREE! Join us here for the magic!

Twitter and Short copy #1

I’m thrilled to invite you to participate in The Art of Diviniation Celebration: a 3 day Global Summit to Supercharge 2021 with Oracular & Divinatory Wisdom starting on the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 30th! If you love oracle decks, divination and tarot then this is for you! And it’s totally FREE! Join us here

Twitter and Short copy #2

Are you feeling totally destabilized by 2020 and wondering how to move forward into 2021? Join us for the Art of Divination Celebration to superpower your 2021 with oracular and divinatory wisdom starting on the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on November 30th!