Earth Mother's Abundance Series - PART 2

This month in our SISTERHIVE® community our pillar from “The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly” is Deep Nourishment for ALL and our theme is Earth Mother’s Abundance. There’s so much to be said on this powerful topic (including on the podcast this month with herbalist Liz Neves), that I wanted to create a 3 part vlog series to share the wealth of spiritual teaching and resources with you;) Enjoy Part 2, Beloved!


We have lost touch with the ancient earth-honoring systems going all the way back to goddess worship and indigenous shamanism — the original spirituality — and instead have bought into the modern-day patriarchal systems that have suppressed these sacred ways for more than three thousand years. One serves...

  • Life vs greed.

  • bottom line of love vs bottom line of money.

  • the unseen realm vs the seen, middle world reality.

  • Sacred vs profane.

  • extraordinary vs the ordinary.  

  • abundance and surplus vs scarcity.

  • serves humanity vs serves the individual.

  • metaphysical and magica vs strictly physical and material.

  • interconnection and interdependence of all Life vs the delusion of separateness.

Luckily, once we wake up to this reality, we realize that we always have a choice to serve and protect Life instead of just a self-serving agenda.

Instead of just asking “How can I personally prosper and achieve abundance,” we must ask now, “What will be for the nourishment and benefit of all beings?”

We’re here on this planet to give and not to get. We are here to love and be the presence of love itself. As Stephen Jenkinson asks, “can you show up in your life needed instead of needy?”

Imagine if instead of money, the most familiar currency was love — that it trumped all others and came first above all other human exchanges? The words "currency" and “current” come from the Latin "currere," meaning "to flow" or "to run" (like a river). "Currency" is also "the act of being accepted, passed and circulated from person to person" — a medium of exchange that flows between people — and it was only in 1699 that the meaning of the word began to include "circulation of money." Before that, it just meant "a condition of flowing."

Money is energy, just as love is energy. Both are means of exchange utilized for creating value in our lives, creating lasting connections and consequences for the future of all parties involved. With both, our aim is to be in the flow of giving and receiving, like the ocean tides rolling in and out of the shoreline. Like the infinity loop — swirling in and back out, around and around continuously, never ceasing.

There is no better teacher of this powerful cycle of giving and receiving than our Earth Mother and her profound abundance.

Charles Eisenstein said “ The more you give, the richer you are, which is the opposite of a money culture.” Unknowing of the heart. The money culture has taught us that everything has a monetary value and so can be bought and sold. But the older story, known and live by our ancestors who had an integral and reciprocal relationship with the earth, suggest that this relationship with our living world is beyond value and beyond price.

“We are living off the gifts of all that has come before us: humans, plants, animals, and minerals. What came before us lived long enough to pass on this gift of life, and it is our obligation to keep the gift (and life!! Me) in motion for the next generations.” Day

Try thinking from the perspective of #LoveCurrency and making love the new bottom line in our world. See how that might influence your decisions, spur more creative thinking for alternate solutions, and add to the betterment of planet Earth — for it is the only home we’ve got. As one of my dear mentors, Jean Houston, has shared, “Humankind must be transformed through loving. Love or Perish.”

As 2020 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson has said, “We experience who we really are, and what it is we’re meant to do, in any moment when we pour our love into the Universe.”

How can you begin to pour your love out into the Universe, Beloved? Share with us below!

Part 3 is coming next week! Subscribe below for the update!

Earth Mother's Abundance Series - PART 1

This month in our SISTERHIVE® community our pillar from “The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly” is Deep Nourishment for ALL and our theme is Earth Mother’s Abundance. There’s so much to be said on this powerful topic (including on the podcast this month with herbalist Liz Neves), that I wanted to create a 3 part vlog series to share the wealth of spiritual teaching and resources with you;) Enjoy Part 1, Beloved!


An old Native American saying goes: ‘Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will we realize that we cannot eat money.’

There is enough for our need but not for our greed. The current bottom line is of greed, money, profit, it needs to transform to love. Love or perish.

We must shift from the expectation to consume, to the ability to stand in our power and just BE enough just as we are. We don’t need another phone or dress or lover. This excess of choices from toothpaste to netflix shows to food has made us distracted and unable to focus on what matters most. It has kept us from our power and our devotion. The noise on the outside world of consumerist culture and social media and excessive apps has separated us from our souls and disconnected us from our essence.

“Seduced by materialism and worldly authority, women’s minds have been manipulated in such a way that they distrust their own innate insight, clarity and wisdom.” Sharon Rose

We have been suppressed from reaching our full (r)evolutionary potential by patriarchal structures keeping us weak and stuck in a feedback loop of “I’m not good enough, attractive enough, thin enough, I don’t have enough strong enough to do, x, y, z (insert here: start that business, find true love, write my book, follow my dreams...).

This age of separation and scarcity is also closely related to our alienation from nature, our own bodies, and the Sacred Feminine.

The vast majority of us have also forgotten the sacredness of life. We’ve forgotten how to love and are consumed by fear instead. We’ve lost respect for each other and our Great Mother Earth. Life has been disregarded in favor of profit, greed, and personal agendas. Just in America alone, despite enjoying a level of prosperity that would have been unthinkable to our ancestors, many of us are still plagued by delusions of scarcity, competitive mindsets, rampant greed and self-centeredness. This has also disconnected us from deep financial nourishment as well…

Do you find yourself getting stuck in scarcity thinking, beloved? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

Part 2 coming next week. Subscribe below to get updates!



I'm THRILLED to share that my new book & sacred cover art are HERE!!! And not only that, but we just hit #1 Bestseller status on Amazon in multiple categories! Here’s a little shot of one version of what your face looks like when you find out such thrilling and surprising news!!

Sacred Body Wisdom: Igniting the Flame of Our Divine Humanity is a powerful collection of 20 voices of change & new paradigm leaders, including me!

And today only, you can get your copy for FREE on Amazon HERE.

Some highlights from my chapter include:

  • A snippet from my life story of gaining and losing over 1300 pounds through yo-yo dieting, disordered eating and extreme body hatred

  • How I ditched dieting for DEEP NOURISHMENT instead and went on a profound healing journey that transformed my life inside and out

  • Seven of the sacred steps I took to reclaim my body as sacred sovereign ground

  • Wisdom around what the world is crying out for now more than ever

  • Sacred guidance on how to begin to heal from the overt and covert violences that are perpetrated against the sacred feminine today, and especially against women's and girls' bodies

  • How to step into your embodied leadership potential

  • And so much more!!!

Get your copy today for FREE on Amazon here.


I’d love to hear your feedback and insights too! And if you feel moved, please add an endorsement on Amazon so this book baby can be of service to all those who need it most!

Want more exciting updates and free offerings? Jump into our juicy sacred container here!

14 Sacred Practices to Start the New Year Deeply Nourished

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#1 - Create a sacred space/power place/altar just for you

The first invitation is to create a sacred space, power place or altar just for you to honor the transition of this New Year.In this instance I invite you to think of yourself as an energetic architect. Altars can be anything from simple and poignant to highly elaborate and breathtaking. They are a great way to access your inner truth and where you are authentically in the moment. The type of altar you choose to create will depend in your core anchor and intention. Consider what are you trying to evoke with your altar. The elements? The Divine Feminine? The Spirit of Water? Think of your altar as a power center and focal point of your sacred circle and intention, even if it’s not in the center of the room. You could add fabrics that call to you, shells, candles, crystals, photos, sculptures, fresh flowers, or the elements. What elements would most greatly serve the energies you are evoking? Will you orient your altar to one of the four directions? You can also create specific altars for ancestors, certain Goddesses or Divine representatives or anything else that you want to highlight & honor. Whatever you choose to do, do it with great reverence & respect! Remember too that this is about nourishing yourself.  Know that there’s no way you can do it wrong. As long as it feels good in your body you know your doing it right, just like we like to say in Qoya movement!

#2 - Practice the Sacred Slow Down

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​​​So often we're rushing through our lives and unable to truly take the time to honor the people, situations, nature & things that come across our path. We don’t slow down often enough to honor the sacredness and Divinity before us that exits in the Web of All Life.

That’s why I created The Sacred Slow Down Practice. It’s one of my favorite ways to stay grounded, nourished and close to what is most sacred. It’s a simple practice I developed to be able to step into reverence at any moment and tap into ancient wisdom (originally inspired by my sister Melissa Bee @whispersfromthebee.)

This second invitation is to do the Sacred Slow Down Practice! Watch the video of it on the vlog (link in bio for the vlog and to join us for the challenge!)

I personally take a weekly sabbath where I go electronics free to help me slow down, connect into what is most sacred and go into silence. It is here in empty presence where such treasure lies. It’s a bit counter intuitive...since you have to turn your phone off to complete this one!! But your bliss-full face on the other side of it would be spectacular.

#3 - Make a sacred gratitude offering to Mother Earth

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The world is clearly crying out for a great homecoming -- a HOLY homecoming back to the land, our bodies, our sovereignty and the he(art) of what matters most. It’s time we re-member who we truly are and why we’re here, Beloved, so we can end the cycles of abuse on ourselves, our children, and future generations to come. Reconnection to the Divine and sacred feminine is especially needed at this time.

One of the ways that I love to RECONNECT is by making offerings to the Earth: to say thank you, to give back, to honor and revere this beautiful home we live on. She, Gaia, gives to us constantly to help sustain and support all life, from food to water to phytochemicals. I also love working with crystals since they are literally a part of the Mother’s body (which is also why we must utilize them sparingly and with great consciousness about how they are sourced and mined). Holding this Earth in crystalline light form allows us to connect directly to her grounding energy, light matrix and deep sustenance. Crystals also happen to make an ideal Gratitude offering.

The third invitation is to make a gratitude offering to Mother Earth. I recommend blowing your prayers, gratitudes and intentions into a crystal if you have one available and then placing it reverently in a spot where you feel called. If not, any natural item will do (shells, feathers, stones, etc.). If you were able to do The Sacred Slow Down Practice from the challenge yesterday, I recommend combining the two for a powerful effect.

Join us for SISTERHIVE® and learn practical tools & sacred practices to stay grounded, centered and deeply nourished during 2019!

#4 - Practice Shamanic Nourishment (aka eat something green and alive at every meal)

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I wanted to do a ‘food’ practice since the holiday can classically be a time fraught with drama for those of us who have had any issues with food or body weight. I know I sure have. For over 30 years of my life I had NO IDEA what nourishment even was, and I was in an incredibly tortuous relationship with food and sustenance. I internalized the violence of the world and turned it against myself, gaining and losing over 1300 pounds in my lifetime before I embarked on a (r)evolutionary healing journey over five years ago that transformed my life and relationship to eating and overall nourishment forever.  I now tend to the body as a living temple and purify my sacred vessel for what wants to be birthed through me so I can fully channel my cosmic and Divine light & unique #SOULSPARKLE.

Shamanic Nourishment is a term that I’ve created to refer to how I eat and interact with all LIFE giving sustenance. It’s similar to Paleo, but really it’s simply a way of eating close to the Earth and allowing myself to be fed deeply by my original mother. It’s treating all sustenance as sacred, first and foremost, and as a gift to be grateful for.

It’s releasing processed foods, things filled with chemicals, and ingredients you can’t pronounce, and instead sticking to things that have fewer than five ingredients ... eating simply and allowing the natural flavors, essence and medicine of the plants and vegetables and herbs to come through. It’s connecting with the energy and the pure life force in the food, eating things that are fresh, organic, wild (when accessible), and local to stay as close to the land you live on. Even growing your own food (when possible) to be a steward to the cyclical process of life, death and rebirth over the seasons. I also include something green and raw at every meal! Even in my breakfast smoothies. Avocado and spinach often have a starring role along with spirulina.

I was also greatly inspired by the groundbreaking work of Alisa Vitti and @floliving. More on that in SISTERHIVE®!!

#5 - Practice Earthing Barefoot

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Since I live in the urban jungle of NYC, it can be more challenging to connect with the direct energy and magnetic field of the Earth because of all the concrete and asphalt. When you add on the thick rubber soles of our shoes, most of us, regardless of where we live, are disconnected from Her inherent healing and regenerative capacities.

Along my (r)evolutionary healing journey I learned about EARTHING, however. It’s the simple act of connecting your bare feet or your flesh directly to Mother Earth. It helps to lower inflammation, balance the electromagnetic energy field in your body, release tension and stress, and bring you into a state of peaceful calm. It can even help reduce anxiety. We can also consciously discharge energy that is no longer serving us directly into the soil, so it can be composted by the Mother.  

Overall, connecting to the Earth’s natural energy is not only super grounding and deeply nourishing, but it’s also essential to be able to THRIVE! This fifth invitation is to practice Earthing barefoot. Even if it’s cold where you are, I encourage you to take the time today to go barefoot – even if just for a minute – to connect with the Earth’s energy directly. Treat it as an experiment and see if it works to enhance how you feel in YOUR body, and to calm your mind. Especially since we’re still in the thick of holiday season, I’m sure you could use some relaxation right about now!

Our theme for this year is also ROOT to RISE, so I invite you to focus on visualizing roots growing down from the bottoms of your feet deep into the rich soil, mud, grass or rock. Feel yourself really being restored by the unconditionally loving embrace and support of our Original Mother.

#6 - Take a salt bath to cleanse from the holidays and make way for the New Year

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I have very few non-negotiables in terms of moving into a home sanctuary, but one of them is that there must be a bathtub! Being that I am a Scorpio and have such a great deal of water energy in my birth chart, I need to be able to immerse myself in bodies of water on a regular basis – including the ocean, lakes, and my own bathtub! And if you don’t have a tub, using salts in the show works too or simply jumping in the ocean!

Taking salt baths, in particular, has all sorts of powerful and nourishing benefits and cleansing effects. I especially love to imagine that when the water and salt are going down the drain afterwards, everything that no longer serves me is being released in a way that is gentle, kind, and peaceful.

Water, as one of the Earth’s main elements, is a powerful transformer. Just as fire is. They are just very different energies in their ability to help us release and let go: calm and gentle vs. quick and powerful. In this 6th invitation, I ask you, “what is it that needs to be released from 2018 before you step into this New Year? What can you shed into the bathtub as a snake sheds its skin? What can you let go of into the water’s cleansing and transmuting capacities?”

Epsom salts are great for sore muscles, but Dead Sea salts or pink Himalayan salt work as well! As a bonus, I invite you to add some essential oils to breathe in the aroma. You could also use some fresh herbs as well or rose petals. White is a very purifying and cleansing color, so white roses would be a beautiful addition if it feels resonant in your body!

#7 - Move with wild abandon like no one’s watching!

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You may not know this about me, but I’ve ALWAYS been a dancer. I started with jazz and tap when I was little and morphed into a high femme raver in high school.  From there, I formed a college Improv dance troupe that performed as part of my architecture thesis, which in turn led to my becoming a NYC Electroclash nightlife dancer, a Zumba enthusiast, and more recently a Daybreaker party crasher. And of course, I still love shaking my ass at home in front of the mirror!

Regardless the form, dance has always been there, in some way, keeping my body moving and reminding me of who I am -- whether it was pulsing to the rhythmic beat of the house music speakers late into the night or dancing salsa at a Latin club. And now I’m deeply honored to be a @Qoya.Love movement teacher. It’s founded by the magical @RochelleSchieck on the idea that through movement we remember: we remember we’re WISE, WILD & FREE. It’s the ultimate movement form that has finally brought me back home to my body and connected me firmly to my inner truth. It’s also one of the most nourishing practices in my sacred toolkit, and I can’t wait to share it with you in SISTERHIVE®!

Why do I love Qoya? It’s movement with meaning, dance as a form of prayer. It’s profound ritual and sacred space. It’s deep diving into our truth and letting out our authentic expression through the body. It’s beloved community and healing, and most of all it’s an extremely practical and grounding embodiment practice for these troubling times. The best part is, there is no way you can do it wrong, and the way you know you’re doing it right is that it feels good. There’s also a low barrier to entry, meaning no experience is necessary.

Our 7th invitation is to put on your favorite high energy song and do a FREE DANCE with wild abandon … like nobody’s watching. Allow your fullest expression and #SOULSPARKLE to come forward. In SISTERHIVE® you’ll receive a full Qoya movement class video each month and lots of bonus playlists too.

#8 - Connect with an animal spirit guide or animal medicine

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Our 8th invitation is to connect with a power animal. Animal medicine is a powerful way to tap into archetypal energies available to us. They can help to inform us of valuable insights on our journey, give us strength and courage, and help us overall to live more into our (r)evolutionary potential. My Druid ancestors were deeply connected to animals and their spiritual meaning and significance. This is one of the reasons I’ve carried this ancient lineage into my work today. It’s also a powerful reminder of how connected we are to the Web of All Life since our medicine teachers always arrive when we need them the most – or when the student is ready ;)

Some of the animals that travel with me always are eagle, snake, butterfly, bee, dolphin and dragon. Recently a new animal has been coming into my field, the Black Panther. It has been invaluable to me to imbibe its medicine & power at this time, which includes: astral travel, the feminine and lunar energies, death and rebirth cycles, reclaiming one’s innate power, ability to know the dark, guardian energy, passion and invitation to express one’s sexuality fully. This is just a brief list of all that is available as inspiration for my own journey at this time.

So I ask you, Beloved, what animals have been coming to you over and over, either on this plane, in your dreams, or through imagery for you at this time?

#9 - Go within and retreat for a conscious New Year

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We are starved for depth, meaning and purpose in our consumer-obsessed culture. We have a hard time discerning what would truly bring us happiness with all the marketing and advertising that is literally designed to trick us. Because of this, I like to begin the New Year by getting clear about what I most want to accomplish this year and what can propel me towards a life I would LOVE to be living. That’s why we gathered on 12/30 in sacred circle for our annual RISE & SHINE New Year’s Retreat: to hear the whispers of our souls and tap into our deepest heart longings. You can get an instant download HERE.

Our 9th invitation is also to go within and retreat for a conscious New Year, because the turning of the year is the ideal time for gathering and reflecting on what is most important to you.

Each year in sacred sisterhood we pull divination cards, dance, meditate, engage in depth inquiry and focus overall on how we want to feel in the coming year. We do release rituals to let go of what no longer serves us from the previous year and prepare to step through the portal of 2019 in our full power. We set intentions for all that we want to call in for the New Year. We ponder what adventures we want to take, what personal development opportunities we want to delight in, and how we want to deeply connect with those that we hold nearest and dearest. We ask "what can we give?", focusing in on how we can bring more LOVE to the world and deliver greater value and service, instead of asking "what can we get?" as our consumer culture encourages us to do.

Because we are at a crucial point in human history, ALL of our deep gifts are needed to help gracefully usher humanity into the next century and beyond. The world truly is experiencing a global awakening. We are on a threshold now, going through a spiritual test that will help us bloom through into the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible: a kinder, braver and more just world where everyone’s basic human rights and dignity are respected and upheld. Join us in SISTERHIVE to be deeply supported in bringing your unique gifts and #SOULSPARKLE to the world!

