My heart is deeply aching over the cruel deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others as well as their mourning Beloveds, and for our human family. And now also the mob beating of Iyanna Dior, who’s a black trans woman. I am disgusted, sickened, and teeming with sacred rage that unarmed black men and women continue to be senselessly murdered by authorities, and that the LGBTQIA population continues to have violence inflicted upon them -- and all in the midst of a global pandemic where BIPOC marginalized populations are already more vulnerable and at greater risk of harm.
The other night, I woke up in the middle of the night coughing, choking and unable to breath. My throat was burning, my stomach queasy and I was shaking all over. My body was trying to communicate what needs to be spoken, so I want to share here what came through from a deeper place of embodied wisdom and heart knowing...
Blatant racism and white supremacy are parts of the old paradigm that is dying away now, that’s seemingly having its last gasping breath. It is time for us to do our deep shadow work, and to look at all the ways we’ve been complicit in deeply rooted and dangerous systems of oppression and violence (both overt and covert).
We stand fiercely with Black Lives Matter and say NO to continued racism, bigotry, hate and all forms of violence. They cut to the core of who we are and what we believe in. Here in the #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary we are deeply committed to being deeply inclusive within this sacred space that honors and celebrates all diversity & LIFE as we gather together to heal, grow, play and transform. This is even written directly into our Sacred Agreements that everyone receives before we gather in sacred circle. We honor and uphold the Divine in all. We will not tolerate racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, classism/elitism, ableism, sizeism, ageism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, fascism, or xenophobia and agree that any disrespect of this will be directly confronted in the moment.
Along with this, our sacred work in the world focuses on helping womxn and the LGBTQIA community to step into our power and sovereignty so we can Sparkle SHAMELESSLY® for the good of all. Two essential elements of this journey are sacred reconnection and to do our own deep shadow work by investigating the pockets of darkness within us so we can bring them to the light for healing & integration.
Dismantling white supremacy work is some of the deepest shadow work we can do for ourselves and the collective as ecstatic embodied leaders.
It’s time for us to move towards the POWER OF LOVE instead of the love of (abusive) power. #lovegoesviral
This is the Sacred (R)evolution that’s calling us now, especially in the USA. Sacred reconnection is the antidote to the violence as well as the systemic killing & suppression of people of color. Reconnection to our own bodies and truth, to each other in our human family, to the earth, and the intricate web of all life. A true journey back home to love and reverence for ALL.
It’s time to confront our white privilege, fragility and silence in our own lives and in the world so we can reconnect into the he(art) of what matters most and return home to each other. It’s time to speak truth to power, name what is unacceptable, and take action to change it from the deep insidious roots.
It’s time to ignite that inner fierce feminine flame within and draw our non-violent Rainbow He(art) Warrior swords of truth to draw a fierce boundary and say:
NO, we will not tolerate you treating our BIPOC brothers, sisters and non binary Beloveds this way. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate your blatant racism and disregard for human life. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate your mistreatment and consistent harming of marginalized populations. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate your violence against the Spirits, souls and bodies of loved ones in our human family. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate your cruel abuses of power and authority. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate your mass consciousness brainwashing and fear mongering. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate or buy into your polished patriarchal consumerist machine that continuously manipulates us to feel less than and not enough for just being who we are. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate sleepwalking any longer or numbing ourselves out to what is real. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate your bottom line of greed, harm, manipulation & abusive power. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate the overt and covert violence perpetrated against BIPOC individuals, LGBTQ individuals, women and girls, or any other marginalized populations any longer. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate the unprocessed and unhealed shadow of our country being wielded like a puppet show on the world stage of our governing bodies. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate being complicit to a system that attempts to destroy and oppress the human spirit and truth of who we are. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate being silenced by this old dying paradigm any longer. We withdraw our consent.
NO we will not tolerate the denial of the profound darkness that exists in our world and any remaining pockets of darkness within ourselves .We withdraw our consent.
What are you saying NO to and taking a stand for, Beloved? How will you wield your sword of truth? What Spirit action will you take? Please share in the comments below...
