Welcome, beloved!!!
We’re so thrilled that you said YES to join us for The #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit Version 2.0!
After you've had a chance to dive into the kit, we’d so love to hear from you! Come on over and join us in our private online #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary (NOT on Facebook) and let us know what your favorite parts were, any key take-aways, or aha moments! Looking forward to supporting you on the (r)evolutionary journey Beloved. ENJOY!!
Read THe Sacred body wisdom Book Chapter
The Great Homecoming is one of the core pillars of The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly. My chapter “Reclaiming Our Bodies as Sacred Sovereign Ground,” that appeared in the recent #1 Bestselling book from The New Feminine Evolutionary Series Book: Sacred Body Wisdom goes deeply into this. Click below to download your own PDF copy to read all about the Sacred (R)evolution® and Great Homecoming that’s calling! My shamanic healing art is also on the cover! Some highlights from my chapter include:
A snippet from my life story of gaining and loosing over 1300 pounds through yo-yo dieting, disordered eating and extreme body hatred
How I ditched dieting for DEEP NOURISHMENT instead and went on a profound healing journey that transformed my life inside and out
Seven of the sacred steps I took to reclaim my body as sacred sovereign ground
Wisdom around what the world is crying out for now more than ever
Sacred guidance on how to begin to heal from the overt and covert violence’s that are perpetrated against the sacred feminine today and especially women and girls bodies
Fire Phoenix Rising Qoya Movement Class
Dancing in Beauty is one of the core pillars of The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly! With that, Qoya movement is one of the main sacred practices we weave into our sacred circle and in SISTERHIVE. It's based on the idea that through movement we remember: we remember our essence is Wise, Wild and Free. During our monthly themed Qoya classes we connect in sacred sisterhood and are deeply nourished with connection, ritual, divination and movement. There's no way you can do it wrong. And it doesn't matter what it looks like, it's all about how it feels!! See you on the virtual dance floor siSTAR! Access the video HERE.
love flood meditation
I welcome you to my Love Flood Meditation. Walking as LOVE in the World is one of the core pillars of SASS, so I congratulate you on taking this time for yourself to unwind and just be with the beauty of you and shower yourself with LOVE. You can use this meditation anytime you like, but it can be especially beneficial before going into a meeting, before a big speaking gig, when you’re about to make some art, or even before some sweet love-making or going on a date. It’s purpose is to Celebrate the magnificence of you and help you to step fully into this very moment where your power, potent love & full presence reside.
Take a CEREMONIAL journey with your ancestors…
This video is from an interview I did for The Art of Spiritual Living Online Retreat. I am sharing a powerful mini ceremony with chanting, an ancestors visualization and expressive arts process to create our own oracle cards. Being in sacred practice and reconnecting with our ancient roots is a core pillar of The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly that will help you to get in touch with your unique Spirit & inner #SOULSPARKLE. NOTE: The ceremony begins at 18:21 minutes into the video. You’ll want to have some markers and blank index cards before you begin.
Try the sacred slow down practice
The Sacred Slow Down Practice is one of my favorite ways to stay grounded and nourished. It’s a simple practice I developed to be able to step into reverence at any moment and tap into my ancient wisdom that I originally created for my Sovereign Sisters Rising circle. I have lots of other tools that I use to stay deeply nourished on my vlog too!
Embodied Spiritual & Leadership Development with Style, Sass and the Sacred - Receive deeply nourishing bi-monthly interviews, storytelling, spiritual teachings & sacred practices from transformational catalyst Lainie Love Dalby & other new feminine paradigm leaders who are sharing their unique #SOULSPARKLE in the world for the good of all & igniting a Sacred (R)evolution®!
Continue to deepen with The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly Through the sacred (R)evolution oracle deck & #soulsparkle sanctuary community!
Together with the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy, we’ve teamed up to create the multi-media and multidimensional Sacred (R)evolution® Oracle Deck. This is the first oracle deck of its kind since you can choose an option for an interactive portal to accompany the deck & guidebook. Each of the 44 cards comes with a guided sacred practice, ranging from ritual & ceremony, to ecstatic embodied movement, to shamanic journeys, to potent visualizations and more that you’ll be personally guided through in videos, Mp3s and live transmissions! TOGETHER, we’re Igniting a Great Homecoming of Love & Sacred Reconnection to the Body, the Earth & the Web of Life.
The #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary Inner Circle is our learning and practice community of Sovereign SiSTARS, Sacred (R)evolutionaries & He(art) Warriors Sparkling SHAMELESSLY & sustainably!
In the sweetness of our ephemeral Sanctuary, we’re gathering all those who’ve been told they’re too much or not enough. Come be embraced by a close-knit group of Beloveds that will champion you, cheer you on, support you and serve as reflections and constant reminders of the Divine within you and your blazing bright light. It’s time to receive the authentic support, holding and witnessing for both the peaks and valleys on your journey -- knowing you’re not alone -- so that you can truly THRIVE.
In our #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary Inner Circle we delve into a different pillar of The Sacred Art of Sparkling Shamelessly each moon cycle. We also gather LIVE in sacred circle for both a virtual New Moon Ceremony and Qoya movement class via Zoom during each moon cycle, as well as for Sacred Play days where we create together and sharing and prayer circles too. Join us in our beloved learning and practice community encouraging full soul expression, moral courage, planetary healing, & collective spiritual awakening!
We so hope you’ve enjoyed the #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit! This is only the beginning of the magic that’s in store when you choose to connect in deeper with us, Beloved! Looking forward to supporting you on the (r)evolutionary journey Beloved. ENJOY!!
Come on over and join us in our #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary Private Online Community (NOT on Facebook) and let us know what your favorite parts were, any key take-aways, or aha moments!
Want more spiritual and leadership development resources?? Whitelist us in your email inbox so you’re sure not to miss any updates and free offerings from us. Just add LainieLoveDalby@gmail.com.