#10 - Do a Space Clearing

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Our 10th invitation is to do a space clearing! Space clearing rituals have been one of the most powerful ways I’ve been able to bring healing and transformation into my life over the last decade. The turn of the year is an especially powerful time to clear your home, office, car and life of energies that are no longer serving you from 2018. Many things work to help clear or move stagnant energies: burning a bundle of sacred plant medicine like sage, using sound bowls, ringing bells, clapping loudly, and proclaiming “BE GONE!” Move all around the perimeter of your space and be sure to get inside the closet, drawers and other enclosed areas. I also love to clear the energy from my body, often using SHAKING as we do in Qoya. We’ll be going deeper into this in SISTERHIVE® as well as learning to cut unhealthy energetic cords– plus you’ll receive lots of powerful and simple sacred practices to be deeply nourished in 2019!

#11 - Make some Expressive Art

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Sacred Art refers both to my spiritual teaching in the world and what I create with my artworks, or what I like to call he(art) works. I deeply believe that we are all artists and creators, in charge of the greatest masterpiece on earth: our LIVES. We’re co-creating each day, all in service to the Great Cosmic Masterpiece and this dance of life of which we’re all a part. The life we are living in this very moment is the true work of Sacred Art. You also have the potential to make it a living prayer.

Your life is your canvas -- and it's your responsibility to make it a masterpiece for the good of all. What I’m referring to when I use the word masterpiece is really reaching your peak human potential in this lifetime. It’s embodying your full artistry in every moment and continually stretching and growing into the fullness of who you're meant to be in the world. It's doing all you can to unleash your authentic soul expression so you can Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® in service to all those who need you most, and to Life itself. It’s time to deliver your deepest gifts to meet the world’s deepest needs.

I also believe in the power of artmaking itself, especially mixed media visual art & collage, as a form of prayer, deep healing, & communion with the Divine. That’s why I refer to my art as He(art).  It’s accessing an endless well of colorful textured language from the mysterious realm of the soul. Each sacred offering is a clue to the truth of who we are, leading us closer to ourselves and why we’re here at this time. It’s an opportunity for us to take an individual journey into our inner landscapes, bringing forth our deepest expressions of wholeness and the embodied truth felt deep in our bones. It’s welcoming all parts of ourselves home, surrendering to the mystery, and safely entering into the darkness and the shadow. It’s merging spirit and earth through creation. For every creation is inscribed with the creator, including each and every one of us.

Our 11th invitation is to create your own oracle or divination card. Collage is a great place to start if you have some magazines on hand. Also, you could use paints, crayons, markers or whatever is available to you. Even just a pen or pencil works. As an inspiration for your card, sit in the deep inquiry of “What wants to be birthed through me in 2019?”

#12 - Write a love letter to a sister & send it to her

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We could all stand to give more love, receive more love, open to more love, cultivate more love, and be the presence of love itself in the world – walking the path of LOVE in all we do. What we need is a new bottom line of love. Our 12th invitation is to send a mini love letter to a sister in the comments below and tag her.

We are radiant divine beings who often forget that fact. We all need reminders and reflections of our brilliance and innate #SOULSPARKLE. We all could use a pick me up to remind us of who we truly are. Share some love today with a sister who has held you and helped you to be more of who you truly are in the world.

#13 - Decorate your scale

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We are living in an age of separation from self, sisterhood and the earth.  There is an epidemic of deep soul loss & malnourishment. Today, individuals are disconnected from their bodies and their essence, suppressed from reaching their full (r)evolutionary potential by patriarchal structures such as the dieting industry, fashion magazine culture, and the media—keeping them weak and stuck in a feedback loop of “I’m not good enough, attractive enough, thin enough, strong enough, powerful enough to do, x, y, z (insert here: start that business, find true love, write my book, follow my dreams...).”

I know because I was one of those disconnected & deeply malnourished souls. These harmful narratives are inextricably embedded in our culture, teaching us to hate and doubt ourselves instead of encouraging us to know that we are precious Divine Beings possessing unique medicine & the innate #SOULSPARKLE that’s needed now.

Along with my tortuous relationship with food, I also had a difficult time with the scale. When I begin to transform my relationship with my body, I ditched dieting for good and privileged DEEP NOURISHMENT instead. This picture shows how I chose to honor and celebrate this massive paradigm shift in my life. I decorated my scale so that each time I see it it brings me great joy and delight. I’ve inspired many women to do the same and I encourage you to do so too! And if you don’t have a scale, just write a little love note to yourself to put on your bathroom mirror, to remind you of your innate #SOULSPARKLE.

I invite you to focus on the heart of what matters most of this year instead of getting caught up in unattainable beauty standards set by the patriarchal system we live in – the ones that promote overt and covert violence against the body instead of honoring and revering women and their bodies as the creators of all new life. You can read more about this in my chapter in the Sacred Body Wisdom book by Flower of Life Press that comes out on January 21! Be sure to get on the list so you don’t miss the release!

#14 - Do a labyrinth ( & join us for a live one)

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One of the most powerful practices for me in my spiritual journey has been doing spiral labyrinths. They help to literally spiral me into the core of my being, into my deepest truths and inner heart knowing. They help me to come home to myself and to the Earth as I bow down on my knees to Her in the center. Spiral labyrinths are a beautiful portal to the unseen realms and divine transmissions. They are where I have received some of my greatest insights and most beautiful gifts – including the message from the Great Mother herself to begin to work with Bee medicine over a year and a half ago, which led to the birth of SISTERHIVE® on the winter solstice! There’s more on that BELOW!

The spiral is also a deeply ancient symbol that is connected to my ancestors. We’ll be talking a lot more about that in SISTERHIVE® !

You don’t need anything fancy to create a labyrinth either. Your intention and the reverence you bring to it is everything. That applies to all ritual, really. As long as it resonates in your heart and your body, it will be powerful for YOU. That’s what matters most. Just like in Qoya movement, you know you’re doing it right when it feels good. There’s no way that you can do it wrong. It can simply be a piece of yarn that you create a spiral with on your living room floor. You could also choose to create one outside with stones or crystals or even leaves. You could even create one in the snow by digging out a path. But if you do have the opportunity to walk a sacred labyrinth that’s located in an ancient and holy in a church or other setting, I highly recommend the experience!

#15 - BONUS!! Join us for a New Moon Intention Setting Ritual Jan. 5th!

We’ll be doing a Virtual New Year’s seed planting intention ritual TOMORROW, including a powerful labyrinth experience as well as a Q&A for SISTERHIVE® . We’ll be creating a safe & sacred space to slow down and spiral within so that you can listen deeply to your intuition, commune with your soul voice, root into your body’s wisdom, and connect to Source Creativity.

Thirteen Ways I’m Going to Make Life Extra-ordinary in 2019

I believe that it’s time to make our lives a living prayer for a better world. What better time to start than the turn of the year?  

My invitation to you this year is to tap into the magnitude and magnificence of the human spirit and remember that we’re not hungry for what we're not getting; we are hungry for what we're not giving.

Growing and giving are two of the main areas in life that bring us the greatest fulfillment and joy. If we’re not growing, we wither and die like anything else in nature. And if we’re not giving, we become hardened and bitter, trapped in the lonely world of separation, self-absorption and ego. So consider making growing and giving priorities this year. Infuse this intention into everything you do. Ask how can I grow? and how can I give? in each situation and begin to look at your days as sacred containers to express your greatness, instead of just another day passing. Bring ritual and reverence to each task you take on, and make it matter so that you can activate the aliveness that comes from making a contribution.

Here are 13 ways I’m going to make 2019 extra-ordinary through the sacred art of growing & giving…

…while I continue with my mission to free human spirits that have been oppressed and devalued to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® and step into their authentic power. As well as helping to end the violence we perpetrate against each other and our own bodies by reminding us of our inherent divinity within and helping to bring the Sacred Feminine back into balance in our own lives and the world.

Won’t you join me, [First Name]?

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  1. I will stay close to my theme for the year … I deeply desire to ROOT to RISE in 2019 so that I can remain firmly grounded, centered, nourished and in my full power and sovereignty.

  2. I will continue to come out of hiding and SPARKLE SHAMELESSLY® for the greater good, allowing my spiritual magnificence and the raw truth of who I am to come forth so that I can move towards living fully ALIVE and deeply engaged from a wild, full and open heart.

  3. I will be moving with the consistent inquiry in SISTERHIVE® of “what does it mean for me to be fully nourished?” and take action towards filling my chalice first each day. Then asking "How can all beings be nourished?"

  4. I will focus on continued sustenance for holistic thriving and deep soul care, instead of just basic self-care, so that I can walk in my awakened Divinity in the world, in a healthy, whole, meaningful and nourished way.

  5. I will tend to the body as a living temple and purify my sacred vessel for what wants to be birthed through me (especially the new BOOK I’m working on!) by continuing to tap into my innate rhythms & cycles, Moon wisdom, blood magic and more.

  6. I will continue to STAY CLOSE TO WHAT IS MOST SACRED by weaving ritual, ceremony & ancient wisdom into all aspects of my life. I will journey into the Great Mystery and live my life as prayer steeped in the sacred like the bees, with constant generosity, compassion, and communion.

  7. I will continue to do intentional practices that help me to SLOW DOWN, live a soulful life of consequence, cultivate mindfulness, and savor life!

  8. I will continue to focus on reclaiming my authentic power & SOVEREIGNTY from a deeply embodied and wholly nourished place and helping my Sovereign Sisters Rising to do the same.

  9. I will continue to unhook and disentangle myself from mass consciousness and steward the new earth, recreating the world anew and collectively contributing to making the world a better place for everyone in it.

  10. I will continue to ignite the fierce feminine flame of love in my heart and tend to it for a sustainable burn so that I can serve as a chalice of love in the world and a protector of the cosmic order.

  11. I will continue to whisper over your ear, exhorting GROW, GROW, GROW! Like the angels over the blades of grass in Kabbalah, with my spiritual and leadership development work.

  12. I will continue to tap into my superpower of creating containers of alchemical transformation - in-depth spiritual immersions, online courses, guided ceremonial journeys, & spiritual retreats - mixing expressive arts, Qoya movement, depth inquiry, spiritual teachings, modern shamanism, and ritual and ceremony to help us to be embodied in our leadership, alchemizing our potential, embracing our wholeness, and be unapologetically who we are in the world, sharing our deep gifts to help meet the world’s deep needs.

  13. I will help to ignite a soul-led Sacred (R)evolution® of love & reverence for self, other, the planet and the Great Web of All Life with the medicine of reconnection through all of my sacred work in the world, (especially the Sacred (R)evolution Podcast coming later this month). Overall, I will work towards sparking a movement of sacred (r)evolutionaries, artists & rebels taking action towards massive personal & social change across the globe to help alchemize all of its crumbling outdated structures, systems and paradigms as well as the oppressions that have been keeping us from our potential.

Want to join me, Beloved?

My prayer for us: May we be living, breathing chalices of love in the world, overflowing with the unconditional, radiant, never-ending Divine nectar of love from our he(art)s. May we live in complete devotion to the Divine, our deepest truths, #SOULSPARKLE, sacred work and why we’ve come. May we devote ourselves in service to the Original Mother just as the bees are. And may we create our lives as great masterpieces for the good of all with rigorous integrity as conduits of Fierce Love & Liberation. And may it be JOYOUS & FUN along the journey!

The bees are a manifestation of Divine love on the earth plane. Let us be the same.

Want to join me in making your life a living prayer this year? Receive the support, accountability & deep nourishment you need in SISTERHIVE® to THRIVE in 2019.

How Sacred Sisterhood Will HEAL THE WORLD...

What I’ve noticed over the years is that we’re all doing such powerful work in the world, but we’re largely in capsules of disconnect.

We are walking stardust and we each hold different PRISMS of the Galaxy. When we gather in sacred sisterhood, we create a powerful matrix of light points across the globe, creating a brilliant energetic constellation of us shining brightly in the world - a star nation here on earth.  

THIS is what will help to heal the world, sister.

We are at a crucial point in human history, and ALL of our deep gifts are needed TOGETHER to help gracefully usher humanity into the next century and beyond. We are on a threshold now, going through a spiritual test that will help us bloom through into the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible: a kinder, braver and more just world where everyone’s basic human rights and dignity are respected and upheld. This is a powerful time of death and rebirth, of alchemy and transmutation….an “all hands on deck” moment.

It’s time for us to collaborate and lift each other up into true personal and social transformation.

It’s time to dream and co-create a new world into being TOGETHER

It’s time to RISE TOGETHER as embodied, deeply nourished & resourced women leaders

Let us step into our full (R)evolutionary potential TOGETHER.

SISTERHIVE® was designed to help us do just this (with the help of the bees of course!)

Because it’s PARAMOUNT that we gather NOW! Fierce Sisterhood & holding are non-negotiables in these chaotic times we’re in. We need consistent, foundational support now more than ever – because when we gather, we remember … WE REMEMBER WHO WE TRULY ARE & WHY WE’VE COME.

SISTERHIVE® is creating a culture of women re-membered, standing in their Divinity, full power and sovereignty for the good of all.

Won’t you join us, sister?

We are restoring intimacy, vulnerability, and sacred circling with a deep investment in being an intersectional, intergenerational, multicultural & multiracial sacred space. We are reawakening, remembering and coming home to our interconnectedness. We are calling forward our nobility of Spirit and holding each other accountable to that. We are collectively building an earth-based global sisterhood & SUPERORGANISM like the beehive. We are helping to restore the Sacred Feminine as the Queen Bee here on Earth and steward the return of ancient women’s wisdom.  

We are re-creating the world anew just like the bees do each day, enlivening the ether.

We are dreaming a kinder, braver, more beautiful world into being for the next 7 generations within our HIVE= WOMB containing the pure energy of love.

We are birthing, co-creating and sustaining NEW LIFE.

We are cultivating the creative LIFE FORCE, enhancing our generative capacities, and expanding our cosmic creativity.

We are reclaiming our profound ability to create and give birth to new life, new conditions, & new dreams.

We are activating the codes of Light of fierce feminine power and sovereignty, of embodied leadership, and of personal and planetary healing.

We are creating a potent vortex of power in our gathering while holding fierce presence & intention.

Come join our constellation of star beings & siSTARS sparkling SHAMELESSLY together to help heal the world and flood the house of humanity with light!

Come be embraced by a close knit group of sacred sisters that will champion you, cheer you on, support you and be a reflection and constant reminder of the Divine within you and your blazing bright light. Come be seen, loved unconditionally, known, accepted, and celebrated for the truth of who you are.

Come, Beloved, we’re waiting with open arms and unconditional love for you in the HIVE to help you shine your full light and aliveness in the world. Get the support, remembrance, mirroring and reflective listening you need to THRIVE!

The circle won’t be the same without your heart, focus and devotion…

See you in the HIVE, sister!

How do I know if SISTERHIVE is for me?

Let me ask you, sister, are you a woman-identified individual who wants to be deeply nourished & rooted so that you can express your full soul essence in the world for the greater good?

Do you desire to gather in sacred sisterhood every month for regular ceremony to drink from the well of Spirit & sustenance?

Do you long for a more sacred, meaningful and reverent interaction with all of life?

Are you ready for a homecoming – to your body, the earth, and the heart of what matters most?

Are you yearning for a soul oasis where you can return, remember, reconnect, replenish, & rejuvenate regularly, sister?

Would you thrive with sustained sisterhood support, nourishment, sacred practice & accountability to be the woman you’re capable of being?

Would you flourish in a cosmic, sacred space increasing your capacity to love & inviting your wholeness to emerge?

Would it serve you to be in a living inquiry of “how can I be most deeply nourished right now?”

Do you want to stand in your full power & sovereignty as an embodied leader, while being supported and fiercely held?

Do you want to help co-create and birth a new world, [First Name]?

Are you a woman who wants to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY?!

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then I’d love to invite you to join us in SISTERHIVE®!! It’s a Superorganism like the BEEHIVE, a deep circle of belonging where you can receive sustained, DEEP NOURISHMENT and Divine nectar for your mind, body, heart and SOUL. It’s a sacred womb space, a brooding chamber where we can drink sweet honey nectar to superpower our unique #SOULSPARKLE & sacred work in the world.

It exists as a monthly membership community filled with spiritual teachings, sacred practices & fierce support to help you come back home to your body, the earth, the ancient sisterhood lineage and the Web of All Life.

Each month...

  • We’ll gather on the New Moon for a powerful ceremony and be deeply fed through expressive arts, embodied movement practices, deep ritual, ancient women’s wisdom, and more.

  • You’ll receive an interview and masterclass from incredible women sparkling bright in the world, such as Rochelle Schieck, the founder of Qoya; soul art shaman Laura Hollick; artivist and rockstar Maya Azucena; Toni Bergins, founder of Journey Dance; Tami Brunk, shamanic astrologer; Abiola Abrams, TV host & spiritpreneur; and more.

  • You’ll get a Downloadable PDF with our monthly theme, curriculum & nourishment practices where we tap into diverse spiritual practices, teachings and tools for sustenance. Learn intentional practices to help you SLOW DOWN, live a soulful life of consequence, cultivate mindfulness, and savor life! Boost your mental, emotional, physical, energetic & spiritual wellness so that you can show up fully aligned with the heart of what matters most.

  • You’ll have access to the private SISTERHIVE® Sacred Sanctuary online where we come together in collaborative leadership to heal, grow, learn, transform, alchemize, regenerate, & empower each other

  • There will also be a Qoya movement class video aligned with our monthly theme, as well as ...

  • Archived talks, bonus recipes, expressive arts prompts, altar cards, original chants, support tools & premium access to all LIVE sisterhood gatherings & retreats

Join us in this safe & sacred space so that you can listen deeply to your intuition, commune with your soul voice, root into your body’s wisdom, and connect to Source Creativity.

And for those of you who may already be signed up for other intensives or development programs in 2019, know that this would be a powerful support to your journey ...

Because fierce Sisterhood & holding are non-negotiables in these chaotic times we’re in. We are restoring intimacy, vulnerability, and sacred circling with a deep investment in being an intersectional, intergenerational, multicultural & multiracial sacred space. We are reawakening, remembering and coming home to our interconnectedness. We are calling forward our nobility of Spirit and holding each other accountable to that. We are collectively building an earth-based global sisterhood & SUPERORGANISM like the beehive. We are helping to restore the Sacred Feminine as the Queen Bee here on Earth and steward the return of ancient women’s wisdom.

Won’t you join us, [First Name]? Come stay close to what is most sacred and walk in your awakened Divinity in the world. We’re waiting with open arms!

And as a BONUS, If you sign up before January 5th, you’ll receive my Sacred Messenger course FREE (a $150 value)It’s also one of the most accessible sacred offerings I’ve ever created at $38/month!

Find out WHY I was called to create SISTERHIVE®...

Today I wanted to share with you WHY I was called to create SISTERHIVE® and WHY I’m bringing forth the medicine of the bees.

Last year, during the Ignite the Fierce Feminine Within weekend immersion, we walked one of the most powerful labyrinths of my lifetime so far. It was a majestic rainbow chakra portal of transformation and deep ancient wisdom. Seeing each of the women dance in, out, and amongst each other in such harmony and grace was profound to witness.

When I felt called to enter, I approached the candlelit mouth of the labyrinth and prayed for guidance on how to be deeply nourished in my Being and soul, in ALL ways. As I was drawn in by the energetic pull of this power portal, I began to hear the messages “soften, allow, slow down, open …” like whispers on the wind. This voice got stronger and louder as I was pulled down to the earth, spiraling deep within myself as I continued to move towards the center of the sacred geometry. Then I heard “Open up and allow yourself to be fed by your Original Mother.” This message resonated in every cell, and my entire body cracked open in that moment. Even my mouth was agape in awe. I was drawn down to the earth once again, uniting with Her, and I began to hear a buzz. “Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz … the bees. It’s time for you to work with the medicine of the bees. You will find what you seek within the hive.”