Without knowing the depth of our darkness we can’t know the brilliant radiance of our full light. Without peering into the depth of our own ignorance and unconsciousness ways of being we can’t Sparkle SHAMELESSLY with our full soul essence. Not individually nor collectively.
We are at a massive moment of rebirth. We are in the underworld now. Let us take this time to truly clear and release all that is no longer serving us so we can become the Phoenix rising from the ashes of this old dying paradigm into a whole new species: Homo Luminous!
Here are just a few immediate actions you can take to be the change and begin the deeper work to help birth this new paradigm and Earth together - a more beautiful world our hearts knows is possible where Justice truly exists for all.
1. Get educated about racial justice and antiracism and do your dismantling white supremacy work.
Here are some awesome resources to get started. Choose a few and do them this week:
Get Layla Saad’s book, “Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World and Become a Good Ancestor
Read the article on Medium from Equality Includes You - 75 Things White People Can do for Racial Justice and take action
If you’re a white woman, read this article from the New York Times
Check out this multi-media list of Anti-Racism Resources
Engage in Debby Irving’s 21-Day Challenge
Pick up at least one of the 18 Books White Allies Can Read
Read the potent book Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Listen to the Revolution playlist from Rachel Cargle on Spotify
2. Get in alignment with your values and where you invest your time, money and life force energies.
Divest in the companies, systems and structures that perpetuate systemic oppression. Donate and give back to the organizations who are doing the deeper work on the front lines each day. Ask yourself:
“What role do I play to uphold this current system?”
How am I upholding it unconsciously?
Where am I out of alignement with my own values, especially if you consider yourself spiritual but not religious.
3. Use your voice to speak truth to power and to BE THE CHANGE with each action you take and how you show up in the world each day.
Find the courage in your he(art) to risk bringing your voice to the world during this crucial time. Now is no time to hide our medicine and unique #SOULSPARKLE. We need ALL of us to heal, transform and birth the New Earth.
Take action by calling officials to co-create the needed change. Visit to get started
Have conversations with your family and friends
Be willing to talk about uncomfortable things & commit to DO BETTER
If you are a white identified individual be mindful of optical allyship in your support during this time. Latham Thomas, the founder of Mama Glow, shared this about it on her instagram feed “ This is allyship that only serves at the surface level to platform the “ally”, it makes a statement but doesn’t go beneath the surface and is not aimed at breaking away from the systems of power that oppress. True allyship is about building trust, being consistent, standing up, speaking up, recognizing the struggle and carrying some of the weight, it’s using your God-given sense to figure some of this stuff out and not waiting for folks to tell you. Its knowing that your voice is powerful alongside marginalized voices - not in front of or instead of marginalized ones.”
4. Do your shadow work and find the places where pockets of darkness and unconsciousness are within you and bring them to the light to be healed and integrated.
Let us come together in sacred circles to support each other and have the difficult conversations. Community care and mutual aid are essential now to continue to do this deeper and often confrontational inner work.
Join our SISTERHIVE learning & practice membership community where we gather bi-monthly to do the deeper work each month to help us Sparkle SHAMELESSLY for the greater good and support each other in sacred sisterhood.
Join us for our Community Sharing and Prayer Circle the first Monday of each month to do just that. Join our community below to get the info. It’s free to join and open to ALL.
5. Learn from and support BIPOC businesses and entrepreneurs who are sharing their unique medicine & #SOULSPARKLE in the world (as well as financially supporting BIPOC organizations on the front lines)
These are a few sisters that I personally LOVE and who I’ve either worked with personally, collaborated with or walk with on the (r)evolutionary path in sacred sisterhood! If you have anyone you’d like to add, please mention them in the comments below!
Abiola Abrams - Founder of Womanifesting, Self Worth Midwife and Spiritpreneur who is a living embodiment of what it means to Sparkle SHAMELESSLY!! She’s also been on the Podcast! You can check out her interview HERE.
Maya Azucena - magnetic musician, performer and artivist. She’s also been on the Podcast! You can check out her interview HERE.
