Original Chants & Their Origins
Though they may only be low-fi iphone recordings, the original transmission, energy and Spirit is present! Please enjoy, bring them into your women's circles, sing them far and wide and reverberate them as blessings and prayers out into the cosmos if they feel resonant to you!! Please just offer their lineage and source if you do! Deep Bow!
Surrender to the great mother
This chant came through during a meditation inside a womb/ cave temple deep within the earth during ETM. As I lay back into the arms of the Great Mother she began to sing to me these powerful words!
You are ancient, Remember…
The chant came through and was recorded LIVE in the Widow Jane Mine Cave in upstate New York. Straight from the womb & wounded belly of the earth Mother into your ears Beloved!
I am safe, I am protected
This chant came through as a sacred sound talisman before I left for my ancestral pilgrimage to Avalon this past summer. My body desired an extra level of protection as I journeyed with the Underworld energies.
We're all in the river together
This chant came through under the Full Moon in Pisces at Kripalu Retreat center while walking the labyrinth after dark with a couple of sisters under the piercing pure white light of the moon.