Happy Astrological New Year!!!!! Today is Spring Equinox, the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere and when the day and night are equal length. It’s also the day that Aries enters 0 degrees in the zodiac for a total REBRITH! It's known as a festival of balance and awakening that brings fertility, rebirth, and womb-manifestation.
Tuesday, March 21st is also a potent New Moon in Aries at 0 degrees heralding total new beginnings and ultimate seed potentiality. Aries season is coming in HOT with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Chiron, Jupiter and Vesta all in Aries. The New Moon is also in a square to Mars in Gemini causing some potentially combustive energy.
Tune in to the new Oracular Astrology Reading with Lainie Love & the Sacred (R)evolution Oracle deck to find out how to work with these energies to maximize your (r)evolutionary potential and live into your biggest dreams!
Join us for the Pluto in Aquarius Cosmic Ceremony & Masterclass THIS THURSDAY HERE
Get your own copy of the Sacred (R)evolution Oracle to support you during these transitional time. The 2nd edition is NOW available!