Lainie Love has advanced training in Shadow Work® and now does Shadow Diving sessions. This is a process in which your buried power & life force energy is brought up out of the shadows and into the light. It’s a way to dig deep into the inner landscape and discover your hidden gold, allowing you to release what holds you back in order to make way for the discovery and expression of your true self.
It is a way of transforming parts of your character that you’d like to change with compassion and understanding, and offers an effective technology for balancing these diverse parts. Each Shadow Diving session includes a set of facilitated processes that allow individuals to explore and change almost any behavior pattern. It’s time to re-write your story!
Benefits can include:
Rewriting core parts of your personal story that have kept you small & hiding
Reclaiming lost energy, power & aspects of self from the shadows
Stepping into more of your sovereignty, gifts and medicine
Coming home to yourself and your truth
Re-membering who you truly
NOTE: Sessions are currently done virtually on the Zoom platform and live in person in St. Louis, MO.
Two hour sessions - $444
tap into your innate power to heal…
Shamanic healings include Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, release work and chord cutting, fire readings, crystal readings, divination, and sound/vibrational healing. With the use of shamanic power tools, healing crystals, the healing drum and fire rattle, come clear all that’s no longer serving you so you can be in your full power and sovereignty in the world. These approx. 90 minute sessions are fully clothed and open to everyone.
Benefits can include:
Reclaim your innate vitality & energy
Retrieve lost parts of your soul & bring them back into coherence in your field
Remember your inherent radiance and Soul Essence
Cleanse and clear your field of energetic debris from living in a patriarchal world
Cut chords with people, old ways of being and belief systems that are holding you back from living into your full potential
Receive a powerful blessing for your (r)evolutionary journey
Get a take home action plan to integrate the healing
NOTE: Sessions are currently done virtually on the Zoom platform, live in person in St. Louis, MO or Internationally with all travel expenses paid.
90 minute sessions - $333
“I’m super grateful to Lainie Love for the incredible Soul Retrieval Shamanic healing sessions. This is a powerful ritual and technique that I never knew was even possible. I’m not new to inner child and shadow work. I’ve worked a lot on the childhood trauma, abuse and neglect that I experienced during my early years, but I never could go deep enough to actually retrieve some fragments that were still so scared and so in such panic mode that they refused to come out.
It was crucial for me to retrieve those parts in order to step up to my next level as a teacher, leader and business owner. After the first session I felt a big relief and a massive step forward to full liberation. But I continued to receive messages from my inner child through the dreamtime and I asked Lainie for a second session, which was also deep and profound.
After the second session, I had a period of incredible integration and lightness. Now I can fully step into my destiny! To once again feel that you are complete, and that all parts of your soul are with you now is a freedom & liberation that I can’t even describe! Thank you!!! ”
“What a privilege to be guided in a past life regression by a priestess of the universe, Lainie Love Dalby. I had been troubled by feelings that I could not explain, things that I felt were becoming obstacles in my life. I wondered if there might be clues hiding in my unremembered past, so I went to Lainie for help in unravelling these feelings. Through her masterful guidance and magical essence, I came away bursting with insights that would not have been revealed in any other way. Now, weeks later I am still finding new things to reflect on and integrate. That session was a blessing that continues to provide gifts!”
step inside the alchemical healing chamber…
Lainie Love is a certified Scent Priestess with The Emerald Temple and the ancient Egyptian lineage. She brings her capacities as a catalyst, lightning handler and clear vessel for the Divine to serve as a channel for quantum healing and profound transformation on the physical, mental, energetic and spiritual levels. Be fiercely held in a sacred & alchemical container to come home to your body, re-member who you truly are and why you’re here at this most potent time in human history. She merges shamanic healing, anointing with holy oils, crystal healing and layouts on the body, toning and soul singing as well as sacred geometry in these cutting edge immersive 2 hour sessions. Quantum healings are currently open to woman and non binary individuals only. The full body anointing is similar to a massage.
Other benefits include:
Raise your frequency and vibration
Receive visions & transmissions directly from your Soul Essence
Awaken and activate latent light codes in the body
Undergo cellular & DNA restructuring to live into your full capacities
Break up areas of darkness or stuck energy as the holy oils (aka liquid ethereals) infuse the body with radiant light.
Receive oracular visions and Divine guidance channeled through Lainie Love
Allow yourself to be flooded with divine unconditional love so you can sink into full soul remembrance.
Be sung your souls’ song while drifting off into sweet surrender & restorative rest
NOTE: Available live in person in St. Louis, MO or for hire Internationally with all travel expenses paid.
Please reach out directly to if you’d like to book
Two hour sessions - $444
Lainie Love is a descendant of Celtic Shamans and Druids from England and Ireland, as well as the Iceni Warrior Women, so this work runs deep in her blood and ancestry. She has over 10 years experience in crafting rituals & ceremonies for healing, soul growth & alchemical transformation. She is an ordained Reverend & Spiritual Director from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, Cosmic Creatrix of the Sacred (R)evolution Oracle, Bestselling co-author of the Sacred Body Wisdom book, Advanced ShadowWork® Facilitator, Certified Reiki Level 1 Practitioner, Certified Scent Priestess with The Emerald Temple, MedicineWay Initiate, Year long Priestess Path Graduate, 13 Moon Mystery School Initiate, Rosa Mystica Mystery School Initiate, Apprenticed to a global ritualist for 5 years, Travelled as a Sacred Pilgrim to Egypt to restore the holy oils and toning to the temples & Great Pyramid in 2019, Crystal Vogel Wand Level III Practitioner, Crystal Healing Apprentice, six year apprenticeship with a Medicine Elder in the Mayan and Toltec lineage, and a professional Bachelor’s Degree from Cornell University in Architecture & Fine Art. Read more in Lainie Love’s bio HERE.