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I bowed in deep gratitude for this clear guidance from what seemed like Mother Earth herself. I had been working with animal medicine for several years at that point, connecting with my own Druid ancestors through this practice, so it felt familiar and wholly aligned. I sealed it into my heart with my hands as I continued to dance and receive even more wisdom from the bees. As I danced back out of the spiral, a vision landed firmly in my Being and I knew what I had to do.

SISTERHIVE® was seeded in that powerful moment, and I am so thrilled to announce that she is ready to be born into the world!!!

Over the last year I have been asking “what would the bees do?”  I’ve been journeying with their medicine, and entered the Sacred Isle of Bees with my dear sister, bee lover and advocate Melissa Bee, for an animal medicine immersion to learn their deep ancient wisdom, and continuing to ask for guidance as to how to fully honor this gift, this calling, and this profound sacred task.

SISTERHIVE® is the result of this deep inquiry -- and I so hope you’ll join me inside the hive, [First Name]!!!

SISTERHIVE® is a Superorganism like the BEEHIVE, a deep circle of belonging where you can receive sustained DEEP NOURISHMENT and Divine nectar for your mind, body, heart and SOUL. It’s a sacred womb space, a brooding chamber where we can drink sweet honey to superpower our unique #SOULSPARKLE & sacred work in the world.

It exists as a monthly membership community filled with spiritual teachings, sacred practices & fierce support to help you come back home to your body, the earth, the ancient sisterhood lineage and the Web of All Life.

It’s time for us to be deeply nourished as women so we can nourish the world with our sacred work & gifts.

Join us today, [First Name]! And as my gift to you, if you sign up before January 5th, you’ll receive my Sacred Messenger course FREE (a $150 value).

Have questions? If so, we’ll be doing a LIVE Q&A and New Year’s Ritual on January 5th at 2pm EST and would be happy to answer them, sister! Reserve your spot HERE.

My BIGGEST announcement yet!! So thrilled to share this with you, Beloved!

SISTERHIVE® IS HERE!! Come receive monthly sustained deep nourishment & Divine nectar for your mind, body, heart & SOUL!

Transcript of the Video

Hey Beloved!! I’m Lainie Love Dalby, an embodied leadership mentor, published author, and fierce trailblazer in women’s spirituality and leadership. I'm on a mission to free human spirits that have been oppressed & devalued to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY®  & step into their authentic power. I’m also deeply passionate about ending the rampant disregard for human life, especially the overt & covert violence that is perpetrated against the Sacred feminine and our own bodies by reminding us of our inherent divinity within and helping to bring the Sacred Feminine back into balance in our own lives and the world. To this end, I’m the founder of SISTERHIVE® and the Sacred (R)evolution® helping to foster a great return to love & reverence for self, other, our planet and the great Web of All Life. (Read more here)

I wasn’t always in this empowered and sacred love-filled place though. There was a time when I felt deeply disconnected from my body, the earth and other women, yet I yearned for deeper communion with them. I never felt like I belonged anywhere because of my deep core wounds.  I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin and I had a really hard time being here on this earth plane. I was ungrounded and easily knocked off my power center. I couldn’t slow down and bulldozed through my body’s needs. Back then I didn’t even know what the word NOURISHMENT really meant.  Worst of all, l I was totally disconnected from my aliveness, ecstasy and the joy of being in my purpose and delivering my sacred work to the world. Does any of this sound familiar to you sister?

You see, I grew up as an obese, creative outcast and, my spirit was squashed relentlessly through violence and bullying from the world around me, the dieting industry and even my own family. People couldn’t handle my big, wild energy, free creative spirit and blinding bright light, so they tried to dampen it. I eventually internalized this violence and over the years turned it against myself, gaining and losing over 1,300 pounds through yo-yo dieting, various eating disorders, unhealthy addictions, and self-hatred.  

Deeply disconnected from what matters most, my soul was starving: for meaning, purpose, direction, and wholeness. I didn’t know how it felt to be truly full.

I was awake yet sleepwalking through my days, filled with the urge to stuff and placate my deep longing for something more. In short, I had learned to distrust and disconnect from my own body and inner soul voice, shutting down my free spirit and going into autopilot. I had become a prisoner of the patriarchal social paradigm, a slave to a culture that assaults the body.  


Instead of celebrating our inherent power and claiming our sovereignty, we are living in an age of separation and a time of deep soul loss & malnourishment. We have an epidemic of individuals today disconnected from their bodies and their essence, being repressed from reaching their full (r)evolutionary potential by patriarchal structures such as the dieting industry, fashion magazine culture, and the media—keeping them weak and stuck in a feedback loop of “I’m not good enough, attractive enough, thin enough, strong enough to do, x, y, z (insert here: start that business, find true love, write my book, follow my dreams...).I know because I was one of those disconnected & deeply malnourished souls.

These harmful narratives are deeply embedded in our culture, teaching us to hate and doubt ourselves instead of encouraging us to know that we are precious Divine Beings possessing unique medicine & innate #SOULSPARKLE that’s needed now. This age of separation is also closely related to our alienation from nature, our own bodies and the Sacred Feminine.

What we need is a Sacred (R)evolution® of love and reverence for self, other, the planet and the Web of All Life. A new bottom line of love aimed at restorative justice, collective healing, and fierce liberation.

Reconnection to the Divine Feminine is the BEE medicine that is most greatly needed in our world right now. I believe that it is this sacred reconnection that will bring an end to the rampant violence in our world, both overt and covert, and restore us to our dignity and humanity. Reconnection to our truth, our planetary family, our sacred purpose, our power, our sovereignty, our sisters and our great sentient Mother Earth. And most of all, a reconnection to what deeply nourishes us and ALL OF LIFE.

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to join us inside SISTERHIVE® to help you do just this!  It’s a holy container of ancient soul remembrance, a cosmic vortex of authentic power and pure presence, and a etheric temple and gathering ground for our genius and innate divinity to awaken & emerge.  It exists in this 3D plane as a monthly membership community filled with spiritual teachings, sacred practices & fierce support to help you to help you to help you to come back home to your body, the earth, the ancient sisterhood lineage and the Web of All Life.

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I’ve had my own struggles in the past staying consistent with the spiritual practices that help me to tap into my Divine light, stay grounded and return home to my core truths and soul voice. That’s why I’ve created this sacred container of fierce holding, Divine nectar and invaluable accountability along the journey.   Each month:

  1. We gather LIVE each month from ceremony in the HIVE, where we Come to slow down, enter into stillness and spiral within to our innermost terrain and deepest truths.  Here we take off the masks and are deeply fed through expressive arts, embodied movement practices, deep ritual, ancient women’s wisdom, and more.

  2. You’ll receive a Downloadable PDF with our monthly theme, curriculum & nourishment practices where We’ll tap into spiritual teachings and tools to stay in a place of love, harmony and balance such as ancient Earth medicine & communion rituals, ceremony, modern shamanism, meditations & visualizations, astrological wisdom, animal medicine, the wheel of the year and the Earth’s seasons, sounding, crystals, depth inquiry, archetypal Goddess energies, Mining the unseen realms for hidden treasures and more.

  3. An inspiring interview & Masterclass with a guest expert: Featuring Sovereign Sisters who are rising into their power, owning their sacredness, and bringing their deep gifts to meet the world’s deep needs (and who are unstoppable because of it).

  4. You’ll have Immediate access to the private SISTERHIVE® Sacred Sanctuary online where we come together in collaborative leadership to heal, grow, learn, transform, & empower each other.  It’s our virtual inner sanctum where we energetically seal the sacredness inside to thrive.

  5. You receive a Qoya movement class video aligned with our monthly theme, where we utilize CONSISTENT practices to ground us into our bodies and remind us of who we are, to connect us to our deepest truths and intuition, to calm the stress response in our nervous systems and to enhance our ability to hear our inner soul voice & heart teacher.

  6. There will be lots of surprises along the journey to help keep our light and vibration high in an increasingly dark & chaotic world. You can expect archived talks, altar cards with handmade shamanic healing art, original chants, detox tips, catalyzing Spotify playlists discounts on all new offers, premium access to all LIVE sisterhood gathering and retreats and more!

Now I know You might be wondering, why the bees?! Well...While walking a powerful labyrinth over a year ago during my Ignite the Fierce Feminine Within weekend immersion I received a direct transmission from the Great Mother to work with Bee medicine and to bring that forward in the world as a great healing for all. Then, I had a shamanic astrology reading that illuminated that I have the beehive cluster in my start chart and a core element of the Virgin constellation & priestess having to do with deep nourishment, so SISTERHIVE® was literally inscribed in the stars when I was born!!!

But more than that, the bees are a manifestation of Divine love on the earth plane.

I desire for us to be the same, in shared leadership, rooting deeply into our bodies and the Earth so we can rise into our full (r)evolutionary potential as embodied leaders.  We have the potential to recreate the world anew just like the bees do each day, enlivening the ether. We have the capacity to dream a kinder, braver, more beautiful world into being for the next 7 generations within our HIVE = WOMB containing the pure energy of love. Within this sacred space, we’re also helping to restore the Sacred Feminine as the Queen Bee here on Earth and steward the return of ancient women’s wisdom. Just take that in for a moment sister...


Feel the hive now in your Being, it’s warm and cozy as we gather around the central hearth, that flame of love that always burns in our etheric temple and in our hearts, connecting us in the one heart. Here in this holy field of reverence we fiercely love and hold and support one another in doing the sacred work that needs to be done and dreaming the new world into being together and taking the actions steps to bring it into. It is a profound soul oasis for us to return, remember, reconnect, restore, replenish, rejuvenate & be deeply nourished, so that we may nourish the soul of the world.

Because I’ve learned along the journey that Nourishment isn’t just about food, sister, it’s about overall sustenance for holistic thriving. Based on the values of Love, Harmony and Balance like the bees, think of this as a collaborative experiment in nourishing ourselves, each other and our world. We are reinventing the way we treat our bodies, each other and the earth. We are doing business, life and relationships in a whole new way. We are drinking the nectar and sweetness of the Divine, focusing on that which is generative, sustainable, fertile, alive and in the spirit of abundance FOR ALL.

SISTERHIVE® is is a deep energetic container of sustained sisterhood support, nourishment, sacred practice & accountability to be the women we’re capable of being.

Because fierce & sacred sisterhood is a non-negotiable now & essential to this reconnection. We need consistent, foundational support for these turbulent times we’re in. I couldn’t do any of the work I do today without the deep support and holding that I have. So I invite you sister to Join our constellation of star beings & siSTARS sparkling SHAMELESSLY together to help heal the world and flood the house of humanity with light!  IT’s time we remember that this is our true nature. We are walking stardust, the bringers of light, and we all hold different PRISMS of the Galaxy. We create a powerful matrix of light points across the globe as we gather, creating a brilliant energetic constellation of us shining brightly in the world - a star nation here on earth - like the beehive cluster & bee flights that connect a web of white light over the planet.

We need your brilliant #SOULSPARKLE now more than ever! Come be seen, truly held, deeply loved and cherished for the truth of who you are and the radiant medicine you bring, sister.

We’re waiting with open arms and unconditional love for you to help you shine your full light and aliveness in the world!!!! See you inside the HIVE!!!

How I stay grounded, centered and deeply nourished during the holiday season

The Sacred Slow Down Practice

The Sacred Slow Down Practice is one of my favorite ways to stay grounded and nourished. It’s a simple practice I developed to be able to step into reverence at any moment and tap into my ancient wisdom that I originally created for my Sovereign Sisters Rising circle.

Sacred Body Love headshot.jpeg
  1. Stop or press pause on whatever you’re doing & come into stillness and silence

  2. Breathe in your surroundings through all your senses

  3. Come down into your body by breathing deeply & touching your sacred vessel gently

  4. Open your heart with gentle tapping

  5. Give gratitude to the present moment and what is

  6. Connect into your own inner stream of ancient wisdom by deeply listening

  7. Touch the earth/friend/object before you with reverence & create a circuit of energy between you

  8. Share the blessing “You are Sacred”

  9. Return to what you were doing

Watch the video of The Sacred Slow Down below:

Here are some other tools I use to stay deeply grounded, centered and deeply nourished during the holiday season:

  1. I do ritual and ceremony! Join us for our Winter Solstice Ceremony

  2. I gather in sacred circle with other womxn! Join us for our annual Rise & Shine New Years Retreat virtually this year

  3. I cultivate my inner fierce feminine fire: Tune into my interview for the Find Your Force Show to learn how.

  4. I birth my LOVE into action through my sacred work: Get my Sacred Messenger course for a discounted rate of $99 and learn how to deliver your own sacred work to the world for the good of all. It’s time to step up and deliver our unique gifts & #SOULSPARKLE to the world.

  5. I dance!! Check out my sister Tasha’s Radical Movement course

  6. I read: Get more tools to Slow Down & Slay in the new book I’m a co-author of: Goddess on the Go!

  7. ​​​I make expressive art: you can see all my latest creations over on instagram.

What are your favorite ways to stay grounded and nourished during the holiday season? Please share with us below!

For more sacred practices sign up to receive the Sacred (R)evolution Starter Kit coming in 2019!


Today is a BIG 20 year dream come true! I am a published author with Flower of Life Press! And my visionary sacred art is on the cover of the book! And I have an author profile on Amazon!

For the last 20 years, ever since I hand-bound my own thesis book at Cornell during a 3 month performative installation, I have desired to birth book babies into the world. I know this is just the beginning! There are so many more to come!

I'm so honored to be a part of this collaborative New Feminine Evolutionary series and to be featured alongside so many powerful sisters including Alexis Neely, Tanya Lynn, Alis Mao, Mia Luz and more. Thank you Jane for bringing us all together and amplifying our voices out into the world!

You can order a copy here

More about my sacred cover art!

Title: The Greening Power of the Goddess, 2018

Artist: Lainie Love Dalby

Medium: Mixed media shamanic healing collage

I believe in the power of art making itself as a form of prayer, deep healing, and communion with the divine. It is a vehicle for the secret language of the soul that helps lure us back to wholeness. That’s why I refer to my shamanic healing pieces as he(art)works. It’s accessing an endless well of colorful textured language from the mysterious realm of the Great Mystery and the depths of our heart and soul. Each sacred offering is a clue to the truth of who we are, leading us closer to ourselves and why we’re here at this time. It’s an opportunity for us to take an individual journey into our inner landscapes, bringing forth our deepest expression and the embodied truth felt deep in our bones. This is why I love to weave expressive arts into all of my immersion experiences. I innately know, sense, and feel that every creation is inscribed with the mark of the Creator, including each and every one of us.

Because of this, I deeply believe that each and every one of us matters and that we’re here to do something that matters. We each have a precious human life that deserves to be cherished, supported, and upheld as part of the larger Web of All Life. It’s fundamental to the air I breathe and each step I take in the world. I operate from the basic premise that we’re all artists in charge of the greatest masterpiece on earth, our lives. We all have a divine legacy that we’re co-creating each day, all in service to the great cosmic masterpiece. We must each add our unique stroke to this collective masterpiece — or else it will be forever lost.

Two of the ways I personally do this are through my embodied leadership mentoring and shamanic healing he(art)works focused on individual and social transformation. A core part of my medicine is bringing the visionary unseen realms into the seen here-and-now-reality, including with this commissioned he(art)work on the cover.

The Greening Power of the Goddess is a symbolic transmission of the Divine Feminine principles for regeneration and sustenance outlined in my chapter: Igniting a Sacred (R)evolution™: a.k.a. a New Bottom Line of Love. As the title hints, there is a Greening Power of the Goddess supporting this flourishing that we so deeply desire, this restoration of reverence for all of Life. It is root ~ composting ~ infinity ~ earth ~ flowering ~ opening ~ blossoming ~ sweet nourishing honey dripping ~ womb pulsing ~ creation ~ higher vision ~ regeneration ~ juiciness flowing ~ cosmic service ~ interconnection ~ intimate interweaving ~ spiral dancing ~ Kundalini rising ~ alchemical transformation ~ regenesis ~ new life budding ~ rebirth of society.

After asking, “What would most serve the transmission within the pages of this book?” I received this full image as a vision in a dream and brought it into reality for this commission. It was a direct inspiration and download from Spirit. The images that speak to me are universal, tapping into the nature of the cosmos and all that is, relating to our intimate connectedness with others and all of Life, and reminding us of who we are and to whom we belong.

For many years I have had deep connection and communion with all the symbols included on the cover of the book and spread throughout since they originate from my ancestral heritage and spiritual lineages: the Egyptian ankh symbolizes eternal life, the infinity sign/lemniscate symbolizes abundance and limitless supply, the alchemical flower of life utilizes the sacred circle & refers to the patterns of creation, and the Celtic triple goddess spiral in the center represents the life, death, and rebirth mysteries. The eagle and snake are two of my main spirit animals that have been journeying with me for most of my life, and they symbolize higher vision and transformation, respectively.

Words can’t do this he(art)work justice, however. In truth, there is a much greater richness to the image if you just sit with it and allow the Great Mystery to unfold before you as a guide to its deeper wisdom. May it be a blessing and a visual prayer that helps us to pioneer new pathways to prosperity.

Find out more or commission your own Shamanic Healing he(art)work.


Top 10 Fierce Feminine Highlights of 2017

Last year was one of the most (r)evolutionary of my life. There’s been tremendous soul growth and blessings around every corner as I delved deeper into the Great Mystery and the call of my soul. I listened IN and trusted the stirrings within my body more fiercely than ever before. And though there were deeply challenging moments to move through, both individually and collectively, overall 2017 was full of miracles beyond miracles. I’m thrilled to share my top 10 highlights with you!  

The fierce feminine has been a sturdy anchoring guide and a wily challenger all the way, asking me to be more of who I truly am and share that with the world unabashedly while I help others to do the same. I have continued to shed all that no longer serves me and be a fire keeper burning away what no longer serves our global village. This 12 months has transformed me to my core and alchemized my own potential from the ashes of what once was. See what transpired below!

1. Co-facilitating the “Remember Your Future” Retreat at MENLA

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In 2016 my life was transformed by becoming a Qoya Movement teacher. This profound practice has helped me to return to my body and truth more than any other tools. So I was deeply honored to be asked to start the year off by co-facilitating a Qoya spiritual retreat at MENLA Mountain house just outside of Woodstock, NY, along with my soul sisters Rochelle Schieck, the founder of Qoya Movement, Tami Brunk, shamanic astrologer & Madeline Giles, the founder of Angelic Breath Healing. If only these sacred objects could speak, they would reveal the secrets of the Universe and the magnitude of transformation and fierce vision that came through the collective during our retreat. So powerful to co-facilitate with such deeply reverent and holy women. It helped us all to feel honored, humbled, and heart cracked open, ready for the New Year. It was also the first time I led my “Your Soul’s Calling Collage” Process! It’s like next level vision boarding coming from your soul voice instead of your egoic mind.

