We recommend that you add the Qoya LIVE gatherings into your calendar now! All gatherings are at noon EST otherwise noted beforehand. The dates for our Qoya gatherings in 2020 are: Our 2020 dates are 1/13, 2/13, 3/10, 4/8, 5/5, 6/5, 7/5, 8/2, 9/2, 9/30, 10/28, 11/31 (special event here), 12/29. We gather at 12pm noon EST. If you can't make it live, you'll receive a recording each month to join us at your convenience. Download a PDF of the schedule for 2020 HERE. NOTE: Dates are subject to change and notification will be sent out in advance if so! All Gatherings will be accessible via this link:
IGNiting a sacred (r)evolution QOYA CLASS - DECEMBER 2020
What a deeply nourishing and LOVE filled sacred gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Igniting a Sacred (R)evolution in honor of our oracle deck crowdfunding campaign! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE
At the end of the video I mention the changes coming in the New Year to the HIVE and invite you in to join us next year for the #SOULSPARKLE Sanctuary Inner Circle year long membership instead of the current monthly membership that will be coming to a close and evolving. The way to currently join us is through the Community Co-creator perk in the Sacred (R)evolution crowdfunding campaign HERE. Plus you’ll also get a free deck and lots of other bonuses!
You can learn about this in this video as well:
THE Medicine of deep surrender QOYA CLASS - SEPTEMBER 2020
What a potent special edition 2 hour gathering we had dancing Qoya & doing ritual to the theme of The Medicine of DEEP Surrender! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
ecstatic embodiment in trying times Qoya Class - september 2020
What a delicious and ecstatic gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Ecstatic Embodiment in Trying Times! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
weaving the world we want to see Qoya Class - august 2020
What a juicy and visionary gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Weaving the World We Want to See! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
PLEASE NOTE: There were some unexpected sound and technical difficulties with Zoom in the beginning, so please be patient! It sorts itself out after the first song!
living into our (r)evolutionary potential Qoya Class - July 2020
What a powerful and (r)evolutionary gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Living into our (R)evolutionary Potential! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
visioning the new earth into being Qoya Class - JUne 2020
What a powerful and prayer filled gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Visioning a New Earth into Being! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
Please note the beginning class description didn’t get recorded. You can read it here instead:
These times are uncomfortable. Confronting. Initiatory. Painful. Get wrenching. Deeply Sobering. Raw. And most of all REAL.
Our eyes are being forced opened wide to the profound injustice that exists in our world - that’s deeply rooted into the structure and bedrock of our very society.
This is a great unveiling of all the destructive, oppressive and violent patriarchal structures that have never served the greater good, only the bottom line of false power, greed & control.
It is indeed our moment of reckoning.
And I believe it is a massive dismantling of who we thought we were so we can become who we’re truly meant to be, individually and as a human family.
Today is the beginning of a potent and alchemical eclipse portal that will last a full moon cycle. It’s the full moon in Sagittarius and a lunar eclipse today. I was wide awake at 3:33 under the full moon light with this streaming my dear soul siSTAR Virginia Rosenberg shared in her Full Moon report "During Eclipse Season, many layers are revealed. Veils are lifted. Crisis leads to catharsis...This Lunar Eclipse highlights belief systems and cultural, institutional conditioning that needs to be shed. What happens when a cultural map loses its relevance? We turn to instinct, faith, and, hopefully, wisdom."
“Eclipse Season always reveals the shadow, the difficult matter that must be made conscious. Retrogrades always remind us that with careful review, excavation, and examination of the past, we can change. This world can change. We haven’t always lived like this. It doesn’t have to be like this. Another world is possible.
We see what has been pushed under the surface, being triggered so that we can move into a higher timeline for the long run, as a planet.” - Chani Nicolas
This is a chance to quantum jump to another realm with all the collective and individual initiations we are currently undergoing. We are in a collective chrysalis now.
The imaginal cells of the butterfly of humanity are beginning to form, showing us a new way forward. Listen deeply to the whispers of the New Earth. “...on a quiet day I can hear her breathing.” As Arundhati Roy has shared.
Stay close to the sacred and what matters most now. Allow your heart to continue to break open more and more with the lifelong deep pain and suffering of our kin. Allow it to ignite your inner heart fierce feminine flame of compassion into action.
Silence about the state of our world is no longer an option. Our very lives depend on speaking what’s real now, and coming together in sacred circles to vision and co-create a New Earth together.
Today we dance Qoya to do just that!! Come dance with your own relationship to the theme of Visioning a New Earth into Being.