Bernadette Pleasant - fiery sensual Speaker, Somatic Healer, and Creator of Femme!, a mind-body wellness program who I’ve co-lead sacred circle with and danced with many times!! LOVE her explosive energy and brilliance!
Rha Goddess - founder of Move The Crowd and author of The Calling. She’s an entrepreneurial soul coach that lovingly professed many years ago that part of my calling was to take people to church, and I have done just that in an highly unconventional way!
Wizdom Nichole Gillman - transformational healer, body worker and practitioner of energy medicine who I walk with in many
Karla Lightfoot - hypnotherapist and transformational healer who I’ve personally worked with
Marsia Shuron Harris (aka Mother Turtle) - artist and creator and facilitator as well as a profound transformational healer who I’ve had to honor to be in sacred ceremony with
Dr. Crystal Dawn - board certified family medicine and functional medicine physician...and a potent world travelling medicine woman and healer who I’ve done several journeys with
Grace Aldrich - transformational leader, massage therapist, and change-maker who I’ve had the honor to co-lead ceremony with
Zelda Hotaling - native elder, ceremonialist, healer and creator of the Sacred Dream Hoops
Irma Star Spirit Turtle Woman - potent healer, ceremonialist, shaman and educator who I have worked with closely for the last couple of year as a shamanic mentor and guide.
Lettie Sullivan - Priestess, Author, and Creator of Goddess Ministries that I had the honor of traveling on pilgrimage to Egypt with.
Easula Sedlmair - transformational leader and coach, visionary artist who I’ve travelled on several global pilgrimages with.
Lotus Sky - lyrical channel and shamanic guide...I participated in her Magic of YOU summit a couple years ago and LOVE their energy and message
Latham Thomas - Founder of Mama Glow, maternity lifestyle maven, world renown wellness leader and master birth doula on the vanguard of transforming the wellness movement
Krista Nelson - natured based transformational coach & healer
Louiza Doran - trauma informed coach and educator helping people on their decolonization and anti-racism journeys
Qoqo Love - leadership and life coach and motivational trainer
Marie Mbouni - medicine woman, healer & potent visionary that I had the honor to co-holding space with at International Soul Art Day last year.
Minka Healing Center - It’s truly a home of the people with amazing healing resources for BIPOC individuals
5. Honor all those whose lives have been lost at the hands of the police in the US and say their names.
I will be doing a ritual to honor all of those whose lives have been lost at the hands of the police in the US. Many whose names never made the news. This was shared by my dear sister Kyomi Gregory who’s a Diversity educator. I invite you to join me if you feel called.
As Marianne Williamson so beautifully put “I see Lady Liberty raising her hands in the air now and saying, “Enough is enough.” We will rise. We will atone. We will pray. We will make things right. We will work to fix it. We will make amends. We will not give up. We will not cower. We will not be seduced. We will not be duped. We will not stop until the work is done. We will kick ass. And we will recreate the world.”
To this I say an Embodied HOLY HELL YES!!!!!!
“May the gift of leadership awaken in you as a vocation,
Keep you mindful of the providence that calls you to serve.
As high over the mountains the eagle spreads its wings,
May your perspective be larger than the view from the foothills.
When the way is flat and dull in times of gray endurance,
May your imagination continue to evoke horizons.
When thirst burns in times of drought,
May you be blessed to find the wells.
May you have the wisdom to read time clearly
And know when the seed of change will flourish.
In your heart may there be a sanctuary
For the stillness where clarity is born.
May your work be infused with passion and creativity
And have the wisdom to balance compassion and challenge.
May your soul find the graciousness
To rise above the fester of small mediocrities.
May your power never become a shell
Wherein your heart would silently atrophy.
May you welcome your own vulnerability
As the ground where healing and truth join.
May integrity of soul be your first ideal.
The source that will guide and bless your work.”
Kindness and gentleness are deeply needed now in this profound initiatory moment as we walk through the alchemical fires that are burning away all that no longer serves us. Please stay in conversation, get support, listen deep, keep learning and educating yourself, practice empathy and respect for those around us and do your deep shadow work so you can truly Sparkle SHAMELESSLY for the good of all!