2. Birthing my 7 Month Initiation into the Fierce & Sacred Feminine


Along with the help of Goddess ISIS, I birthed a vision into form that had been stirring in me for more than 6 years: an in depth sisterhood circle, mystery school and deep dive spiritual immersion. This past year the theme was Wild Women ARISE, in 2018 we begin again in Feb as Sovereign Sisters Rising. It’s an intimate container of transformation and emergence for women to rise together into their full power, wildness and primal source creativity to serve the greater good as embodied leaders. This (r)evolutionary program is part high priestess healing temple, part soulful deep dive into wild & ancient earth based wisdom, and part container of alchemical transformation to activate your innate power & untapped potential. Journeying through this 7 month initiation and holding space for my sisters to RISE has been the greatest gift of my life thus far. I can’t wait to gather again on Feb 11th for our first full day urban sisterhood retreat at the #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary in NYC. This particular gathering of 13 powerhouse women will be supporting each other in birthing their sacred work in the world. There’s only one spot left, so if you feel the call I encourage you to set up a heart to heart with me to see if it’s a good fit for you!

3. Participating in International Soul Art Day as an In-studio Artist


I was honored to be one of the 5 in studio artists for this year’s International Soul Art Day with Laura Hollick just outside of Toronto, Canada. We held space for thousands of Creative Spirits from around the world who were connected virtually to create art together for the day. As a collective, we stirred a profound cosmic vortex of creativity and consciousness rising.  I was being broadcasted on a live-webcam around the globe along with my soul sisters Jen Mazer, Whitney Freya, Alexis Cohen and Rachel Archelaus creating a profound web of oneness and transformation. The ripples of healing still reverberating through the atmosphere. So soul nourishing and juicy!!

4. Facilitating Expressive Arts at Blue Spirit Retreat Center in Costa Rica


5 years ago I first learned of Blue Spirit Retreat center (a sister campus of Omega institute in Rhinebeck) and had the distinct intuition that I would teach there one day. My dear sister, Rochelle Schieck, helped to make that dream a reality, when she invited me to facilitate two expressive arts experiences during the week long Fierce Feminine Qoya retreat in April alongside Inuitive astrologer Virginia Rosenberg and Tami Brunk. This week in the jungle and fierce heat, wrapped in the warmth of grandmother ocean, was one of the most deeply healing of my life.

What I love most about both attending and facilitating spiritual retreats is that through the support of Beloved community and sisterhood we are able to release and let go of what's no longer serving us, so we can live into our full potential and intentionally co-create our lives as a great masterpiece for the good of all. We collectively dream a new world into Being and help to usher in a new paradigm each time we gather. Like an acupuncture needle on Mother Earth, the healing waves ripple out from the center of our sacred circle across the globe. I’ll be there again this year as a participant in the Qoya Collective Retreat which I can’t wait for!!!

5. Teaching at Barnard College for their Entrepreneurs in Training Camp for the 3rd year in a row!


I am so grateful for my soul sister Nathalie Molina Niño, the founder of Brava Investments, for bringing me in three years ago to be a teacher for the Entrepreneurs in Training Camp for high school girls every summer at Barnard College. This badass group of young ladies learn skills to take over the world through entrepreneurship and leading with their BIG hearts, brilliant minds and shameless SPARKLE! More than half of these power-houses have already started their own businesses, tackling some of the worlds biggest problem, before even finishing high-school! I'm in awe of their light and (r)evolutionary potential. It's such an honor to behold their brilliance and help to inspire the future embodied leaders of tomorrow!

6. Launching my First Large Scale {SOLD OUT} Weekend Immersion in NYC!


Our Ignite the Fierce Feminine Within Immersion weekend in NYC fully activated my superpowers of creating containers of alchemical transformation, powerful medicine spaces that allow you to come as you are and leave as MORE of who you are, Sparkling SHAMELESSLY in the world. They are woven womb spaces to help you come home to your body and birth your full power into Being. This particular cauldron of transformation & re-birth for emerging women leaders, entrepreneurs, healers, and trailblazers helped 30 women to shed all that was no longer serving them so they could step into their full sovereignty and authentic power at this historic time. The sacred sisterhood circle and temple space was epic and deeply transformational for us all, especially our sisters in the Congo who received a portion of the sales via Women for Women International to go towards their own year long personal development training.

It was also one of the first times in my life that I was able to experience myself in my fullness and pure raw authentic truth. I created a container deep enough to hold ALL of me, my big energy, creativity, passion and power that all served as an asset to ignite the women in the room instead of being “too much” as I’ve always been told. I have never before felt such aliveness coursing through my body! It was destiny brought into Being along with the support of my sisters Madeline Giles, Parashakti & Elana Bell as co-holders of the space…I also received some of the biggest compliments I’ve ever heard from the participants! “This weekend was a cellular shift for me, and FAR more than I could have dreamed possible. I’ve done all of Tony Robbins courses and events and he’s coached me personally, and I’m telling you, sister, you brought the whole Tony Robbins experience in full feminine force.”  and also "Lainie is the real deal. She walks her talk and she is highly, highly committed to transformation. She gave an experience that you feel in your bones, you leave here literally transformed. Through the #IFFW immersion I am leaving knowing who I truly am..." (tweet it)

Get on the waitlist HERE to join us for Ignite the Fierce Feminine Within in 2018!!!

I'm deeply honored and thrilled to go even BIGGER in 2018 in partnership with my incredible event doula Vanessa Viglietta Dessert of The Superwoman Solution!!!! She has helped me lift all of my solo events this year and I couldn't have done it without her. As she likes to say, she's "my ride or die witch!!!"  LOVE IT!!! LOVE HER!!! So grateful to be continuing the journey into 2018 as a powerhouse team and lifting some new sisterhood initiatives together too, so stay tuned!!!

7. Being a Leading Voice for the Fierce Feminine


This has undoubtedly been the year of The Fierce Feminine, and I was deeply honored to be a leading voice, carrying the torch for her in the world. The Fierce Feminine is rising whether we like it or not. She’s rolling off of countless tongues and entering a myriad of dialogues in diverse communities across the globe. Since the burning times, we have feared expressing our innate wildness and ferocity. We have tamed ourselves, kept ourselves small, not spoken up for fear of being burned. But the Fierce Feminine is having a resurgence. She is here with us now and not willing to put up with this s%@! any longer. Like the volcano goddess Pele, she is erupting whether we’re ready or not, filled with fiery passion and righteous courage, seething with moral outrage, ready to make her mark on the world and play full out. It’s time for us to stoke the Fierce Feminine Flame within to burn away all that no longer serves us or our world in crisis.

From the #metoo movement to the Silence Breakers, we are RISING. Even my blog on the 12 Keys to Ignite Your Fierce Feminine in a World in Crisis this year went viral!

Mother Earth is having her #metoo moment now too, the original mother, the Great mother that holds us all. She is crying out, increasing her pitch and volume each day with the continued rape (aka fracking), molestation and assault (aka deforestation), neglect (climate change), and harassment (aka pollution). For the sake of the next 7 generations and beyond we have no choice but to awaken and usher in the new paradigm of love and connection: connection to our own bodies, to the body of the earth and to each other as a human family. Our survival is dependent on our awakening now and fostering the rise of the fierce feminine to help heal our world. If not you, who? If not now, when?

8. Claiming my Role as a Mapmaker of Destiny

The Portal of Divine Illumination by Lainie Love Dalby ver 3.jpg

I have been an artist all of my life, but it wasn’t until two years ago that I shifted to being a sacred artist of life and creating Shamanic Healing Artworks that are layered with deep meaning, purpose, healing, prayers and intentions for all those who behold them. I created my first large scale work during International Soul Art Day mentioned above and brought it home to complete it, only to discover that it was a map of my destiny and what is emerging in my life now. I have also been commissioned over this last year to create several works for dear sisters to honor and celebrate major transitions in their lives. I look forward to continuing to see what emerges as I work with my theme for 2018 of “Follow the He(art),” and continue to birth new creations into the world from my deep connection to the great Cosmic Yoni!

He(art) for me is our unique medicine, our #SOULSPARKLE, that which only we can bring. Our sacred work and offering to the greater web of all life straight from our heart center. (tweet it) It's connected to our deep fierce feminine well of compassion as well as moral outrage. I believe it's one of the greatest gift we can offer to our world. What will YOU create for us in 2018?! I can’t wait to see!

9. Gathering the Women

Hint: can you notice the theme of holding space for women to rise emerging in almost all the posts before this one?!


I just so LOVE creating these sacred containers of transformation, powerful medicine spaces that allow you to come as you are and leave as MORE of who you are, Sparkling SHAMELESSLY in the you permission to be  UNAPOLOGETICALLY who you are. Through depth inquiry, expressive arts, embodied movement practices, group process, guest healers, modern shamanism and copious ritual and ceremony we remember who we truly are and why we're here at this most powerful time in history. We can’t do this journey alone, nor are we meant to. Fierce sisterhood is a non-negotiable now. We need consistent, foundational support for these turbulent times we’re in. And I have continued to receive the call to GATHER THE WOMEN!

I know in my bones that we need to continue to gather in sacred circle. (tweet it) We have lots to talk about, and even more actions we need to take. Let's support each other in the turbulent times ahead. We need each other now more than ever to help live into our purpose for being here at this most powerful time in human history. Come be embraced by a close knit group of sacred sisters that will champion you, cheer you on, support you and be a reflection and constant reminder of the Divine within you and your blazing bright light. Come be seen, loved unconditionally, known, accepted, and celebrated for the truth of who you are. Come dance, dive deep, and delight in copious ritual and ceremony! We’re waiting with open arms for you sister! Get on the waitlist for upcoming sisterhood gatherings here and get a free gift: The #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit!

10. Founding The Sacred (R)evolution™

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This is a little hint about what’s to come in 2018. But know that it will serve to welcome us home to our bodies, the earth & the great web of all Life.

You can also find out more on our soon to be released {insert fiery drumroll here} PODCAST!!! The Sacred (R)evolution™. Be the first to get episodes here.

I’ll be channeling Fierce Feminine transmission as well as inviting in special guests to join me: Sovereign Sisters who are rising into their full power, owning their sacredness, delivering their deep gifts to meet the world’s deep needs and are unstoppable because of it! We’ll be diving deep into life, entrepreneurship, Divine legacy, following the call, spirituality, relationships, body love, blood magic, pleasure and most of all The Sacred (R)evolution™ that is upon us. This (R)evolution of love and reverence for self, other and our world/earth to which I am a cosmic servant. This bi-monthly nourishing dose of inspiration, activation and practical grounded advice will help you to be UNAPOLOGETICALLY who you are and Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® in the world for the good of all. Join us here sister! ---->

You can also hear more about The Sacred (R)evolution™ and where my own work in the world is headed on my recent interview with Phoenix Na Gig on Wild at Heart Radio - Medicine from the Moon Cave.

Phoenix Na Gig Music by Boe Huntress Podcasts to soothe, nourish and inspire you on your journey to reclaiming your sacred Cycle. In this interview Rev Lainie Love Dalby stands in the wisdom of the Waning Moon with her red hot and holy fire truly giving you permission to be UNAPOLOGETICALLY who you ARE and Sparkle SHAMELESSLY®.

In this interview I stand in the wisdom of the Waning Moon with my red hot and holy fire truly giving you permission to be in your raw authentic truth and radiance! For what I have learned on this wild journey is that our ‘too muchness’, as women, is great medicine for our world. Let me say that again. “Our ‘too muchness’, as women, is great medicine for our world. (Tweet it)

Welcome 2018!!! Thrilled to see what the Great Mystery has in store!

Sister, now it's your turn!!! I'd love to hear your highlights from 2017. What were some transformational moments that really stood out for you and helped you to become even MORE of who you truly are? Please share below in the comments and I look forward to continuing this journey with you. Be sure to sign up for updates on future gatherings! We'd love to be in sacred circle with you soon!

What is the Fierce Feminine...REALLY?!

The Fierce Feminine has been on the world stage these last few weeks in the form of hurricanes, wild fires, floods and more. Mother Nature is sharing her ferocious, wild and untamed self with us. Her pure raw and swirling life force energy. Theories abound as to WHY, from climate change to karma to the total solar eclipse.

But putting the WHY aside for now, I want us first to take a pause to share our deep compassion and put our love into action for all those affected both directly and indirectly by it all. On a personal level, my own childhood home was hit directly by the impact of Irma: my family and many old friends all live in Florida . Over the weekend I was feeling it all, sending as many prayers as I could generate from my own calm center within the eye of the storm.

But I also want us to look more closely and consciously at that energy and the medicine Mother Nature is offering us now, even through this.

Her Fierce Feminine energy in this instance was deeply destructive, but it also has the potential to be creative and deeply protective. Death and destruction always give way to birth and new life.

What if this is an invitation and opportunity for us to collectively birth a new world into being now?

What if this is a deep sign and omen that the way we've been doing things is no longer working for the sustainability of the planet and her inhabitants?

What if it's time to clear the canvas and start the masterpiece again?

I believe we are on a threshold now, going through a spiritual test that will help us bloom through into the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible: a kinder, braver and more just world where everyone’s basic human rights and dignity are respected and upheld. 

Take a moment to Imagine if that level of Fierce Feminine energy and power was channeled for the good of all ... the power and determination that literally changed the shape of the ocean as Irma did, pulling all the waters away from the shoreline. Imagine what would be possible.

I wanted to share more about what the Fierce Feminine means to me, as well as how we can apply it in our lives during these times of destruction and chaos.

Listen to this powerful interview I did with Carin Rockind of Purpose Girl to discover:

  1. What the Fierce Feminine REALLY means
  2. Why the Fierce Feminine is so crucial to harness NOW
  3. How to claim your own Fierce nature amidst the negativity & chaos, & wield it for the greater good
  4. The difference between being Fierce & being a (so-called) Bitch
  5. Three steps to move forward to ignite your own Fierce Feminine

Regardless of where you stand, we are at a crucial point in human history, and ALL of our deep gifts are needed to help usher humanity gracefully into the next century and beyond. The world truly is experiencing a global awakening, and more and more people, especially women, are choosing to participate in this renaissance of spirit and substance, eager to live into their full (r)evolutionary potential.

I like to think of these times as an initiation into our full radiance for the journey of whole system transformation before us now. It will help us to live our true creative calling and sacred activism in the world.

But to do so we must step up, my sisters!

These times we’re in require strong women, burning women, women who are channeling their fierce feminine, women who are wild and aren't afraid to stand up and say: no, not on my watch is this going to happen in my country, my hometown or in my community, to my brothers and sisters.

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Yet, since the burning times, we have feared expressing our innate wildness and ferocity. We have tamed ourselves, kept ourselves small, not spoken up for fear of being burned. But the wild woman archetype is having a resurgence.

She is here with us now and not willing to put up with this s%@! any longer. Like the volcano Goddess Pele, she is erupting whether we’re ready or not, filled with fiery passion and righteous courage, seething with moral outrage, ready to make her mark on the world and play full out.

It's time to receive the kindling you need to ignite your inner Fierce Feminine flame. Join us in November in NYC for the invite-only gathering of sacred sisters, Ignite the Fierce Feminine Within.

This (R)evolutionary Weekend is:

  • Part High Priestess Healing Temple for Soul Growth
  • Part Guided Ceremonial Journey Into Your Power & Sovereignty
  • Part Cauldron of Transformation & Rebirth for Women Leaders

If you feel the call, we want to welcome you into the temple for an epic gathering of sacred play, deep healing, soul growth and alchemical transformation.

Come shed all that is no longer serving you so you can step into your full sovereignty and authentic power at this crucial time.

Wild Women ARISE!!! 12 Keys to Ignite Your Fierce Feminine in a World in Crisis

Calling Burning Women: A Lost Archetype Of The Feminine

This is a call to the powerful woman. The crazy woman, the mad one, the witch, the hag.
The creative woman: the dancer, the poet, the artist. The sexual woman. The strident woman. The playful trickster. The passionate woman. The wild mother. She who follows her own spirit.
She who dares to put herself first, who shouts in the face of authority and follows her heart, not their god. She who dares to give voice to what is inside her, who shakes things up and burns them down.
She who quakes with rage and rolls with laughter, who moans with pleasure and wants more. She, for whom every piece of life needs to have the marrow of its bones sucked, who dances naked, and eats with her fingers.
She who stamps and says No. She who stands in the doorway and will not let them in. She who opens her legs and dives into her juices with delight. She who dares. She who does what they say cannot and must not be done.
She who tries and fails. She who does it her way. She who longs to walk topless in the sunshine and dance naked in the moonlight.
It is for her, and all of us, who long to be more like her, wherever on the path we may be.
We who have sniffed the smoke as she walked past our door one hot summer afternoon and thought, I long to burn, but I mustn’t, I’m too afraid, too old, too young, too busy. I don’t know how. I’d lose my job, my husband would divorce me, my mother would disown me, my friends would laugh.
Our time has come. After millennia of hiding in the shadows, afraid of the smoke. Afraid that our bodies and souls will be put on the pyre if we dare to show the glory within us.
Our time has come to embody our burning. To step out in our magnificence.
Burning Women, arise!
These are burning times. And they call for Burning Women. Women embodied in their passion. Women feeling in their bodies. Creative women. Courageous women. Gather the women. Gather the men.
Let Burning Women and Burning Men come together in ecstatic creative partnership.
Whether we are called to be mothers in this lifetime or not, all of us as Burning Women are being called to help birth a new world by birthing ourselves. We sense it in our bones, feel the contractions in our bellies. It is our time.
Our birth into our own power is moving apace with the planetary birthing. At times the sheer intensity of the process, inside and out, can feel deeply overwhelming.
There are massive energies pulsing through us all right now. Something big, unnameable is moving through us all. A new consciousness which is still nameless and formless.
Burning Women are the hearts and souls of revolution - inner and outer. We burn for change, we dance in the fire of the old, all the while visioning and weaving the new.
The time is now. The air is thick with change. A collective roar is rising internally, ready to break through the old shell.
Arise, Burning Woman... your time is now.”
— Lucy H. Pearce

The Times We're In

This poem is so fitting for this moment, especially how I'm feeling deep in my heart and soul after spending the weekend in DC for Sister Giant with Marianne Williamson and thousands of other conscious women and a handful of men too, not even a mile away from the White House.  We all left lit up, on fire, burning for change.

For these times we’re in require strong women, burning women, women who are channeling their fierce feminine, women who are wild and aren't afraid to stand up and say no, not on my watch is this going to happen in my country, my hometown or in my community,  to my brothers and sisters.

Women who are taking up positions of fierce power, running for political offices, taking on leadership roles, demanding equal pay and bridging the insane Inequality gap we still exist with.

Women who are untamed and tapped in wholly to their deepest passions, joy and heartbreaks.

Women who are living from the deep stirrings of their soul.

Women who are birthing their fierce LOVE into action in the world in service of the greater good.

Women who sparkle with the radiance of a life well-lived on terms terms.

In short...Women who are RISING and taking their power back.

We all yearn to be this kind of burning woman, sister. But the only way we can do that is if we're embodied and awake to our full potential. If we are at home in our own skin, in touch with our deepest truths - clearing away what no longer serves. If we’re brutally honest.

We must #staywoke as the popular hashtag reminds up and continue to take action from the heart. We must get to the rotting roots of the problems and pull them out for the health of the whole ecological system, for the web of all life.

