Are you talented at what you do but feel like no one sees you?
Are you struggling to communicate the power & purpose of your gifts?
Do you feel that your exterior is out of alignment with what you feel on the interior?

I thrive on bringing out the BEST in you – your soul essence, your aliveness, your peak, your bright joy and bold love – and helping you to deliver that to our world with grace, ease and flow. Through my own tough-love spiritual & life/biz guidance, I am here to help you overcome your inner and outer barriers so you can fully shine your gifts to the world and ROCK YOUR REALNESS, the wilder the better! For as Kelly Cutrone has said, "Normal gets you NOWHERE!" Some people call it Purpose; I call it USP, short for Unique Spirit Power (other people call it your “unique selling proposition,” but that's too salesy for me). Regardless, it's part of what informs the brand called YOU and all that you do and are in the world.

There will never be another you, with your unique offerings & voice. Defining your brand's story is a journey only you can take. By why go it alone? Remember that someone out there needs you, so you must live your life so they can find you. As Clarissa Pinkola Estés reminds us, "Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it.”

Are you ready to sparkle, shamelessly??

I invite you to activate your full potential and learn to sell yourself and your deep gifts with SOUL. I also now offer website design. This is holistic branding at its most potent. Soulful Branding will help you to:

Stand out & sparkle

Cull out the stories that set you apart from the crowd and help you discover your authentic truth so you can unleash the deepest gifts from within you or your organization & SPARKLE.

Maximize your deep gifts

Learn to organize, package and maximize your deep gifts for the marketplace so you can compassionately hustle and bring your deep gifts to meet the world's deep needs.

Align with your core

Align with your core strengths, values and WHY you're doing the work you do. Begin to generate meaningful immersive experiences for you and your team as well as your clients.

Lead from the heart

Come from a new humanitarian bottom line instead of merely an economic one. Begin to lead from the heart center to enhance the overall culture of your organization & how you do biz.

You need to build an effective strategy that highlights your unique gifts and how they can be of service to the world's deep needs, or you will continue to stay stuck in the same situation of just surviving instead of totally thriving. You need to switch to delivering your gifts as a form of deep value and love currency, or you'll continue to just 'get by' instead of reaching your peak potential. You also need a website design that speaks the language of your soul.

Someone out there needs you. You must live your life so they can find you!”
— anonymous Balinese dancer