Embody Your Dreams
Dreams. Desires. Plans.
If you're a woman, you have all three.
Dreams: the stories from your past, tended since you were a girl.
Desires: the fires you stoke in the present as the woman you are today.
Plans: the vision of the future that you're living into.
Without embodiment, your dreams live only in your imagination.
Waiting for the day you say yes to them,
the day you say yes to yourself.
The defining element of existence is embodiment.
You take your first and last breaths in your body,
and it is your constant companion on this journey.
Your dreams are no different.
Give them breath, and they will be born.
Give them nourishment, and they will grow.
Give them love, and they will sprout wings.
For a dream to come alive, it must be embodied.This retreat is an invitation to expand your ability to create.
The goal is not only to dream, but to give those dreams embodiment.
To do this, you will draw on your feminine wisdom cycles, the creative DNA hard-wired in your body. The more you understand each phase of these cycles, the more you will be able to harness your creative power, lean into the gift of each phase, and trust your body more and more.
In this retreat, we will explore these cycles as a map for creation. To prepare for the journey, you will get access to the online course, A Call to Create: Our Bodies are Made to Do This, which will take you through each step of the Feminine Map of Creation as expressed in the Qoya book.