Photo courtesy of Amy Jindra

Photo courtesy of Amy Jindra

The Sickness of Our Wildness

There is a sickness of our wildness today, a deep suppression of the Divine Feminine, with the powers that be continually trying to sterilize that which is primal, messy, wild or “bad” in us, from the birth process to our menstruation. They expect us to be buttoned-up, good girls instead. But I’m going to ask that you let that all of that go this year so you can step into the Fierce Feminine courage you have innately within you.

Our very lives and the wellbeing of humanity depend on it now.

Even with all that has transpired since the election, I still believe there is some truth to what the Dalai Lama said in 2009: “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” I feel it’s more like healing than saving, but it’s a powerful sentiment nonetheless and I want to help prove him right. Are you with me, sister?

Spiritual awakening and self-actualization are no longer a luxury, they are an imperative. Because of our collective level of access, privilege, and opportunity, we should be a moral force on this planet, continually birthing our love into action in the world.

I deeply believe that each and every one of us matters and that we’re here to DO something that matters, now more than ever. We’re all artists in charge of the greatest masterpiece on earth, our LIVES. We all have a Divine Legacy that we’re co-creating each day, all in service to the Great Cosmic Masterpiece.

We must each add our unique stroke to this collective masterpiece, or else it will be forever lost.

But we currently have a massive problem on our hands: We have an epidemic of women today who are disconnected from their bodies and their truth, suppressed from reaching their full potential by patriarchal structures like the dieting industry, fashion magazine culture, and the media -- all of which serve to keep them weak and stuck in a feedback loop of I’m not good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, or strong enough to do x, y, z (insert here: start that business, find true love, write my book, follow my dreams).

I know because I was one of these women, constantly being told I was either too much (because of my wild creativity and obese body) or that I was not enough and just didn’t measure up. Over the course of my lifetime I gained and lost over 1300 pounds and internalized the violence of the world, turning against myself through disordered eating and self-hatred. Daring to live into the fullness of my Being while here has been my greatest challenge, and is now the gift in the medicine I bring. I know I’m not alone, sister.

I ask you: at what point have you suffered enough??

I believe in what the Dalai Lama said, but with an added caveat: The world will be saved by the Western woman ... but not if we’re too busy doubting ourselves and thinking about our cellulite.

We are living in a time of global crisis. It’s time we release what's no longer serving us and step up, my sisters.

This is not a time for self doubt and playing small. It is time to get in touch with the courage, boldness, and dare-devil beckoning you forward. You have the wings to fly. Sometimes we don’t realize it until we leap over the edge of what we have known and begin to soar into a new life.”
— Elana Fairchild

A (R)evolutionary Solution

To answer the call we are all facing now, we must come back home to ourselves and our bodies, as women. We are being invited to reawaken to the truth within and our soul’s purpose. To WAKE UP to our power and potential and wield it for the good of all. Women who are standing in their wholeness, who have come back to our innate wildness and primal instincts, who are FIERCE.  Women who are embodied leaders.

It is time to awaken to our potential and ARISE into our full power. The only way we’ll have external change in our world is to change ourselves first. Personal (r)evolution = societal (r)evolution

We are here at the most powerful time in human history. We must ask WHY. There’s not a woman in the White House YET, but that doesn’t mean we each shouldn’t continue to do the work of clearing what no longer serves us so we can step up into our own full power and potential. Let us become the moral force we are capable of being!

Our days are numbered.  We must suck the marrow out of life each day -- with ferocity. We must make each moment matter.

I’m here to remind you of your fierce feminine power and the fire within, to connect you to the sacredness of your being and presence on this earth, to remind you of the importance of sharing your deepest gifts now. I want to give you a taste of it in your bodies to awaken you. I am here to stand for the importance of our wildness and innate creativity and bringing that to the world in service to the greater good.

Our task is to create our lives as Sacred Art by developing our innate power, wisdom, and creative juices. I’m here to help you let out your Wild in service to the world. I also want to give you permission to be fully and unapologetically YOU, sister.

After all, you were wild once, so don't let them tame you. That’s an essential element of what Sparkling SHAMELESSLY is all about.

Here's a guide with 12 action steps you can take to activate your innate power & embodied leadership potential. These also happen to be some of the top values I hold dear, and that we will be exploring in depth in my upcoming spiritual immersion program: Wild Women ARISE - a 7 Month Initiation into the Fierce Feminine.

Enjoy the journey, sister!

12 Keys to Ignite Your Fierce Feminine in a World in Crisis

Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
— Arundhati Roy

We are at a crucial point in human history, and ALL of our deep gifts are needed to help gracefully usher humanity into the next century and beyond. The world truly is experiencing a global awakening, and more and more people, especially women, are choosing to participate in this renaissance of spirit and substance, eager to live into their full (r)evolutionary potential.

We are on a threshold now, going through a spiritual test that will help us bloom through into the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible: a kinder, braver and more just world where everyone’s basic human rights and dignity are respected and upheld. 

Think of these times as an initiation into our full radiance for the journey of whole systems transformation before us now, that will help us to live our true creative calling and sacred activism in the world.  May this time of darkness serve as a catalyst for each one of us to uncover our unique #SOULSPARKLE and offer it to the world for the good of all.

At this pivotal moment systems are crumbling, the levels of suffering are becoming nearly insurmountable, and we are deeply submerged in an age of separation. This age of separation is closely related to our alienation from nature, our own bodies, and the sacred Fierce Feminine.

The way we treat the body of our mother earth is reflected in the way we abuse and mistreat the women who live upon her. Fracking is essentially raping of the earth. It’s all a reflection. But oneness is our truth. We are all made of the same stuff.  The crises of our time are all variations on this theme of separation. Until we awaken to our interconnectedness with all beings, until we honor the spirit and Divine spark in all things and act from this higher consciousness, we cannot heal.

The greatest result of this separation has been to sever us from our own souls & our innate power.

We are collectively starving for depth, meaning, and purpose. We have an innate yearning to give our gifts and to be of service to others -- to live into our soul’s purpose. Yet we have had our attention stolen by countless distractions from what matters most. We have had our power pushed down and our greatness suppressed.  We want to help, but often fall into the trap of saying to ourselves, “what can I do? I’m just one person.” But as Margaret Mead has said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

It’s time that we tap into that urge and inner power to deliver our gifts, so we can rise and soar.

There is an uprising, a swelling, of all that we are and all that we’re meant to become in this lifetime. There’s a collective rising, facilitated by deep waves of healing, and a multitude of dances with the fire of transformation. We’re clearing away what no longer serves us so that the great bird of humanity can soar once again. 

At this pivotal moment, we women are being called to stand in our full force and fiery feminine power to heal our individual hearts, as well as our collective global heart. Our wild, untamed nature and the wisdom of our bodies are calling us … calling us to step into our innate power and untapped potential so we can ARISE.  Part of this task is embracing ALL aspects of ourselves. It's acknowledging and making space for all of our emotions and inner truths.  It's reveling in the darkness of our shadow and dancing unabashed in our Divine Feminine light.

The overall health of our mind, body and soul depends on how free we are to express our Fierce Feminine essence -- which has been repressed for far too long.

Since the burning times, we have feared expressing our innate wildness and ferocity. We have tamed ourselves, kept ourselves small, not spoken up for fear of being burned. But the wild woman archetype is having a resurgence. She is here with us now and not willing to put up with this s%@! any longer. Like the volcano goddess Pele, she is erupting whether we’re ready or not, filled with fiery passion and righteous courage, seething with moral outrage, ready to make her mark on the world and play full out.

She is in you too, sister.

It’s time for us to stoke the Fierce Feminine Flame within to burn away all that no longer serves our world in crisis.

The pulse that I sense in and around me is that LOVE is yearning to be the new bottom line in our world. I sense that the Divine Feminine is ready and deeply yearning for an equal partnership with the Divine Masculine. I sense that the world is hungry for an embodied women’s leadership to heal our world in crisis.  It’s our responsibility to the collective, for the good of all, to deliver our deepest gifts and become the people we’re capable of being.

Someone out there needs us. We must live our lives so they can find us.

We are being called to IGNITE our Fierce Feminine Flame and share our full light in service to the world -- for as Clarissa Pinkola Estes has so eloquently stated, struggling souls catch light from other souls that are fully lit up and willing to show it.

We have a Wild Divinity within us just waiting to be unleashed on the world. Sister, it’s time for a Sacred (R)evolution.

We must come home to ourselves and our bodies, as women. We are being invited to WAKE UP to the truth within and our soul’s purpose, wielding our power and potential for the good of all as women who are standing in their wholeness. Who have come back to their innate wildness and primal instincts.  Who are fierce, embodied leaders. It is our time to awaken to our potential and ARISE into our full power.

Here's how sister...


The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious.
If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door.
If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door.
If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.
— Clarissa Pinkola Estés, “Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype

There is a sickness of our wildness today, a deep suppression of the Divine Feminine, and the powers that be continually trying to sterilize that which is primal, messy, wild or “bad” in us -- from the birth process to our menstruation -- expecting us to be buttoned-up, good girls instead. But I’m going to ask that you let that all of that go as you read this guide, so you can step into the fierce Feminine courage you have innately within you.

Our very lives and the wellbeing of humanity depend on it now.

It's time to reconnect with the natural, the primal, the instinctual. It's time to untame and reclaim all the aspects of ourselves that have been shamed, hidden and tamped down so we can unleash our full soul expression & powerful medicine in the world, Sparkling SHAMELESSLY for the greater good.

Our world today is desperately calling out for a return of Wild Women:

Women who are untamed and wholly tapped into their deepest passions, joys, and heartbreaks.

Women who sparkle with the radiance of a life lived well on their own terms.

Women who are living from the deep stirrings of their souls.

Women who feel fully & allow that to inform each moment and choice they make in their lives.

Women who are no longer SILENT, but instead living from and speaking their raw, authentic truth (often and loudly).

Women who are birthing their fierce LOVE into action in service of the greater good.

Women who are connected to their instinctive selves & the natural world through their cycles & rhythms.

Women who have returned to the Earth and her wild ways.

Women who have soulfully reclaimed their true nature and wish to share it.

Women who are no longer playing by society’s rules or the limitations of the patriarchy.

Women who are redefining what it means to be strong, Feminine and FREE.

Women who resist, who stand up, who stand out, who say NO to injustice.

Women who continually show up with ferocity & protect what they love most, especially their own time.

Women who speak truth to power and don't back down to those who try to tame them.

Women who are wildly liberated from the habits and expectations of life, & the status quo.

Women pulsing with aliveness and pure life force creative energy.

Women who are not holding back any longer for fear of being shamed, bullied, or even burned.

Women who are tapped into their Fierce Feminine Fire within and not afraid to show it.

Do you feel the call too, sister?

Try this: Roar like a Lioness - take a moment to Imagine you're a lioness protecting her cubs from an attack. Embody her in her fierceness. Put your paws up and growl like you mean it. Stick out your tongue and RAWRRR at those that try to tame you with guilt, shame and fear. Fiercely protect what you love most. How does that feel in your body?


There is such great wisdom in nature, in our own bodies, if we choose to pay attention and listen. We can look to nature as well as our spiritual heritage for wise role models to help come back to the body and our true nature.

There are fierce Goddesses throughout the ages & traditions, courageous and fiery animals that roam the planet, and crystal energies from the earth. All of these and more can inform our journey to remember & re-activate our Power. Who wouldn’t want to tap into this wellspring of ancient earth-based wisdom?

We are in the body of the world. The body of the world is in us.

The way we treat our great Mother Earth is the way we treat our women. We disrespect, rape, and pillage her with fracking and industrial practices that are disastrous to her spirit and integrity. We ignore her power and beauty. We disregard her and forget the profound nourishment she brings. We pass over the fact that she gives birth to all of life: without her and her crystalline waters, we wouldn’t exist.

This disconnection from the earth, our Great Mother, has led to deep disconnection from our bodies as women, and that (in turn) has severed the connection to our pure power. We all contain a fierce and fiery nature, primal instincts and wildness, just like our great Mother. We are a reflection of her. All the teachings we need to thrive can be found in the natural world.  But we have forgotten our own power.

Like the ancient forests, spectacular galaxies, and the acorn that becomes the oak, we all possess a natural intelligence for growth.

Therefore, this is really just a process of remembering! We are that too!

Make yourself available to the power that lives within you. We are like elaborate lamps that have not plugged ourselves in in a universe that's alive with electricity.

Try this: Choose something in nature that draws your attention. It could be an animal, the sun, the moon, the stars, the tree behind your house, the weed that grows up through the crack in the city sidewalk. The key is to study it. Observe it. Notice its qualities. Investigate its inherent medicine. It holds gifts and deep wisdom to share with you if you allow it in.


I was always involved in leadership, helping people to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY, but what was missing was being embodied in that leadership. I wasn’t grounded. I didn’t feel safe in my own skin. I didn’t feel safe being here … so I ate, I drank, I distracted myself.

I was channeling all these powerful spiritual energies and creative downloads and it was blowing out my system. So often when we’re spiritually sensitive it is difficult to be here. We feel alien, like we don’t belong. Like we’re misfits.

But we can’t shine our full light if we’re not fully inhabiting our own skin. Embodiment is essential for our Fierce Feminine Flame to burn bright. We need a fierce container for the awakening that is upon us so our nervous systems don't go into overload. To show up in sour sacred work and deliver our Divine Legacy.

We can’t ARISE until we’re grounded and rooted in the Great Mother. We need a sturdy foundation to be able to move forward into our full potential. We have to be fully in our bodies. We have to be at home in ourselves and our own skin to soar. We have to ROOT to RISE.

Coming back to my body, coming back to the earth, coming back to my true nature and wildness has been the most profound and deeply nourishing part of my journey so far. That’s why I want to share it with you, sister.

The body is a bridge to communion, it is our direct connection with the Web of life, our vehicle to oneness.

We are being asked to forge a deep & lasting connection with our sacred vessel and her innate rhythms & cycles. We must learn how to nourish her holistically on the journey to become a pure instrument & channel of Wild Divinity in this world.

Let us be chalices for love in the world. Let us be hands, feet, and mouthpieces for the Divine. The body is holy when it's given to the Goddess for Her purposes.

Try this: Do practices to get you in your body. Dance to my Love (R)evolution Playlist. Go for a barefoot walk in the park, hug a tree, lay down on the floor and do a body scan. There are countless options. Just choose something that lights you up and do it regularly to keep you grounded.


These days most of us are in survival mode, our nervous systems continually activated by the horrors being inflicted on our brothers and sisters across the globe. This is unsustainable, so we have to find ways to nurture and take care of ourselves. We must begin to move towards healing within ourselves, so we can help heal our ailing world.

The crises of our time are all variations on the theme of separation. Until we awaken to our interconnectedness with all beings, until we honor the spirit and Divine spark in all things and act from this higher consciousness, we cannot heal.

We are being asked to release all behaviors and thought patterns that no longer serve us or the highest good so we can return to wholeness. Be brutally honest with yourself about what’s not working in your life and what’s holding you back from sharing your gifts. Are you addicted to watching the TV or listening to the news? Are you addicted to sugar? Are you addicted to sex? Go on a detox and start to purify the vessel so that the Divine, the Muse, the Goddess can come through.

We are being asked to shed what no longer supports us, especially the outdated patriarchal programming and patterning that keeps us small. 

As I said earlier, I believe in what the Dalai Lama said, but with an added caveat: The world will be saved by the Western woman ... but not if we’re too busy doubting ourselves, being distracted or thinking about our cellulite.

We are being asked to shift on all levels, from the spiritual to the emotional, physical, and energetic. The bottom line: it's time to THRIVE, sister!

Try this: Do a healing release ritual. Release rituals have been one of my most powerful channels for healing and transformation over the last 7 years. All you have to do is decide what is no longer serving you and what you are going to commit to let go of. Doing this on a Full Moon enhances the energy of the release as well. Write everything you’re ready to release on a piece of paper (or several if you need!) and then consciously release it, either by tearing it up into little pieces and throwing it in the toilet or by burning it (safely). As you are destroying the old beliefs, ways of being, and things that are no longer serving you, loudly proclaim “BE GONE!” Repeat any time you are feeling stuck or blocked.


According to natural law, alchemy is the transformation of a dense or base substance into something more refined and pure. It’s a similar process when we shine the light of awareness into realms that are dark.

We must be the CHANGE we wish to see in the world by doing the necessary inner work on ourselves. We must bring this light of awareness to the forefront. Like the symbol of the cross, there is the vertical mark that symbolizes the spiritual plane and the horizontal mark that symbolizes the material plane out in the world. We must deep dive into the vertical now and get to know ourselves intimately so we understand and can deliver our unique #SOULSPARKLE for the good of all.

The only way we’ll have external change in our world is to change ourselves first. Personal (r)evolution = societal revolution.

As Osho said, There can be no political revolution, no social revolution, no economic revolution. The only revolution is that of the spirit; it is individual. And if millions of individuals change, then society will change as a consequence, not vice versa. You cannot change the society first and hope that individuals will change later on.

Our journey here is all about finding the inner gold. Getting to know ourselves more intimately each day, growing, expanding, stepping into the fullness of who we are with each move. And the challenge is having the integrity to stay in alignment with the truest version of our authentic selves along the way, even when it's not what everyone around you desires. Love yourself enough to drop the 'shoulds' of others today and live to deliver your own inner gold.

Try This: Turn towards the darkness and embrace all of you...there lies a path. Know that your greatest wound has a gem in it. Go there, to your deepest wound, and know that as you begin to heal, your gifts will start to emerge for you. Find safe spaces where you can go into and explore the dark through shadow work (Qoya movement is one of my favorite ways to do so. Dive into shadow work and more in our upcoming Fierce Feminine Qoya retreat in Costa Rica)


What we eat, what we drink, what we think, who we surround ourselves with, and how we treat our bodies & spirits MATTERS. How we spend our vital life force energy MATTERS. Self-care becomes essential in our journey to shine radiantly with our full power & step into our Fierce Feminine. We live in an increasingly chaotic world filled with genetically modified foods and overworked individuals walking around with burnt-out adrenals. We have to make a conscious effort to take care of ourselves so we can show up fully in the world, moving towards our wholeness and what matters most to us.

As you continue to heal and release all that no longer serves you, you make space for that which is more deeply nourishing to take its place.

My journey with illness over the last two years led me to deep nourishment and it has been an essential remedy in coming home to my body fully. It requires knowing what nourishes us deeply, from the vital life force energies of food that most serve us, to the loving and supportive people we need to surround ourselves within like-minded community, to following the call of our sacred work that feeds us on a soul level.

Remember: if you’re not deeply nourished yourself, you can’t go out into the world and nourish others who are suffering.

When we are fed and nourished deeply on every level, we can show up fully in service to those who need us most. We ache to tap into the sacred pulse of life’s mystery as well as the ancient wisdom of our bodies. There is a blueprint deep within us that we can access when we tap back into our feminine cycles and the magic of our moon time for healing and harmony.

Try this (women): One of my favorite practices to support my nourishment is cycle syncing: eating foods that support and deeply nourish the body during different phases of our moon cycle. I first learned about this from my soul sister Alisa Vitti, the author of WomanCode and founder of Flo Living.


Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
— Howard Thurman

We will never get another chance at this life. We must live it to the fullest now, sucking the marrow out and making it a priority to feel fully alive each day! We're in a cultural hypnosis about how we're supposed to live, what we should do rather than what makes us feel most alive and lights us up with bright joy. Do you want to be dead broke or dead by 65? That's the majority of our world today.

