It’s finally here! Woohoo!! Today is the BIG day!
I’m thrilled to share that the doors are officially open to our learning & practice community, SISTERHIVE ®, for womxn who are ready to walk the spiritual path with practical feet, rooted support, sustainable sparkle and a badass cheerleading squad of sovereign siSTARS!
Click here to learn more about our sacred sanctuary and get started today.
I was called to create SISTERHIVE because reconnection is the medicine most needed in our world today, and fierce sisterhood & holding are also non-negotiables in these chaotic times we’re in. As our HIVE sister Erin Fiero shared, “ I was in desperate need of positive, affirming, and sacred gatherings. There has been a void in my life in this area, and SISTERHIVE has truly filled that...Obviously, the women who have and will come together make Sisterhive what it is! The old patterns and gatherings are not working any longer--Sisterhive has created a new way to gather and share in sacred community, which is a basic human need!”
Over the years, we’ve seen that lack of sisterhood support and consistent practices to help us remember who we truly are is the #1 thing keeping us from stepping into our full power, sovereignty & shameless sparkle in the world. As an alternative, it’s time for a great homecoming – to our bodies, the earth, the ancient sisterhood lineage and the heart of what matters most.
It’s time to be seen, held, known and celebrated for the TRUTH of who you are!
I also created SISTERHIVE because it’s the sacred container of fierce support and love that I’ve so deeply longed for, but had yet to find out in the world. As our HIVE sister Marsha Mees shared “Lainie and the SISTERHIVE sisters are so full of love and support. We cry, we laugh, we celebrate each other’s accomplishments and hold each other up in times of trial. SISTERHIVE is like home. I belong to several groups and I can honestly say that the love and support you receive from Lainie, Vanessa and all the sisters is REAL!!!!!”
The doors to our SISTERHIVE learning & practice community are only open for enrollment until Saturday, June 8th, at 11:11pm EST so head on over to learn more and enroll now.
You’ll get immediate access to life-changing content that’s going to bring about a sacred (r)evolution in your own life: a true return to love and reverence for self, other, our planet and the web of all life. It’s truly going to superpower your life! Take our HIVE sister Karen Balon’s word for it! “ I’m finally connecting and listening deeply to my body. My vibration is lighter and brighter, I look and feel younger, weight has just melted off of me (which has never been the case before) I’m connecting with my soul and loving myself unconditionally for the first time ever and I’m 53!”
We also have some awesome bonuses valued at over $896 (including some time sensitive ones) when you choose to step inside our sacred sanctuary today:
A FREE ticket to our LIVE event in NYC July 14th, 2019 for the first 10 people to join ($333 value) - [BONUS AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS ONLY]
Virtual Group Spiritual Direction Session ($250 value) - [BONUS AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST 48 HOURS ONLY]
A digital copy of Sacred Body Wisdom book with Lainie Love & guest authors ($9.99 value)
Sacred Messenger Course ($150 Value)
Guide to Creating Sacred Space & Altars ($49 value)
The #SOULSPARKLE Starter Kit ($79 value)
Sacred Art Altar Card ($25 value)
Invaluable Community Support
As our member Kateryna Moskaliuk shared: “Truly, if feels like being held in the sacred container of the divine feminine, a bee hive where I can always reach out to receive the honey of support, love and be witnessed for who I am. It's incredible! Lainie embodies such a loving, nurturing, balanced presence of the sacred feminine, and creates a powerful space for inner shifts to happen. She is a spiritual teacher who has an incredible ability to see beyond words and right to the core of who you are as a soul, and I value this beyond measure. As this empowers me to value my own beauty and worth as a woman.”
It would be a deep honor to have you join our constellation of sovereign siSTARS & Sacred (R)evolutionaries who are Sparkling SHAMELESSLY together to help heal the world and flood the house of humanity with light! Come return home, remember, reconnect, replenish & rejuvenate your soul.
Won’t you join us, Lainie? We’re waiting with open arms for you!!!
Creating this learning & practice community is a lifelong dream come true to be able to provide, consistent foundational support for your spiritual journey. Our members are truly feeling the infusion of love that is here for you. Head over to our information page to learn what they’re raving about!