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The Great Homecoming Sisterhood Retreat (IN PERSON!)

  • The Journey Home Retreat Center 18993 SE 65th Road Dearborn, Missouri 64439 United States (map)

We’re so thrilled to invite you to join us IN PERSON for our fall sisterhood retreat, The Great Homecoming, in the heartland of Missouri to return home to the body, the earth, each other & the web of all life. We will be gathering from October 15th to 18th, 2021 to dive deep with each other in the flesh. This will be a potent time to step into sacred reconnection and to heal after this time of deep separation and isolation. Come get deeply nourished & restored in your body, heart, Spirit and Soul and return home to the he(art) of what matters most. There's only 13 spaces available, and we're waiting with open arms...

Come get comfortable in your own skin, here on earth & in the sweet embrace of sacred sisterhood


At this pivotal moment systems are crumbling, the levels of suffering are becoming nearly insurmountable, and we are deeply submerged in an age of separation. This age of separation is closely related to our alienation from nature, our own bodies and the Sacred Feminine. It has severed us from our own souls and our souls’ physical address in this lifetime, our holy body temples. On top of that we are collectively starving for depth, meaning, and purpose largely because we don’t value the inner life in our culture. Our current systems don’t foster our wholeness or encourage our innate brilliance and Spirit to flourish. In most cases they crush us and drain the life and light out of our eyes. They keep us small, tamed, and in line. At their worst, they perpetrate violence that limits our potential and ability to become who we’re meant to be in this lifetime. 


The world is crying out for a Great Homecoming now. A homecoming back to the land, our bodies, and the he(art) of what matters most. A deep journey to come back to our ROOTS.


Sacred Reconnection is the medicine that is most greatly needed in our world right now. Reconnection to our truth, our planetary family, our sacred purpose, our power, our sovereignty, and our great Mother Earth.For I am Her and She is me. We are of the Earth, inextricably entwined with Gaia. The Earth is our original ancestor. Coming home to Her is a way to come home to our own bodies, beginning to see ourselves as a reflection of nature all around us. 


What we need is a Sacred (R)evolution® of love and reverence for self, other, the planet and the Web of All Life.  That’s what the initiation journey of this retreat is all about!


I see us nestling in together in sacred circle, around the fire and within the sacred container of our incredible retreat house: laughing, deeply connecting, sharing intimately, storytelling, witnessing each other, journeying into the depths of our soul essence, crying, howling like a pack of wolves, dancing wildly, feasting together and returning home to the heart of what matters most in sacred sisterhood. I feel our nervous systems decompressing after an epic two years and the sweet motherly energy of the land here holding us tenderly in grace as we heal and transform. I see us bathing under the stars and receiving transmissions on how to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY directly from the cosmos. And this is just the beginning!