Instead, we need to get LIT UP with our Fierce Feminine Flame & willing to show it! We need to burn, to BE THE FIRE in the world to help transmute all that is no longer serving the world. What brings your soul to the edge of rapture? What delights you endlessly and gets your life force energy pulsing through you?

Allow your soul to throb with aliveness by enhancing your creative capacities, sexual energy, connection with your body, knowledge of ancient women’s ways, and ability to show up for your sacred work in the world.

Stepping into the messy magnificence of truly living means feeling intensely into the depth of our being. When we're totally open to the present moment, we take in the fullness and bounty of all that is. Experiencing life at such full-throttle intensity isn't always easy, but it is profoundly moving and deeply meaningful.

So next time you feel your heart closing, open it just a bit further instead. Let it crack open till it hurts, and then bask in the beauty of what it is to be a human Being, lit up and loving fiercely. A true gift.

Try this: Create your aliveness accelerators, or long term aliveness goals. To simplify, there are the short-term ego goals -- goals that lead to a momentary pleasure or ego high, but don’t last in the long run -- and long-term Aliveness goals: goals that will help you to achieve an overall feeling of aliveness in the long run, even if it means giving up a temporary pleasure. Create a list of 3 main ALIVENESS ACCELERATORS to move towards and list how you will take action to bring them into reality, starting today.


A little “choose your own adventure” story for you: It’s a sunny afternoon in June and you’re in the woods. You know you need to stay warm for the night, but all you have is a letter that a friend sent you, a tin of tuna, and a small magnifying glass. Luckily you’re able to find some firewood, but you have no matches. How are you going to light the fire?

It’s simple: place the letter over the wood and hold the magnifying glass over it. The rays of the sun will be focused so as to ignite the fire within seconds. When you concentrate the scattered rays of sun onto the letter it will ignite. This analogy holds true for you! When you concentrate your energy and efforts on what matters most, you will ignite the Fierce Feminine Flames of your personal power and potential within.

It’s time to take a stand and come from a place of inner CONVICTION and validation about what matters most to you. What do you most love and want to protect? Like cells in the body, we each have a divine assignment for the good of the whole.

Step into a sense of clarity and conviction around your sacred work in the world, fueled by power, fire, ferocity and direction.  Finally step into your deepest gifts and authentic soul expression in service to those who need you most.

Don’t wait for someone else to pick you. Take a stand and choose to protect what you love most. Be fierce like the lioness with her cubs.

Try this: Know what you stand for. Take a piece of paper and allow your stream of consciousness to flow out as you claim what you stand for. Here’s an example: I stand for our wholeness, our innate brilliance and our unique #SOULSPARKLE in the world. I stand for the preciousness of all life on this planet. Every single one of us is valuable. We all matter and we’re here to DO something that matters.  I stand for everyone in our global village to be treated with dignity, respect and having their basic human needs met. I stand for our connectedness as one human family, and it’s time that we act like it and step up to serve our brothers, sisters and non binary individuals. I stand for radical acceptance (of self and others) and standing bravely in our authenticity. I stand for the advancement of women, girls, and the LGBTQ community in all I do. I stand for the rise of the Divine Feminine, coming into equal partnership with the Divine Masculine to help heal our ailing world. I stand for LOVE as the new bottom line.


We have a radical responsibility now to wholeness. We cannot fall back asleep: we must stay engaged at all levels, making our voices heard in protest, staying involved, and keeping on the path to self-actualization now more fiercely than ever. We must stay on purpose. We must #staywoke to what matters most.

In these chaotic times we need spiritual practices to ground us so we can stay centered in our sacred work & do what matters each day. We need to lean into the spiritual technology of rituals and cerEmonies from the world’s wisdom traditions to enhance our personal practice.

We need to polish the inner diamond of the heart so we can continue to live from a place of truth and inner radiance. There are so many factors that can knock us off course if we aren't truly grounded in who we are and what we stand for. Today, be the presence of love itself and shine your light wherever you go. Send your love before you. When something threatens to knock you off, come back to your diamond core and your true home within.

To continue to take a stand we must practice daily and stay committed to the path, bringing our love to all we do. We have incredible power & possibility as Western women. Let’s tap into it and become the people we’re meant to be by showing up each day to the fullest. Let us keep our inner Fierce Feminine Flame LIT UP with the fire of devotion by serving the greater good.

Try this: Do a daily spiritual practice to keep you grounded, clear, and in your body. Prayer and meditation are actual forces that enter the cells of the body. Just as you take a shower to clear off the dirt and grime each day, you also need a daily practice to clear your inner world.  If you find it difficult to practice on your own, then find a group to join for practice with others. My spiritual immersions are a great place to start. Congregating creates a field of resonance - a deepening and grounding of the ideas and teachings that are shared.


It’s time to apply the Fierce Feminine to the realm of boundaries, standing up and saying NO to the energetic drains, the distractions and the constant onslaught of social media. When you say NO it makes room for a bigger YES. It allows more time and energy to put towards the things that truly light you up.

This is a pregnant moment, so we want to keep our eyes on the prize of what’s possible. We must face the urgency of the times in which we live. Whole system transformation is here. Tap into the energy of rebellion and the sacred rebel within you. Be the re-sister.

We need women who are willing to stand up and say NO: not on my watch am I going to let you take away the basic human rights and dignity of my brothers, sisters and non binary beloveds. Like a mother keeping her child safe, the most loving response can mean saying NO.

As our sister Elizabeth Gilbert stated so eloquently on her Facebook page recently, “Peace will come to the world only when women say to men, "NO, you don't get to do this shit anymore. NO, you don't get to take everything you want, just because you want it. NO, you don't get to exclude, degrade, or disenfranchise any of us anymore, just because you have the power to do so. NO, you don't get to exploit the poor and the vulnerable, just because you can profit from it. NO, you don't get to live above the law. NO, you don't get to grab at money, land, power, or my body — just because you want it. NO, you don't get to teach bigotry, or encourage hatred and division. NO, you don't get to trample over justice. NO, you don't get to hurt my children — or anyone's children. NO, you don't get to violate my sisters. NO, you don't get to make up your own truth, just because you don't like the real truth. NO, you don't get to be greedy and inhumane anymore. NO, you don't get to incite violence anymore. NO, you don't get to mock minorities, the disabled, or the poor anymore. NO, you don't get to take advantage of women's kindness and forgiveness and softness anymore, by expecting us to forgive all your ugliest behaviors just because you're a man. NO, you don't get everything you want, just because you want it. No, No, NO. It all ends today, BECAUSE I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT.

“Honestly? I think the sentence, "I've had enough of this shit" is the last thing every woman on earth has ever said before she finally liberated herself from stupidity, violence, and oppression. You KNOW it was the last thing Rosa Parks said, right before she sat down on that bus and refused to move. And this is true on the personal level just as much as on the global level. "I've had enough of this shit" is the last thing every abused woman has ever said, right before she finally walked away from her abuser. Until we women say in holy unison, "WE'VE ALL HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT", nothing will ever change.

“In other words: It is not enough to ask men to become more peaceful; women must become MORE FIRM.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Try this: Create a stop doing list - Get clear about what's draining your energy and keeping you from showing up fully for what matters most. You want a miraculously fueled YES. Find out what’s draining you, put it on your stop doing list and just say NO (firmly!) the next time it comes up. After you stop doing it, see what opens up in your life in it’s place.


Connecting deeply with other women in sisterhood has been an essential part of my own healing journey and stepping into my Fierce Feminine. There’s an “i” in “illness” and a “we” in “wellness,” after all.

Coming together with other like-minded and soulful women has helped lift me up on my journey and brought me endless support and comfort. My sisters have created a space for me to lean into when I feel weak, where I know I can show up just as I am in the moment, no matter how messy. And with them, I know it will be not only okay, but WELCOMED, celebrated, honored and revered.

Sisterhood is essential medicine for these times we’re in. It is a non-negotiable now. We need consistent, foundational support for the long game ahead.

We cannot do this journey alone. We must uphold one another in times of deep need, great celebration, and everything in between. We must draw from our collective well of wisdom and strength to help each other grow and heal and soar.

Find spaces to be embraced by a close-knit group of sacred sisters who will champion you, cheer you on, support you and be a reflection and constant reminder of the blazing bright Divine light within you. Find a home with other like-minded women to be seen, loved unconditionally, known, accepted, and celebrated for the truth of who you are.

Together, we truly can help heal the world. And as Margaret Mead has said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

Try This: Show up in sacred spaces and containers of transformation, like my upcoming Wild Women ARISE Experience or Fierce Feminine Qoya Retreat in Costa Rica. Let’s support each other in stepping into our highest potential for the good of all. As the young women chanted all around me at the epic and historic Women’s March in January, “Women united will never be divided.” Let’s come together to help heal our individual and global hearts. Let’s create Beloved community together, igniting the fire in our bellies and remembering why we’re here at this most powerful time in human history. Let’s prove the Dalai Lama right!  I’d love to connect one on one with you if you feel called to know more. You can choose a time on my calendar HERE.


As Martha Graham so eloquently stated, “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”

My invitation to you is to become the person you're capable of being this year. Continue to stoke the Fierce Feminine Flame within you for the good of all. Allow yourself to be used by love and spread light in the world through your deepest gifts. We have incredible power as women in the West. Let’s tap into it and become the people we’re meant to be. Only through us is God/Goddess going to fix this mess we’re in.

Focus on the work of serving others from a place of heart & authenticity. The quality of your life will come down to the quality of your contribution.

Open and surrender, then surrender some more, then surrender some more. There is a Divine plan that is unfolding and often we get in our own way, or we want to rush things, or we want to “top down” the situation. Allow Divine Will to take the lead instead of your own will.

One of my favorite inquiries to ask in meditation comes from the metaphysical text, A Course in Miracles, “What would you have me do, where would you have me go, what would you have me say, and to whom.”

Be humble, do the work, stay in your spiritual practice, drop down to your knees, continually surrender and open yourself to be of service, again and again, asking for guidance along the way.

Try this: Take 1 hour per week and 5 minutes a day to let out your Fierce Feminine in service to something that deeply matters. Put the number for Congress on speed dial in your phone, volunteer to help at a local NFP, or get involved with a project or organization working on something that you’re deeply passionate about -- whether it's helping to get money out of politics with Wolfpac, or ending factory farming with Food Democracy Now, or leaning into the climate change conversation with the Center for Earth Ethics, or even learning to run for office with Vote, Run, Lead. Find lots more resources here at Sister Giant if you’re interested in engaging spirituality with politics.

Gratitude & Blessings for the Journey

Thank you, sister, for taking this journey with me. I am bowing to you in deep gratitude. Thank you for standing in your truth and stoking your fierce feminine flame! I am in awe of your radiance and moral courage.

If you’d like to explore these values more deeply, surrounded by a group of like-minded women, I invite you to join the Wild Women ARISE Experience: a 7 month initiation into the Fierce Feminine. It’s a container of emergence and transformation for up to 13 women -- part high priestess healing temple, part deep dive into wild and ancient wisdom, and part sacred mastermind to activate your innate power and embodied leadership potential.

Through 1-on-1 spiritual direction, monthly urban sisterhood retreats here in NYC, virtual full moon circles, and a handful of incredible guest healers we’ll be going on a journey to help you shed all that no longer serves you so that you can unleash your Wild in service to the world. 

It’s time to open to the full power and radiance that live within each of us so we can birth our love into action in the world.

Commit to becoming the change you want to see in the world and being the person you’re capable of being. Show up and do the right thing. Do all you can do and be all you can be. Get the support you need to step into your potential.

Remember, the spiritual journey is a practice that requires continued vigilance and work. It would be an honor to continue to support you as you unleash your inner wild and live into your full potential. I’m here to remind you of your Fierce Feminine power and fire within. To Connect you to the sacredness of your being and presence on this earth, to remind you of the importance of sharing your deepest gifts now. I want to give you a taste of it in your bodies to awaken you. I am here to stand for the importance of our wildness and innate creativity and bringing that to the world in service to the greater good.

I wanted to leave you with a blessing:

May you remember that YOU matter. You are a brilliant love beam and unique expression of wild divinity.

May you know that you are precious and powerful, possessing a unique medicine that is needed now.

May you choose to be a woman who dares to wield her Fierce Feminine power in a patriarchal and ailing world.

May you rise to the occasion of these troubling times and take responsibility for what matters most. 

I’m here cheering you on sister!! Get more spiritual & leadership development tips below!

11 Steps to Blaze your own Bodacious Path in 2017

“Try to discover
The road to success
And you’ll seek but never find,
But blaze your own path
And the road to success
Will trail right behind.”
— Robert Brault

2017 marks the year of the Fire Phoenix. In some translations it's the Rooster year, but I prefer this much juicier symbolism that brings with it the promise of rebirth and transformation, rising from the ashes.

The Year of the Phoenix in particular is associated with the element of fire, which ignites our creative embers and our stirrings for passion and freedom. It encourages us to emerge and share our deep gifts to meet the world’s deep needs. It reminds us to stay grounded in the heart and make our choices based on the whole of humanity. It stokes us to ACTION, especially in regards to unleashing our WILD in service to the world.

Phoenix is a shameless and brave visionary and its fire brings strength, passion, bravery and leadership -- the four qualities that we all need to embody now more than ever.

The Phoenix is also urging us to RISE & SOAR.

It's time on the individual and global scale. We're being called to break free of what no longer serves us, to step into our soul's purpose and to fully show up in service to why we're here at this most crucial time in human history. And to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY™, of course!

I'm here to help you do just that!

The key is to maintain balance as you charge forward, with a keen sense of awareness for what lies ahead and the direction in which you’re going … as well as taking these 11 necessary steps to blaze your own bodacious path in 2017 (tweet it):

1. Get clear for the New Year

We are starved for depth, meaning and purpose in our consumer-obsessed culture. We have a hard time discerning what would truly bring us happiness with all the marketing and advertising that is literally designed to trick us. Because of this, I like to begin the New Year by getting clear about what I most want to accomplish this year and that can propel me towards a life I would LOVE to be living.

I focus in on how I want to feel (with the help of Danielle Laporte's Desire Map), I ponder what adventures I want to take, I consider what personal development opportunities I want to delight in, and I sit with how I want to deeply connect with those that I hold nearest and dearest. I ask, "what can I give?", focusing in on how I can LOVE more and deliver greater value and service to the world, instead of asking "what can I get?"

The Bottom line: Discover what is of deepest importance to you. (HINT: you will know, for it is what brings you fully alive) Don’t allow yourself to be blind to the things that truly matter to you.(tweet it) A raise at your 80 hr/week job may bring you alive momentarily, but will that feeling last in the long run? Getting another degree and another title to add to your name will exhilarate you in the beginning, but is it truly going to bring you a lasting sense of aliveness? Going to Bali might look spectacular on your social media feed, but is it going to nourish you at the deepest level of your being?

There are two things that we have to examine closely here when deciding. I refer to them as the:

  1. Short-term ego goals: goals that lead to a momentary pleasure or ego high, but don’t last in the long run

  2. Long-term Aliveness goals: goals that will help you to achieve an overall feeling of aliveness in the long run, even if it means giving up a temporary pleasure

Even if you’ve already been throwing some ideas around, whittle your list down to 3 main goals (or what I like to call ALIVENESS ACCELERATORS) to move towards. THREE. That’s it. And make sure that they fall into category #2.: long term aliveness goals. Anything more & you’ll sabotage yourself before you’ve begun.

Once you have your list, write it out on a big sheet of paper and put it up on the wall where you can see it every day (or write it on your bathroom mirror). Make it fun, decorative, juicy, or whatever it takes for you to actually enjoy looking at it daily. I do the same with my Core Desired Feelings from the Desire Map. which you can see to the right ------>

Check in around your 3 ALIVENESS ACCELERATORS at least once a week and see what ACTIONS you can take in the next 7 days to move closer to your goals. Be sure to pack compassion with you for the journey and set small, measurable daily steps (& reward yourself along the way!).

2. Release what no longer serves you

Release rituals have been one of the most powerful ways I have been able to bring healing and transformation into my life over the last 7 years. All you have to do is decide what is no longer serving you and what you are going to commit to let go of from 2016. Write it all down on a piece of paper (or several if you need!) and then consciously release it either through tearing it up into little pieces and throwing it in the toilet or burning it (safely). As you are destroying the old beliefs, ways of being, and the things that are no longer serving you, loudly proclaim “BE GONE!” Repeat any time you are feeling stuck or blocked.

3. Unleash your unique #SOULSPARKLE

Since it's the Year of the Fire Phoenix, we have the ability to tap into the powerful energies around us and allow them to carry us. We merely need to claim that fire power that is ours! Think of it as the unique #SOULSPARKLE that only you can bring and shine in the world, burning BRIGHT. I created a FREE 13 day course to help you begin the journey here: the #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit

You can also spend time each day generating power from within, focusing on your solar plexus near your belly button. Imagine a fiery yellow sun generating from that point within you like an internal dawn approaching. Imagine it slowly getting bigger and bigger till it entirely consumes you, energizing and warming your entire body. Draw on this internal sun whenever you need energy or personal power. It’s an endless reserve within us all. This exercise is even more powerful if you do it simultaneously with the sun rising in the morning.

4. Choose your theme for the year

As some of you know, I choose an annual theme for the year, especially since choosing a specific focus and intention goes a long way in the sphere of personal development. 2016 asked me to Do What Matters, which was a very humbling process that allowed me to step more fully into sharing my gifts with the world and surrendering to the path that is meant for me instead of being attached to old ways of being.

In keeping with the Year of the Fire Phoenix, my theme for 2017 is ARISE (tweet it). Some others of mine in the past have been: Self Care or Go Nowhere &  Step into the Light .

Here are some ideas to help you choose your own theme.

  • Go through your old journals looking for words & phrases that repeat numerous times

  • Get honest with yourself about where you’re STUCK in your life and choose a theme to help you release from this pattern.

  • Name something you’d like to aspire towards this year

  • Consider a quality you’d like to bring into your life this year

  • Need more guidance? Consider booking a Deep Dive Discovery session with me for the New Year to get clear.

6. Nourish Yourself Deeply

To avoid the tumult of failed resolutions…consider making a commitment to deeply nourish yourself this year instead (i.e. I commit to eating nourishing foods that will best serve my body and work in the world. OR I commit to being generous every week, both with myself and with the people in my immediate circles – as well as strangers). Move towards what FEELS GOOD deep in your bones, what satiates you fully and wholly. Don't settle for scraps: commit to choose the feast. To enhance the experience, you can even create a commitment contract with yourself that you sign and date (preferably with a witness) to stay on course with your path to nourishment. You can refer back to it often to help keep you aligned.

7. Make Growing & Giving a Priority

Growing and giving are two of the main areas in life that bring us the greatest fulfillment and joy. If we’re not growing, we wither and die like anything else in nature. And if we’re not giving, we become hardened and bitter, trapped in the lonely world of separation, self-absorption and ego. So consider making growing and giving priorities this year. Infuse this intention into everything you do. Ask how can I grow? and how can I give? in each situation and begin to look at your days as sacred containers to express your greatness, instead of just another day passing. (Tweet it) Bring ritual and reverence to each task you take on, and make it matter so that you can activate the aliveness that comes from making a contribution.