There is an extra potency of gathering at this time. With our pillar of gathering in sacred circle...It amplifies and this eclipse is amplifying it even more. …
resiliency in community bonus Qoya Class - May 2020
What a sweet and love filled gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Resiliency in Community! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
He(art) Warrior Activation Qoya Class - May 2020
What a juicy and love filled gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of He(art) Warrior Activation! We also welcomed in some more new siSTARS to the HIVE!! So thrilled to be on the (r)evolutionary journey together during this potent time. Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
Life, death & rebirth (bonus) Qoya Class - APRIL 2020
What a potent gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Life, Death & REBIRTH just after Easter Weekend & Passover in this time of renewal and global transformation! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
Permission to be powerful Qoya Class - APRIL 2020
What a power-ful gathering we had today dancing Qoya to the theme of Permission to be Powerful for the Full Moon in Libra! We welcomed in many new sisters to the HIVE as well and brought everyone’s voice and sharing into the circle to get to know each other a bit! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
centering in the storm bonus Qoya Class - march 2020
What an power-ful gathering we had today dancing Qoya to the theme of Centering in the Storm in honor of the Spring Equinox today! We welcomed in many new sisters to the HIVE as well and brought everyone’s voice and sharing into the circle to get to know each other a bit! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
Tapping into our primordial power Qoya Class - march 2020
What an intimate gathering dancing Qoya to the theme of Tapping Into Our Primordial Power in honor of the Full Moon in Virgo that just passed! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
What a potent and intimate gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Living Our Divine Legacy in honor of the Full Moon in Leo that just passed! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE
sacred sisterhood Qoya Class - January 2020
Our first Qoya movement class of the new decade is here! What a sweet and love filled sisterhood gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Sacred Sisterhood in honor of the Full Moon in Cancer & Eclipse Portal that just passed! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE
radical self love Qoya Class - december 2019
Our December Qoya movement class is here! What a sweet and compassionate gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Radical Self Love on the Full Moon in Gemini & 12/12/12 Ascension Portal! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE
Honoring our ancestors Qoya Class - november 2019
Our November Qoya movement class is here! What a powerful gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Honoring Our Ancestors on the heels of Samhain and Day of the Dead! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE
Embodying our true Power Qoya Class - OCTOBER 2019
Our October Qoya movement class is here! What a powerful gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Embodying Our True Power on the heels of the Full Moon in Aries! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE
Birthing Our Love Into Action Qoya Class - SEPTEMBER 2019
Our September Qoya movement class is here! What an emotional and heart stirring gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Birthing Our Love into Action! There were lots of tears, vulnerable shares and even more LOVE! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
Our August Qoya movement class replay is up in the portal! What a FIERY and PASSIONATE gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Fire Phoenix Rising! Get ready to shake and rattle and alchemize and BECOME THE FIRE! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE.
Come alive Qoya Class - JUly 2019
Our July Qoya movement class replay is up in the portal! What an energizing gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of COME ALIVE! Enjoy dancing with your own relationship to this theme! Download the audio or video HERE. Enjoy!
THE WISDOM OF THE BODY Qoya Class & Summer Solstice Ritual - JUNE 2019
Our June Qoya movement class & Summer Solstice Ritual replay is up in the portal! What a powerful gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of The Wisdom of the Body and doing a potent release ritual to alchemize all that no longer serves us at this turn of the wheel!! Download the audio or video HERE. Enjoy!
slowing down to feel more Qoya Class - May 2019
What a powerful gathering we had dancing Qoya to the theme of Slowing Down to Feel More. There’s also a special announcement at the end so be sure not to miss it! Download the audio or video HERE. Enjoy!
Honoring the light & the dark Qoya Class - April 2019
Our April Qoya movement class replay is up! What a powerful gathering we had with the prayer vigil for our HIVE sister Krista in the first 10 minutes and then dancing Qoya to the theme of Honoring the Light & the Dark! Download the audio or video HERE. Enjoy!
Celebrating our unique #soulsparkle Qoya Class - March 2019
Download the Video or audio HERE. It's the 10 year anniversary of Qoya this month!! In honor of this, I'm doing a special LIVE zoom class to celebrate on March 14th at 2pm EST (that will be open to all). You can join us LIVE or watch the video here on the portal afterwards. You may want to have your yoga mat, water and a journal on hand before you begin. It will be about about an hour and a half long, with the option to continue to rest at the end, journal, or do what feels most aligned!
deep nourishment for all Qoya Class - feb 2019
Our theme for this months Qoya class is Deep Nourishment for All! You may want to have your yoga mat, water and a journal on hand before you begin. It’s an hour in length with the option to continue to rest at the end, journal or do what feels most aligned! Please note:this was originally recorded on facebook live.
EMbody Your artistry Qoya Class - Jan 2019
Enjoy our first Qoya class video aligned with our theme for this month Co-create Your Life as Sacred Art - Embody Your Artistry. You may want to have your yoga mat, water and a journal on hand before you begin. It’s an hour in length with the option to continue to rest at the end, journal or do what feels most aligned! Please note:the quality of the video will be upgraded in the coming months!