The Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy has been BORN!

This week we learned that we're projected to have our first woman VP in the White here in the US, and I also happened to turn 42!!

Though it was a deeply challenging & gut wrenching week with a lot of alchemical healing happening on multiple levels, I have been feeling a profound amount of gratitude for the epic shifts that are underway!!

I wanted to share from the heart today that I so deeply value your presence here and your unique medicine & #SOULSPARKLE!

THANK YOU for all you are and all you bring to the world!!!

It's such an honor to be on the (r)evolutionary journey together at this most potent time in human as we're midwifing the New Earth TOGETHER!

I'm thrilled to share that on my birthday, the Ecstatic Embodied Leadership Academy was also born, and as my birthday gift to you, everything is 30% off!

...including our one on one mentorship opportunities to help you superpower your 2021, as well as our Sovereign Sisters Rising™ Sacred Circle Leader Certification!

If you’re ready to step into your SHAMELESS Sparkle in the world and deliver your deep gifts, medicine & #SOULSPARKLE as an ecstatic embodied leader, now is the time! Just use the code BIRTHDAYGIFT30 before this Friday!

If you're feeling the call, you can set up a 1-on-1 exploratory session with me HERE. I'd love to connect in deeper and hear how we can be in service and support to your journey as we move into this new era together, Beloved. 

We are so looking forward to the journey ahead and all that's in , Beloved! 

with Big LOVE, Ecstatic DEVOTION & Shameless SPARKLE!

Lainie Love & the Sovereign SiSTARS!

P.S. We've got lots brewing in the alchemical cauldron behind the scenes that we can't wait to share with you! Including a super special announcement at the end of the week so stay tuned!!!