8. Move towards Authenticity

“Finding the authentic has become the foremost spiritual quest of our time.” – Andrew Potter

The only way to truly be bodacious on your own path is to be authentically and boldly YOU (tweet it). To embody your own delicious spark of uniqueness – the potion that can only be you, the deep gifts only you can give, that unlikely superpower, the living legend within you. And Sparkle SHAMELESSLY™!

Yet we have a fundamental conflict: we all yearn to be seen and recognized for the truth of who we are, yet we’re simultaneously afraid of being judged and rejected. And allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is the only solution. As – Julien Smith cleverly put it, “Vulnerable is the new black.”

How about releasing your feelings of fear and just stepping into the fullness of who you are? How about NOT attempting to compare yourself to others in this world (especially models in magazines, Hollywood actresses, or people in ad campaigns for enhancement products) but instead comparing yourself to your Fabulous Future Self? Then congratulating yourself for the progress you’ve made so far in getting there?

Choose to live life in plain sight this year, even if it means being vulnerable, and move towards authenticity at every turn. Allow yourself to be gigantic & whole, even when it hurts. You are an unlimited being, and it’s only our thoughts and actions that bring on limitation. You weren’t meant to be like anyone else but YOU, and you alone. So rock your realness & SPARKLE! (tweet it)

9. Tap into the inner wisdom of your heart

As Carl Jung said, “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

To stay in balance while blazing your own bodacious path, it’s essential to strengthen your relationship with yourself & to deepen your ability to listen to your inner depths & the wisdom of your heart. It involves clearing away the noise of daily life and your own mind so you can hear your true self. You must take the time to be silent each day and listen to hear the reverberations of the truth, bypassing any ego nonsense.  If it’s only in your head/mind you can rest assured it isn’t your truth, for truth echoes only in the chambers of the heart. (tweet it)  This is a process of befriending your heart and tapping into it to receive the wisdom that has always been yours.  These are some of the most powerful and exacting methods there are for decision making, growth, and healthy change. And YOU get to steer the controls!

Begin to literally ask for Guidance – “What would you have me do, where would you have me go and what would you have me say, and to whom?” – this is a favorite question that I like to ask to receive guidance, from A Course in Miracles.  It can also be as simple as concentrating on a specific situation in your life and asking “Is there anything that I need to know to help this situation to resolve for the highest good of all involved?” You may also speak directly to your Fabulous Future Self, imagining them sitting directly in front of you shining limitless love and acceptance as you ask for guidance.


LOVE moves everyone. LOVE is the great motivator. LOVE RULES! (tweet it)

But really…our world needs more love. Whenever you can give love, come from a place of love, share love, inspire love, shout love from the rooftops, & just be the presence of love itself. Join the Revolution of LOVE & LIGHT that is upon us.

11. Gather in Beloved Community for healing, strength & support

In these maddening times, we need to lean into Beloved community and each other to help us RISE & SOAR. We're not made to do this alone. We need each other to live into our full (r)evolutionary potential!

I have lots of upcoming opportunities for us to gather both in spiritual community and in sisterhood, with our New Year's MENLA Retreat in upstate New York, the Birthing a Brave New World 3 part ritualistic series, and the #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary. Join us!

12. Take action starting NOW (Bonus Step!)

in the comments below, put yourself on the hook with what action you'd like to start taking right NOW from the list above and we can help hold you accountable.

It is my sincere hope that these tools and practices will be of great use to you in 2017 and beyond. Regardless, may you have a tremendous start to the New Year blazing your own bodacious trail! I can't wait to see you RISE & SOAR!

Let's Dance!!

You may not know this about me, but I’ve always been a dancer. I started with jazz and tap when I was little and morphed into a high femme raver in high school.  From there, I formed a college Improv dance troupe that performed as part of my architecture thesis, which in turn led to my becoming a NYC Electroclash nightlife dancer, a Zumba enthusiast, and more recently a Daybreaker party crasher. And of course, I still love shaking my ass at home in front of the mirror!

Regardless the form, dance has always been there, in some way, keeping my body moving and reminding me of who I am -- whether it was pulsing to the rhythmic beat of the speakers late into the night or dancing salsa at a Latin club. And now there’s Qoya. It’s founded by the magical Rochelle Schieck on the idea that through movement we remember: we remember we’re WISE, WILD & FREE. It’s the ultimate movement form that has finally brought me back home to my body and connected me firmly to my inner truth. And I can’t wait to share it with you!

Why do I love Qoya? It’s movement with meaning, dance as a form of prayer. It’s profound ritual and sacred space. It’s deep diving into our truth and letting out our authentic expression through the body. It’s beloved community and healing, and most of all it’s an extremely practical and grounding embodiment practice for these troubling times. The best part is, there is no way you can do it wrong, and the way you know you’re doing it right is that it feels good. There’s also a low barrier to entry, meaning no experience is necessary.

I’m thrilled to be offering TWO upcoming opportunities for us to dance together & go deep in the coming month:

The first is a New Years retreat I’ll be co-teaching this winter at MENLA Mountain Retreat & Spa along with Rochelle Schieck, the founder of Qoya; Madeline Giles, the founder of Angelic Breath Healing; and Tami Brunk, who does Shamanic Astrology. I’ll be leading us in Your Soul’s Calling Collage, an elaborate expressive arts ritual to help you call in your vision for 2017 and remember your future. MENLA is holy land that has been blessed by the Dalai Lama, and this weekend retreat will be a magical way to start the New Year! Join us Jan 6 - 8th.

The second is a 3 part ritualistic series to ignite our Divine Feminine Power and Birth a Brave New World together, which I will be co-facilitating with Stephanie Severe. It begins the day after the historic women’s march on January 22nd and ends the day before the Spring Equinox in March. Join us for deep sisterhood, healing and transformation. Think of it as a wild blend of the church you wish you'd always had mixed with the dance party of your dreams. We will come together in an immersive container of transformation to release what’s no longer serving our (r)evolution, access our inner truth, fully move the emotions and energy of these times through our bodies & harness our fierce passion and Divine Feminine power. 

Dance with you soon Beloved!



This rupture will lead us to rapture, our very lives depend on it. (tweet it)


It's happening. RUPTURE. It seems that our world is crumbling before our very eyes. But I want to remind us that the Divine is here even in this contentious election, which has brought so much sadness and anxiety to so many. The divisive, polarizing nature of this campaign and its predictably disastrous fallout is our Rock Bottom. We’re hitting it. HARD & FAST, without a seat belt. This is what it had to come to for the shadow of America to fully be seen and exposed, and ultimately for us to be able to move through it and to grow well together again. For us to remember who we really are and to reunite as a great human community and family again. We have been living in a time plagued by small-mindedness, where not enough of us were daring to dream bigger dreams or hold our government to a higher standard. Now that’s all going to change.

In a way, I have to say I am deeply grateful and humbled that this is happening. If this is truly the antidote to the separation that plagues our world and will help us to heal and transform on a global scale, then I say BRING IT ON! It doesn’t mean it’s not going to be painful, even totally gutting at times. But we are resilient Beings, and our courage is needed now more than ever.

They say the brighter the light (of possibility), the darker the shadow. This is what we’re staring directly in the face now. This is how Spirit needed us to fall so we can rise again. This is the event we've been needing to WAKE THE F*$! UP.  This is indeed a Brave New World.

Yes, the old paradigm & story is grasping with its last few dying breaths, as the Divine Feminine is now making its final plan for the rising that has already been well underway -- all moving towards the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible, and a fully EQUAL partnership with the Divine Masculine. A true time of UNITY is upon us: one country, undivided; one planet, protected; one global heart, beating as ONE. But for now, we’re all still suffering from some version of the wounds of separation, regardless if we’re conservative, liberal or otherwise. This deep pain is what’s driving all the violent and cruel actions that are out of alignment with our humanity. And this time of polarizing and Other-izing must come to an end for our survival as a species, to be replaced with the Feminine qualities of compassion, unconditional love, collaboration, openness and more.  

As Lissa Rankin so beautifully put it, “This is not a time to separate into “us” and “them.” We are all equal cells in the human body. We are all motes of consciousness joining together as drops into an ocean on this Planet Earth. If any one cell on this planet is sick, we must heal it.”

But as with all true transformation & healing, it’s probably going to get a little worse before it gets better. The fire is going to get a lot hotter and more intense before it comes to a steady sustainable flame...and it’s going to hurt like hell. But that fierce pain is what’s going to help keep our eyes and our hearts WIDE OPEN as we lead the fierce Love (R)evolution forward, Beloved. That fire is what’s going to help us burn away all that is no longer serving us so that we can arise from the ashes. This is our phoenix moment, our chance to write a new heroic story that serves the greater good of ALL living beings, not just the lucky few. It’s inevitably going to help us turn towards what matters most, and to live lives of great integrity, heart and healing. For it’s the only thing that will pull us through to the other side of this.

Rupture requires of us DEEP SURRENDER. I'm no stranger to this lately. Over the last two years, I was brought to my knees with sickness to help me clear my vessel and heal so that my greatness and full soul expression could emerge. I faced my own fire. Now I am on my knees for America.

The challenge in this is finding ways to hold steady in our light and the core of our being, standing firmly in who we truly are in the midst of the rupture and descending darkness. The difficulty is in Being LOVE in every moment, even when it might just be easier to call our new president elect an Orange Monster or Cheeto Face. The truth is that he’s still a human being, who is clearly in deep unconscious pain of his own. Every time we fall into a space of negativity, and move away from love, we reinforce the current paradigm.

As Kute Blackson encourages us, “Make a radical commitment to stop indulging in fear, especially your own. It takes the same amount of time to choose love as it does to choose fear.”

Our power in this moment is to stay awake and feel our emotions fully. It’s to stand fiercely in our love in every thought, action, and decision we make. How we live our lives matters, now more than ever. They are our great masterpiece, our opportunity to bring uncompromising beauty to the world. Together we are creating a great cosmic masterpiece. Let’s choose to move forward with our better angels leading the way. To not go into a space of spiritual bypass or numbing out, or reaching for cold comforts like alcohol or food or drugs or even suicide. If you feel yourself slipping, reach out to someone you love who can remind you of who you are. If you don't feel like you have that person in your corner, come to me. I'm here for you, Beloved.

We can't bypass the reality of what is in this very moment. Let's allow ourselves time and space to feel this fully in our bodies. Let's be with the messy and truly complicated emotions that are so essential to being a human on earth at this time, and then get to work. It is a great gift and a tremendous challenge, especially for us lightworkers, sacred rebels and (r)evolutionaries. Let's be gentle with ourselves and know deeply and truly that we are not alone.

Let us remember that enormous waves of unseen possibility arise out of the greatest storms. (tweet it)

Beloveds, this is the time we've been preparing for. All of our deep healing work, self-reflection, copious divination decks, women’s circles & sacred gathering, deep spiritual practice, crystals, and the sometimes-guilty-as-charged-leaning-into-spiritual-materialism-with-your-gorgeous-new-mala-beads. The moment is now to put it all to use, FOR REAL. Dress Rehearsal is over. The Show is on.


Our task is to use our righteous rage as kindling to fire us up for the crucial work we have ahead as LOVE & LIGHT workers in the world. (tweet it)

I’ve been sober for over a year now, and Tuesday night was the first time I’ve desperately wanted a drink since I quit.

The day after the election, I woke up after 3 hours sleep to the sobering truth of our new president elect. Upon hearing the news, my body became nauseated and went into shock waves like so many of us. I know I’m not alone in the rollercoaster mix of shock, rage, deep shame, fear, and anxiety, Beloved. I’m feeling you here too.

Yet the core emotion that was bubbling up inside of me was rage, FIERCE RAGE, especially at this blatant display of the deep seated Fear of the Feminine. Fear of seeing a woman in her power. The deep seated disregard for women and their bodies that allows a presidential candidate to admit to sexual assault & still get millions of votes (only reinforcing our already rampant rape culture). And that WOMEN, my American sisters, voted for him no less. Women that have been so brainwashed to undermine their own abilities, power and worth in the world by the very patriarchy and conservative white male populace that just took control of the government. The wool is so thick over their eyes they couldn't see the blatant truth staring right at them. And I don’t blame them in any way. I have deep compassion for them. They just don't know any better. YET.

And not only this, but a presidency that was backed by the KKK and Nazi party? WTMF?!!! Is it not 2016?

A sleeping Giantess was awoken from a deep slumber on Wednesday morning, and man was she PISSED. I was channeling a bit of Goddess Kali after hearing the news, perhaps. Blue head fuming, with blood dripping from an outstretched tongue. And the raging only continued, at the system that is no longer serving us as a whole, at the capitalist machine and unchecked greed for money & power that is eating us alive, at the disastrous impact of unconscious media and reality TV, and on and on. I was like a blazing fire over which someone had poured a bucket of kerosene.

Intuitively, I knew I needed to move my body, I needed to dance it up and out and through my vessel. I needed to feel it fully in every cell, so I could release it. I needed to dance hard and free and as wild as I could. I had to move the energy so it didn’t get trapped, to shake it out like we do in Qoya. I needed to scream and cry and rage, safely.

Luckily, I had tickets to a post-election Daybreaker event starting in an hour, and one of my favorite DJ’s was on deck, Tasha Blank. Music was going to be my antidote in this moment.  So I ran out the door and onto the most somber subway ride I’ve ever taken. Not even after 9/11 was the energy so heavy and dark. It felt like a full circle moment with hate at center stage.

That morning at dawn Tasha reminded me that God is a DJ, and boy is she needed right now. We came, we danced, and we remembered -- who we are, what we stand for and the vision of the world we want to create. Through music and coming together in Beloved Community, we had a deep moment of healing, even in the darkest of times. This video was taken just moments before I was graced with the power of a giant bear hug from the 200 other beautiful souls I danced with that morning.

I am still holding onto that profound gesture of our shared humanity, fiercely, with every ounce of my being. It has been my life raft in this flood of hatred. I’m still savoring the feeling of all that loving energy pulsing through us in that moment, bodies pressed up tight with tears streaming. Basking in feeling the TRUTH of who and what we are. It was deeply profound to revel in our ability to open our hearts just a little bit more even when they're breaking. (tweet it)

When I left that morning, I didn’t realize my heart could break any more than it already had.  But the the levels of cruelty, disconnection, fear, separation and desperation that have taken root in the last 72 hours are utterly soul-crushing and seemingly insurmountable.

From flag burnings to hate crimes to death threats to an increase (ALREADY!) in LGBTQ youth suicides, this has got to stop. We're barely breathing when our hearts are this shut down. 

“Where is the humanity in this,” I thought? “Where is our decency? How have we moved so far from the truth of our oneness and connection with all of Life?”

I have to admit that my own unshakable optimism took a serious hit, but resilient is my middle name.

Yes, there is a time and a place for outrage. We must process it fully and release if from the body. But, we must be mindful to not let the rage get out of control and spin us into a frothy pit of negativity, hatred and despair (fueled by the constant stream of social media drama).

Charles Eisenstein warns us why in his powerful article on Hate, Grief and the New Story: "Anything becomes possible with the collapse of dominant institutions. When the animating force behind these new ideas is hate or fear, all manner of fascistic and totalitarian nightmares can ensue, whether enacted by existing powers or those that arise in revolution against them.”

We need to channel this into righteous rage and use it as kindling to fire us up for the crucial work we have ahead as LOVE & LIGHT workers in the world.

Because of this, I am more fired up now than ever in my mission to help free human spirits that have been marginalized and oppressed to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY™, especially women and the LGBTQ Community. By dismantling old systems, ideas, and ways of being that dim our inner #SOULSPARKLE, promote separateness and limit our full evolutionary potential, I vow to help us release all that no longer serves so that we can create our lives as a great masterpiece for the good of all. By reminding us all of our inherent Divinity within, I’m passionately committed to ending the violence we perpetrate against each other and our own bodies.

It is this fierce light and love that is going to help drive out the darkness…..Each of us bringing our unique radiance and spiritual magnificence forth is going to help heal our world. That is what’s needed now. And I promise to do all I can to serve this effort. To bring education, empowerment, sacred art, beauty, hope, inspiration and of course SPARKLE into the world wherever I can.

And I know I’m not alone.

Not only do I feel this way, but many of my dear friends and fellow spiritual leaders are already banding together, gathering the troops for a massive LOVE offensive, and visioning a new world into being. We’re dreaming bigger dreams so we can end this illusion of separation that has taken over temporary occupancy in our world. (tweet it) We're not going to stand by and let hate poison our nation. We're going to create a force field of love so fierce that nothing will be able to ward it off. A Sacred (R)evolution is upon us at the individual, collective and global level ...Thank Goddess!


The simplicity of our purpose now is to be in service to fierce love. (tweet it)

The one thing that is undeniable in all of this is that we have been in a deep slumber globally. There’s a lurking reality that lies just beneath the capitalistic shiny surface veneer of wealth and success... we live in a violent, racist, imperialist, patriarchal, homophobic country that was founded on genocide and slavery.  But luckily there is an awakening that’s happening. A quickening. There is a force field of fierce love & blinding light that’s coming into formation (thanks Beyonce) ;)

For as our brother Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds us, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

And if LOVE & LIGHT is too woo-woo or New Age for you, call it empathy, call it compassion, call it HUMANITY (defined as the quality of being humane, kindness and benevolence.)

Whatever term you choose, the root of this non-violent, Sacred (R)evolution is to allow love to pour into the world through us. It is allowing love to heal the divisions in the world through us. It is allowing our full radiance and inner light to come forth through us. There is no leader who is going to do this for us. We need to remember to empower ourselves and each other. No one else is going to be the presence of love if I'm not, if we’re not, collectively.

Peace geographer, Joshua F.J. Inwood, fortifies this idea in his article Why a Fractured Nation Needs to Remember King's Message of Love, "As outlined by Martin Luther King Jr., the role of love, in engaging individuals and communities in conflict, is crucial today. By recalling King’s vision, I believe, we can have opportunities to build a more inclusive and just community that does not retreat from diversity but draws strength from it."

I ask that you join us, Beloved, regardless of your political leanings, where you live in the world, or what race, nationality or gender you identify as. We’re all in this together. It’s time to step up and serve this Sacred (R)evolution of Love & Light. To evolve into a new species, Homo Luminous, emitting our blinding radiance for the good of all.

As our sister Jacqui Lewis reminded us in Love Now More than Ever, ”We need to dig deep and think right now: What would LOVE do? What would Love say? How would Love organize? How would Love look for allies? How would Love behave toward those who didn’t vote like us?”

Make no mistake, we WILL rise, and we DO have massive amounts of work to do (and mountains ahead to climb in heels and #onfleek) (tweet it)

This is the time for creatives & healers and visionaries to show the way. What I like to call Sacred Artists, (R)evolutionaries and Rebels. We’re warriors of he(art) & spirit here to guide you in the new way to live, love, lead, serve & SPARKLE. We’ll show you how to dream bigger dreams that can transform the very fabric of our society. We’ll show you the power of a force field of LOVE & light instead of hate and fear.  We’ll show you what it really means to be a presence of love and peace and healing in the world. We’ll show you what’s it’s like to exist as a beloved teaching and learning community encouraging full soul expression, moral courage, planetary healing, & collective spiritual awakening amongst its brothers, sisters, queers & otherwise.

We are fearless agents of change, not waiting for a miracle, but turning our love into action today to sculpt the course of history and our world by moving our society away from self-destruction, greed, ignorance and hatred that have led our planet to be polluted with numerous cancers.

We PROVOKE. RISK. STAND UP. STAND OUT. POKE. INNOVATE. DISRUPT. MAKE A RUCKUS. CONNECT with our sacred art that comes in the form of entrepreneurship, sacred work, conscious entertainment & media, social organizations, NFP's, impact investing, unconventional creative endeavors and more. Through these businesses and our lives we are building bridges between the possible and the seemingly impossible.

Join us Beloved! It’s time to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY™ for the good of all!

The Top 15 Essentials for this Sacred (R)evolution a.k.a. what's needed now more than ever:

  • FIERCE LOVE! My friend Meggan Watterson put it so well: “we know how to love larger and louder than any divisions.” This is a time for BIG-hearted living, for Loving fiercely, everywhere, anywhere, anyone, everyday, for sending metta/loving kindness meditation to Trump himself. It’s time to come from a place of deep love even in the darkest of situations and moments, to give hugs to strangers and loved ones and even our perceived enemies. The positive aspects of Kali are needed now - the ferocity of her sword cutting through the bullshit of illusion.

  • Consciousness raising & education- As Albert Einstein taught us, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. “ This is a time for educating. Ourselves. Each other. Our communities. In order to usher humanity away from the old paradigm that is no longer serving, and into the future that awaits this planet. Education on empathy, compassion, spirituality, understanding, radical acceptance and any other tools that can help us to mend the great divide.

  • Beloved Community & Support - This is a time to galvanize and rise up together, to spend time with people you love, to gather with like-minded souls, to join in sacred healing circles, to spend time basking in our oneness and connectedness as a human family. It is a time to practice radical inclusivity, to weave fierce support systems, especially for those individuals that are marginalized. This is a time to surround yourself with others who have walked through deep darkness and know how to get back to the light. Join our #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary online community for hope, love & encouragement in our troubled world and tools to help transform at the individual, group & global level.

  • Bridge Building through Compassionate inquiry - This is a time to ask, “what is it like to be you?” of everyone you meet as a way of building understanding and empathy. Get out of your bubble and dialogue with Trump supporters, Hillary supporters, Bernie supporters, even those who didn’t vote at all or voted for Mickey Mouse. Deeply listen to them, heart to heart. This is a time to find out where our brothers, sisters and queers are coming from and to walk a mile in their shoes.

  • Solidarity - This is a time to show solidarity to those who are most afraid and fearful for their own lives or those of their families or communities. This is a time to sport symbols that communicate that silently, like wearing a safety pin to show others you’re a safe space for them to land.

  • Political Action - This is a time to engage politically and otherwise, to volunteer your time to the causes you care the most about. Opting out is the same as numbing out. This is a time to get informed, participate in your local government, know your rights, sign petitions, start petitions, and help shape the course of history.

  • Power -This is a time for conscious & spiritually mature people in positions of power and government who are coming from a place of love. This is a time for more women in power, women who have done the deep healing work to own their full worth in the world, those like Marianne Williamson who ran for Congress. This is a time for people power, not allowing ourselves to be blindly led by authority, but standing up for what we believe in so that someone else isn't determining our fate.

  • Hope -This is a time for both Hope and Faith, which is are intricately connected for me. Without having faith in a greater Divine plan that's unfolding, it's hard to have hope. Breakdown has to happen for breakthrough to occur. (tweet it) This is a time when faith & any shreds of hope we can muster will be one of the pale few lights to get us through the dark times ahead.

  • Creative Collaboration This is a time to put our heads together to create innovative solutions for healing and mending the fabric of our society, and meeting the world’s deepest needs. This is a time for global think tanks and meetings of the mind and heart, for artists to wildly create, for poets to remind us of what matters most, and for musicians to move our souls, TOGETHER. Like the incredible group poem below.

  • Deep Nourishment - This is a time for deep and vigilant self care to fortify you for the journey ahead. It’s time for nourishing foods, movement, spiritual practice and prayer, laughter and play, and time with dear ones and family. It’s a time to be vigilant when any urges arise to reach for the cold comforts of alcohol, drugs, sex or overeating instead of being fully present to what is.

  • Bravery - This is a time for bold and brash BRAVERY, to feel the fear and do it anyways, because we can’t not act. We know we’re playing the long game. This is a time to pick yourself. No one else is coming. Don't wait for someone to you permission to finally step into your purpose, power and potential. We are the ones we've been waiting for.

  • Clarity - This is a time for spiritual maturity -- to know who you are and what you stand for from a place of deep heart and integrity and to stand strong in that in all you do, say, and deliver to the world. To engage in personal & spiritual development on a regular basis for the health of our world.

  • Inspiration - This is a time to seek out inspiration that moves you and keeps your spirits high, including books from the greats, like Nelson Mandela, Victor Frankl, Ram Dass and others who’ve been through the darkness and can remind you of the light on the other side.

  • Beauty - "In times of dread, artists must never choose to remain silent" (Toni Morrison). This is a time for beauty through Art, gestures of human kindness and ritual happenings as a part of our healing process and awakening. Moments of beauty can be a salve for the wounded soul. Check out my gallery for some new shamanic healing art to inspire and bless you.

  • SHAMELESS Sparkle - This is a time to unleash our full radiance, to step into our purpose and most authentic soul expression in the world, to heal our wounds of self worth and evolve for the good of all. Begin the journey today with my new FREE 13 day course, the #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit

  • DANCING - This is a time for dancing, and other modalities that can help us to stay grounded here on earth and embodied for the journey ahead. I included an inspirational LOVE (R)evolution Playlist for you HERE to get MOVING!

Subway therapy in NYC, A Wall of love, art & inspiration

Subway therapy in NYC, A Wall of love, art & inspiration

Now that I've shared mine, what are the essentials YOU'RE bringing for the journey, Beloved? Please share in the comments below! I'd love to hear from you.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be sending out some clear calls to action (as well as copious beauty, hope and inspiration) for everyone in my community to get on board, step into your full purpose and potential for the good of all, and join the Beloved Community that Dr. King set out to bring about so long ago. Stay tuned and sign up below to join us! We CAN mend our broken Washington D.C. and our world, one loving gesture at a time. Know you’re safe with me till then.

Self-actualization is no longer a luxury, it is an imperative. (tweet it) I’m here to help, with every fiber of my being. It is an honor to serve this collective WAKING UP. It’s time.

Because YOU MATTER! The truth is that we need you now more than ever AND your deepest gifts to help heal our world. We’re counting on you to step up. This is what we’re made for. This is why we chose to be here on earth at this most powerful time in human history. And now IS the time. If you had any doubt before, let it be burned away by the urgency of the situation we now find ourselves in. If you need some inspiration, call on Goddess Kali from above: her presence is here more strongly than ever. And I'm here for you too, Beloved.

Reach out if you need anything at all. Comment below. Share what’s on your heart. Know that I see you. I love you. I honor and value you. I stand for you! And I'm holding you in a warm loving embrace. Remember we will always be #strongertogether.


Signing off from the front lines of the Sacred (R)evolution.


p.s. If you found this article inspiring, thought provoking or heart opening, please share with the links below! And we'd love to hear from you in the comments!

It's time to Rise & SOAR! Are you with me?

You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.
— Jelaludin Rumi

While much of America seems to be getting more and more divisive, I'm going to be holding doors for strangers, letting people cut in front of me in traffic, greeting all I meet, exercising patience with others, and smiling at strangers. I'll do this every time I have the opportunity. I will not stand idly by and let children live in a world where unconditional love is invisible and being rude is acceptable.

Join me in showing love and respect to others. Find your way to swing the pendulum in the direction of love.️ Because today, sadly, hate is gaining ground. Love must begin somewhere and love will overcome hate. Imagine the difference if we each purposefully love a little more. (This is copied and pasted from my friend Gail Larson on Facebook, who got it from another friend. If you agree, you can also copy and paste it to your Facebook page so your friends may read and share it too.)

In other words, when they go low, we go high.

There’s a beautiful story about the Great Bird of Humanity I want to share with you. Imagine a giant graceful eagle flying through the sky, yet one wing is stunted and barely flapping, while the other is pumping furiously, overcompensating for the weakness of the other wing. Instead of flying forward, this bird is spiraling downwards in a circle, stuck in a pattern that isn’t serving its full power and grace. This bird represents the imbalance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine in our world. It is wounded, and because of it, all of us are suffering.

I tell you this story because we are at a crucial point in human history, and ALL of our deep gifts are needed to help gracefully usher humanity into the next century and beyond. The world truly is experiencing a global awakening, and more and more people, especially women, are choosing to participate in this renaissance of spirit and substance.

I deeply believe that each and every one of us matters and that we’re here to DO something that matters. We’re all artists in charge of the greatest masterpiece on earth, our LIVES. We all have a Divine Legacy that we’re co-creating each day, all in service to the Great Cosmic Masterpiece. We must each add our unique stroke to this collective masterpiece, or else it will be forever lost.  (tweet it)

At this pivotal moment systems are crumbling, the levels of suffering are becoming nearly insurmountable, and we are deeply submerged in an age of separation. This age of separation is closely related to our alienation from nature, our own bodies and the sacred Feminine. The world is crying out for a balancing of the Masculine and Feminine energies, to heal the Great Bird of Humanity. Until we awaken to our interconnectedness with all beings, until we honor the spirit and Divine spark in all things, and until we act from this higher consciousness, we cannot heal.

While I believe in the fundamental divinity of human beings, I also recognize that we have embarked on a long sojourn of separation from that divinity, and created a world in which ruthless sociopaths rise to wealth and power.”
— Charles Eisenstein, Sacred Economics

The greatest result of this separation has been to sever us from our own souls. We are collectively starving for depth, meaning, and purpose. We have an innate yearning to give our gifts and to be of service to others -- to live into our soul’s purpose -- yet we have had our attention stolen by countless distractions from what matters most. We have had our power pushed down and our greatness repressed.  We want to help, but often fall into the trap of saying to ourselves, “What can I do? I’m just one person.” But as Margaret Mead has said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

The Heartbeat of Our Collective Experience

It’s time that we tap into that urge and inner power to deliver our gifts, so we can rise and soar. This is the heartbeat of the collective experience of being a woman right now. There is an uprising, a swelling, of all that we are and all that we’re meant to become in this lifetime. I know that you all feel it too! There’s a collective rising, facilitated by deep waves of healing, and a multitude of dances with the fire of transformation. We’re clearing away what no longer serves us or the Great Bird of Humanity so that we can soar once again. 

Join me for The World Awakening Summit where I’ll be delving into this along with 26 other experts in the personal development space.

Instead of falling prey to hatred and fear, we RISE UP to embody the values that our nation was founded on. We come from a place of deep heart, integrity and healing in all we do. We use our sacred NO when it’s needed most. NO. Not on my watch will this man become president of the United States. May our collective descent into depravity show us the areas that most need healing, ultimately bringing out our brightest light.

As Conor Friedersdorf said recently, "A bad actor can cause a scandal in any institution. The true test of core soundness or rot is how everyone else reacts to the depravity. Do they reject it or say it isn’t so bad?"

We are instrumental to each other's healing & the greater healing of the world at this time. (tweet it) We are here to serve as intricate mirrors for each other's greatness and brilliant light. We are stronger together, generating and enhancing our energy and social impact. We are being called to stand up and share our full light in service to the world, for struggling souls catch light from other souls that are fully lit up and willing to show it.

The pulse that I sense in and around me is that LOVE is yearning to be the new bottom line in our world.

I sense that the Divine Feminine is ready and deeply yearning for an equal partnership with the Divine Masculine. Here, I'm referring to the Masculine that is supportive, strong and clear, not the destructive patriarchy as represented in figures like our presidential candidate or greedy Wall Street bankers that are destroying our economy. The later is a false form of male power incapable of a true partnership with the empowered women that we are becoming.

Instead, I sense that the world is hungry for an embodied women’s leadership to heal the Great Bird of Humanity for the good of the whole. It’s our responsibility to the collective, for the Good of all, to deliver our deepest gifts. (tweet it) Someone out there needs us. We must live our lives so they can find us.

That’s why I was called to be here today. It’s why I do the work I do each day. And it’s why I’m writing my first ever political blog post. The bottom line...

As Michelle Obama said so fiercely, "We cannot afford to stay home on Election Day." There is only one choice now. Do the right thing. Remember that we're always #strongertogether. There is so much at stake in this election. Get over your frustration and depression and get your pussy (or your ass) to the polls.

I’m with Vogue on this one, "Two words give us hope: Madam President. (tweet it) Women won the vote in 1920. It has taken nearly a century to bring us to the brink of a woman leading our country for the first time. Let’s put this election behind us and become the America we want to be: optimistic, forward-looking, and modern."

In closing, I’ll leave you a message from The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers:

As you move through these changing times... be easy on yourself and be easy on one another. You are at the beginning of something new. You are learning a new way of being. You will find that you are working less in the yang modes that you are used to. You will stop working so hard at getting from point A to point B the way you have in the past, but instead, will spend more time experiencing yourself in the whole, and your place in it. Instead of traveling to a goal out there, you will voyage deeper into yourself. Your mother’s grandmother knew how to do this. Your ancestors from long ago knew how to do this. They knew the power of the feminine principle... and because you carry their DNA in your body, this wisdom and this way of being is within you. Call on it. Call it up. Invite your ancestors in. As the yang based habits and the decaying institutions on our planet begin to crumble, look up. A breeze is stirring. Feel the sun on your wings.

Let us show up where we are needed most

On this day of the Scorpio New Moon, during the time of year when the veil is the thinnest and we have deep access to our ancestors, I will be calling on them now, sending prayers for global healing and seeking guidance on how to be the change that we seek in the world and make love the new bottom line, truly.

Scorpio brings the energy of the Phoenix to this New Moon, allowing us to burn away any fragments that remain of the life, patterns and behaviors we wish to leave behind and be reborn from the ashes so that we can rise & SOAR.

I ask you to join me.

Let us pray, meditate and commune with one another in sacred space, to promote an energy shift to heal our Mother Earth, mend the wounds of separation and achieve a universal consciousness toward attaining peace and love for all. Let us show up where we are needed most now: at the polls, in our communities, and out in the world bringing our deepest gifts to help meet the world's deepest needs. Are you with me?

I'd love to hear from you in the comments below!!!

What to do when you find out Marie Antoinette is a distant relative

Marie Antoinette, my distant relative

During my health crisis earlier this year I became increasingly interested in my blood relatives and distant ancestors. An intense yearning grew within me to know where I'd come from in this lifetime, to map where the cells of my sacred vessel had originated, and to trace them back in time over continents and countries. Though I had given thanks and acknowledged my ancestors before in ceremony, and particularly my matriarchal lineage, I was curious to know names and places and spiritual proclivities reaching back. I was keenly aware that the wounds, blessings, celebrations and hardships of our ancestors runs in our blood. It's in our cellular memory. Their stories are woven elegantly into our own. Without them, we would not be here at this greatest time in human history.

So over the course of the year I delved into ancestry records uncovering relatives as far back as the 1600's in Europe and also decided to venture into the world of 23 & Me and do genetic testing. I definitely ended up with lots of information to digest, from Quakers to Shamans to Celtic monks to slave holders to the fact that Marie Antoinette and Luke the Evangelist are distant relatives on my mother's side. Royal blood. Not too surprising to my Queen archetype…. But in the end it helped me to know myself a bit more, and to shine a light on why I'm here now.

Genetic vs. Spiritual ancestors

We all have ancestors -- it's a common thread we all share. It's something we can all relate to, and it's a great starting point to build a spiritual foundation in our lives. It connects us to the fabric of our very existence and brings awareness to the intricacies of what brought us to this threshold in history.

Have you ever stopped to wonder, "How many generations of my ancestors have worked with hope to make my life possible?"

There are also our spiritual kin or ancestors, those mentors, teachers, friends and in my case fellow priestesses, who are near and dear enough to our hearts to also be considered our chosen family. They are the ones who have influenced and shaped us with their wisdom and presence. They have held us in their compassion and closeness when we needed it most. They have shepherded our talents and stood up for our wildness and pure authenticity when no one else would.  Whether they are old Hollywood starlets, transgender luminaries, or radical activists, they have a place here, and deserve to be honored just the same.

Samhain, celebrating Halloween a little differently this year.

Samhain (pronounced (sow-in)), also known as Halloween in our Western culture, is the night when the veil between this world and the Spirit world is thinnest. That means it's an ideal time to connect with our ancestors or anyone who has transitioned from this plane -- not unlike the Mexican Day of the Dead (or Día de los Muertos), which begins on the same day. It's a sacred time to call upon those who came before us and honor their journeys, taking time out to recognize their strength, survival skills, and the choices that brought our own genetic lineage to where it is today -- for without them we wouldn't be here. I knew that I wanted to honor my ancestors in a significant way this year with the work I've been doing. Hence, the Faces of Our Ancestors Retreat that I'm co-facilitating upstate on Halloween weekend (I hope you'll join us! It's going to be epic!).

Make Your Own Ancestral Altar

Day of the Dead (Ancestor) Altar

Day of the Dead (Ancestor) Altar

It's important for our grounding here on earth to be in right relations with our ancestors. This could mean doing healing and forgiveness work if there is unfinished business between you and a deceased family member, or just taking time out to celebrate and honor them.

I've talked about creating your own altar or power place before, but consider making an ancestral altar this Samhain and honoring those who came before you this year -- not only your blood relatives, but anyone who has had a tremendous influence on you and helped to shape you into the Beings you are today. Pictures of your ancestors, objects of remembrance, maps, family heirlooms or anything else that reminds you of your Beloveds can go on the altar. Make it a dedicated space away from the hustle and bustle of your life and visit it regularly. Include a candle and anything else that invokes the sacred for you. Be sure NOT to include any images of living individuals.

Claim Your Birthright

Do you hide part of who you are? Do you look forward to the Halloween tradition of wearing masks and costumes?

This year consider doing it differently. If you can't join us for the retreat, I invite you to create your own sacred experience at home. Begin by lighting a candle at your ancestral altar, then close your eyes and breathe deeply. Think about who you are in the world today and know that everything within you is the sum of all your ancestors. Going thousands of years back, the generations of your ancestors all culminate within you now. Think about your own gifts, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, knowing they all came from an original source. Take this time to honor the ancestors who made it possible for you to be alive today.

Take the time to speak your genealogy that you are aware of as far back as you are able to go. With each name, say a bit about their individual lives as you know them.  A sample:

I am the daughter of Charles Edward who fought in WWII
and lived to share his experience…

Live your Divine Legacy

I deeply believe that we're here to live our lives as a great masterpiece for the good of all, and part of that is living our Divine Legacy. There will never be another one of us. Our ancestors ensured that we would be alive at this time in history. Don't we owe it to them to reach our peak potential in this lifetime?

As we step into our greatness and delivering our gifts in the world, let us call on them for assistance and guidance. As Christine Valters Painter so eloquently suggests, "sometimes we forget this great "cloud of witnesses" and "communion of saints" who travel alongside us through life offering their wisdom through the veil."

They are there for us, just waiting for us to make contact. Allow this Samhain holiday to transform your relationship with your ancestors and fuel your journey in this lifetime.

I invite you to share below how you'll honor your ancestors this season. Include any pics of your altar or ancestors that you'd like to share and how they've helped to shape you into the human you are today!